Sony vs Sigma | Battle of the Premium 50mm F1.4 Titans

Foreign [Music] T and I'm here today to give you a Comparison of two recently released 50 Millimeter F 1.4 options for the Sony Fe Platform one of those which was released First was the Sigma 50 millimeter F 1.4 DN art series lens follow just a couple Of weeks later by Sony's own 50 Millimeter F 1.4 G Master lens now Obviously both of these lenses are going To be of the available options on the Platform I think that these two are Going to be the most widely compared and Probably cross-shopped lenses the price Point isn't as radical as some other Options and both of them I think Represent a premium option at a somewhat Affordable price though as we're going To see that's more true of the sigma Than what it is of the Sony so my Purpose in this video is to try to give You a little bit of information to help You to make a more informed decision About which of these two should get your Hard-earned cash first of all however a Word from our sponsor today's episode is Brought to you by Ridge the wallet Redefined give your aching rear a break And ditch that bulky old wallet full of Stuff you don't need and move to a Sleek New Ridge wallet made of aluminum Titanium carbon fiber or even specialty Finishes like 18 karat gold or Damascus

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Increase and I will note that I'm giving Us dollar prices I know that from the Feedback of from some of you as well as My own research that that Gap is even Larger in some other markets where the Sony is priced considerably higher and So thus the gap between the two lenses Just grows at that point and so I mean For many people that may be the the Single most biggest consideration there Is the cost of the two lenses and sigma Certainly wins by a long shot if you use That margin I'll also note that in many Situations the autofocus performance is Essentially equal Sigma has a quick Equipped this lens with their most Recent Focus system that really does Have a lot of speed and makes it much More competitive with first party GM Options and while the Sony has dual Linear XD Motors I think that the gap between the two Lenses is is essentially non-existent For many practical purposes we'll talk About one advantage that Sony has in Just a moment but in general I would say That the performance is basically Similar between the two the same is true When you talk about the feature set they Basically have an identical feature set And while I give that to Sigma as a win Is the fact that Sigma is offering Basically all the same things that the G Master at a much lower price point I did

Note in my tests side by side that the Sigma did offer a little bit better Corner performance on the copies that I Tested and so if that is a priority for You something to consider the sigma also Exhibits a little bit better flare Resistance A Little Less open to flaring Artifacts ghosting artifacts and so it Gives you a little bit cleaner Performance if you're shooting in a Backlit situation Now maybe a little bit more of a Subjective but I do think that the sigma Design language is just a little bit Cleaner and more elegant in terms of how The lenses feel in the hand the sigma Feels a little bit more robustly built a Little bit more metal I should say in The hand and while the Sony feels a Little bit more plasticky and so that Again if you're you care about those Aesthetics that might be a factor for You So let's talk about some reasons to Choose the Sony things that stood out to Me in my review of both lenses the first Of those is the fact that the Sony is Significantly smaller it's a full 15 and A half millimeters shorter and weighs in 150 grams less that is enough to to Notice particularly if you're going to Shoot for longer periods it means that The these the Sony can fit into a Smaller you know case for example or

Maybe if you're bringing along multiple Lenses there'll be more room for those So I think that that is going to be a Real consideration if you want to travel Small and light as many of us do Including myself it makes the Sony very Attractive in that point I'll also note That in terms of the basic design that These Sony smaller size allowed it to Move to a smaller filter size of just 67 Millimeters and while that why that Matters is that six seven millimeters is Not only a more common filter size which Means you're probably going to be able To share it amongst more lenses but also It is shared with some other G Master Lenses including notably the 35 Millimeter and 24 millimeter F 1.4 G Master it's very likely that someone That is shooting professionally would Have one or maybe even both of those Lenses also in their kit and the ability To share filters across them could be a Real world consideration There is also maybe a little bit more Minor thing but there is two versus one Focus hold buttons on the Sony now all That means is that if you're shooting in A portrait or vertical orientation There's still going to be a focus hold Button that is close to hand just you Know a minor ergonomic thing but Certainly is an advantage when you Compare the two

Maybe even more important is that the Fact that this is a first party Sony Lenses I kind of hinted at this when Talking about the sigma and autofocus There is an advantage baked in just Because Sony does put a thumb on the Scales when it comes to first party Performance namely that on a body like My 30 frame Sony Alpha One you know I Can get that 30 frames per second when Shooting with the Sony lens and so for Example this shot of nalo coming across The floor I could just rack off those Those shots and you can see autofocus Nailed as a part of it but if I was Shooting on the sigma in the same Situation I would have a yes Sony Imposed limitation of 15 frames per Second So that's only half and of course you're Shooting on an A9 series body that Difference would be right now would be 15 frames versus 20 frames per second so For many people that's not going to be a Consideration at all but if you happen To shoot with one of the Sony Sports Oriented body and you want to shoot at High speed burst there is a big tin Advantage another baked in Advantage is When it comes to focused breathing as That while for video both of them Exhibit about equal amounts of focus Breathing the Sony lens would be Compatible with Sony's Focus breathing

Compensation where the sigma will not be And that does make a real world Difference is it fair not really but it Is a reality when you are making a Buying decision I also felt that the Sony delivered more Sharpness at F 1.4 sharpest in contrast And in my opinion in the places where it Mattered namely in the center and the Mid frame the Sony is the sharper of the Tube very noticeably in the center of The frame a little less notably in the Mid frame but certainly better still it Also gave less fringing in similar Situations now it's not to say that it's Totally free from any kind of Longitudinal chromatic aberration but Certainly it is much better controlled And that was a surprising weakness for The sigma in that some situations it did Exhibit a fair bit of fringing whereas The Sony is better controlled I also Noted that the Sony had both less Distortion both of them exhibit Pincushion Distortion however the Pincushion distortion on the Sigma lens Was more pronounced as is the vignette Which was about a full stop heavier in The corners and so that is again a real World consideration less to correct ends Up with a cleaner end result I also found that I did prefer the Overall rendering from the Sony now That's hard to quantify because it is

Truly an objective thing and some of you Really like the rendering from Sigma Lenses and I know that there are a Number of you that find them to be a Little bit more sterile a little bit More flat when it comes to some of the Rendering it's very hard to Define why And what that is or even to demonstrate It in photos but I would say on an Instinctive level I did slightly prefer Photos taken with the Sony and just Preferred the overall Global rendering Of the lens to that of the sigma Many of these things are marginal and I Will freely admit that and so I I think That the probably the biggest Advantage For the sigma is the fact that it is so Close to the GM and performance on so Many levels and features Etc things like That but it does so at a much lower Price so my conclusion is by the sigma If you want to save money if you don't Really mind a little bit more size and Weight that's not a deal breaker for you And if you don't shoot with either you Don't shoot with one of Sony Sports Cameras or you're not going to use a 50 Millimeter in that kind of situation Well then you can save money and get a Very very good lens in the sigma for Much less money buy the Sony if you want A smaller and lighter lens with a Slightly better Optical performance and Also full Sony support in these various

Ways that I've detailed it is a it's a Difficult decision but I think that There are some advantages going both Directions depending on what your set of Priorities are and I hope that this Video has helped you to maybe help to Shape which one of these lenses better Suits your own shooting needs at the end Of the day it's your money it's your Decision but I do hope that this helps You make the right decision I'm Dustin Abbott if you look in the description Down below you can find linkage to my Full reviews of both lenses also buying Links for both lenses you can follow me There on social media get channel Merchandise become a patron if you Haven't already please like And Subscribe thanks for watching today have A great day and let the light in [Music] Foreign

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