Sony a6700 camera review

Sony a6700 camera review

[Music] Howdy You Again everyone it's been a Long time now since Sony last presented Us with a new apsc camera hasn't it I Still have the most amazing memories of Taking an a6300 off to turkey with me 6…

Why I Shoot Sony APSC

Why I Shoot Sony APSC

This video is sponsored by Sony most of You know me as the hoobies garage of Aps-c cameras now this whole thing Started about seven years ago when I was Living in Japan and I bought at that Time it…

A6700: The One We've Been Waiting For.

A6700: The One We’ve Been Waiting For.

Well it's finally here the camera that We've all been waiting for at least some Of us who have not lost hope in the APC Lineup this has been very long awaited For us this is the brand new Sony…