Sony A6700 | The Best Affordable Video Camera?

The Sony a6700 is a shockingly good Camera and it's an amazing value for Your money it delivers prle photos and Videos because it actually has the same Technology inside as a flagship Pro Camera I use this camera on a real shoot So you can see exactly how this camera Performs but I did find a few not so Obvious issues with this camera that you Should know about before picking it up Also I'll leave links down below for the Best possible pricing on the a6700 one Of the most impressive things about the A6700 is how small and compact it is but It has really powerful specs inside and You're not actually sacrificing all that Much by having the smaller body the Camera itself is only about 450 G so It's a really light camera that's Perfect for all day walk around stuff And it also has a hefty grip that feels Really great in your hands now when the A6700 first launched it had a few Overheating issues but Sony's released Several firmware updates to fix all of Those issues so this camera know no Longer overheats the butn layout itself Is superb all the buttons are exactly Where you want them and it's a really Easy camera to use there's a mode dial At the top with three custom presets on It so you can shoot it up for portraits Sports nighttime you can basically make This camera your own and it also has a

Switch underneath the modal to go Between photos videos and slow motion And the a6700 also has custom buttons on It that you can assign dedicated Commands like switching autofocus modes Or color profiles so you can really make This camera your own and I love the menu Layout on the newer Sony cameras it even Has a dedicated home menu for both Photos and videos and you can even set Up your own custom menu so you can get a Dedicated menu exactly how you want it But the best part about the a6700 is the Side articulating flip out screen which Is of course great for self-recording But it's also touch enabled this allows You to use Touch autofocus but also use The camera just using your fingers you Can use it to change major settings on Your cameras like shutter ISO aperture But you also have a quick menu that Gives you access to all of your major Settings and you can even use this Camera kind of like a smartphone if You're new to cameras however one issue That I do have with this screen is that It's only about a million dots so it's Not really the same kind of screen you Would see on a pro level camera but for Casual Shooters this really won't matter But one thing that I do like about it is That the older Sony cameras would Actually dim down the screen when Shooting in 4k mode or slow motion modes

And this camera no longer does that and The a 700 also has an electronic Viewfinder which is a must have for Photographers while this viewfinder is Great for framing and composition I Personally can see all of the pixels Inside of this viewfinder and it doesn't Feel particularly high resolution to me Some of you guys may care some of you May not but I should let you guys know One thing that I love about the a6700 is That it now uses Pro style Sony NP FZ Batteries which will easily last you an Entire day of shooting photos and a few Hours of video and if you're a vlogger The a6700 has really solid internal Audio which is shockingly good but you Can still attach your own microphone Through the audio jack or through the Hotu directly if you have a digital Microphone but let's be honest what Makes the a6700 such an amazing camera Is the fact that it delivers prle camera Quality in such a tiny package it has a 26 megapixel apsc size sensor which is The same sensor that you'll find in the Professional Sony fx30 and I can confirm The quality is definitely the same but The a6700 is actually better than the Fx30 in a few ways and the 26 megapixel Sensor also has dual native ISO at 800 And 2500 so this camera is actually Really decent in low light and nighttime Shooting and it's very very clean when

It comes to high I so performance for Both photos and videos so let's talk About photos it shoots 11 frames per Second which is fast enough for most Movement and action shots but one thing To note is that when you're shooting in Both raw and jpeg at the same time time Even when I'm using a fast v90 SD card I Only get about 45 photos before this Camera starts to slow down in terms of Shooting speed which really isn't that Many photos especially if you're Shooting action and you need to be able To shoot for a longer period of time However what I did find is that when You're shooting only compressed raw I Can actually get about 129 Photos Without this camera slowing down so if You're someone that's going to be Shooting a lot of action it's actually Better to just shoot either Raw or jpeg Because when you're shooting just jpeg You can actually shoot up to a thousand Photos before this camera needs a break And 129 Photos in raw I did find that if I'm shooting compressed raw with small Jpegs I still got about 98 images before The camera slowed down but what's really Impressive is how much you can do with The Raw photos with this camera you can Absolutely deliver professional level Results because there's so much dynamic Range in these photos and with just a Little bit of editing you can get

Stunning results But if you're a casual shooter this Camera also comes with built-in creative Looks that give you an interesting look To all of your photos and videos without Having to do any editing and the a6700 Did a phenomenal job in terms of Autofocus and it was able to keep up With all the action but the really cool Thing is that even though the model is Wearing a cowboy hat and sunglasses the Eye tracking and face tracking work Perfectly fine and yes he is a cowboy And the autofocus in the a6700 is Actually better than the more expensive Fx3 Because the a6700 has a dedicated AI Unit specifically for autofocus and it Also has subject to Tech modes for People cars and animals Now video is What I'm really excited to talk about With this camera it shoots 4K at 24 30 And 60 frames per second and all of These modes are actually down samples From the full 6K image area so your 4K Really has the clarity and detail of 6K And with these three video modes you can Pretty much use this camera for or Anything slow motion action shots Vlogging cinematic film making this Camera can literally do it all and the A6700 also shoots 4K at 120 frames per Second which is pretty awesome but it Does have a pretty severe crop on your

Sensor which zooms into your image so You don't get as wide of a shot but the 4K 120 is really useful for getting Close-up detail shots in slow motion When shooting video in standard mode the Colors look pretty good and the dynamic Range is decent however you do have S Cotone color profile in this camera Which gives you more cinematic colors And if you shoot an SL log 3 you get way More dynamic range and shooting in this Mode I found the sky was no longer Blowing out and I got a much better Image and the autofocus in video mode is Just as good as photos the face tracking Object tracking everything tracking Works completely fine even for walking Shots even for like slow motion shots I'm really impressed by the autofocus in The system one thing that really Surprised me is that when I was shooting Handheld video with this camera the Stabilization is shockingly smooth the Active stabilization will give you the Best results with only a small crop on Your image you get buttery smooth Handheld footage and if you don't want That small crop in your image you can Also shoot in standard mode which is Slightly less stable but you don't have A crop and it still looks really really Good and you can see exactly how smooth The stabilization is when you compare it To no stabilization also another really

Cool feature is the AI based auto Reframing mode Which lets you move around in your Camera frame and the camera will Automatically crop and follow you as a Subject this is a really useful feature For both content creators and Casual Shooters that want to film themselves And you want to walk around in your Frame this gives your videos a hightened Look to them it kind of makes it feel Like you have a cameraman and if you're Someone that's doing a lot of action you Don't have to later reframe yourself in Postprocessing which is going to save You some time and you can also use the A6700 as a webcam 4K up to 30 frames per Second and 1080p up to 60 frames per Second as a webcam this camera is pretty 10 out of 10 the a6700 is an absolute Beast of a camera it has such powerful Specs but in such a compact body that Makes this the perfect camera for a Large variety of people and you can use This camera for vlogging cinematic Shooting lifestyle shooting even Sports Because there's so much raw horsepower In this camera it's going to appeal to a Really large variety of people and There's really not that much that you're Missing out on when compared to a High-end Pro Camera Maybe if you're a Professional shooter that's on film sets A lot you might want the fx30 because

The fx30 has a fan and a more I guess Professional bun layout but overall for Nine out of 10 people this is going to Be the perfect camera and if you want to Make sure you get the best possible Pricing on this camera make sure to Check out the links in the description Down below and I will see you guys in The next video peace

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