Nikon Z DX 12-28mm f/3.5-5.6 PZ VR lens review

[Music] Howdy again everyone and today we say Or congratulations to Nikon for Launching their first Ultra wide angle Lens that's specifically designed for Zed Mount mirrorless cameras which have The smaller aps-c sized DX sensors this Is the Z DX 12 Tech 28 millimeter F 3.5 To 5.6 pz VR which with its crop Tim and Circle gives a zoom range that's the Full frame equivalent of 18 to 42 Millimeter so that's an ultra wide angle To a standard field of view okay so 12 Millimeter on DX is not quite as wide as Other Ultra wide angle lenses for crop Sensors but still it is wide with a Great little Zoom range it has a few Extra features too it has its own Built-in image stabilization useful if Your camera doesn't have it here's some Footage with stabilization turned off And now turned on even zoomed all the Way in It's Made making a great Difference so if your camera is Unstabilized this will help especially For video work and secondly it has a Power Zoom feature all right not Everyone likes power Zoom but actually Its implementation here is excellent Working very naturally and quietly at 11 Different speeds to suit how you're Turning the zoom Ring Power Zoom enables You to use Nikon's ml7 remote control Their snapbridge app or third-party

Equipment to control the zoom of the Lens without touching it something That's very helpful for video work oh And the lens has an excellent close Focusing ability more on that a bit Later most pleasing of all is probably Its very reasonable price of 370 US Dollars or about 380 pounds here in the UK in Nikon land that's really quite Good value well if the lens is any good That is I'd like to thank Nick on UK for Loaning me a copy of this lens for Testing for couple of weeks although as Usual this is a totally independent Review The lenses build quality is Probably where you feel the low budget Pinch the most even down to the zoom Ring and the lens mount this thing is Made of plastic and there's no visible Weather ceiling to speak of towards the Back there's a plastic control ring that Turns very smoothly this can manually Focus the lens or be set in your camera To change other functions like aperture ISO and so on it controls your manual Focus very responsively and here's some Further good news for video makers Focus Breathing is very low on this lens Whether you're zoomed in or zoomed out As you can see the lenses autofocus System is silent in use and very fast And accurate too no problems here The lens has a 67 millimeter filter Thread it doesn't come with a hood but

One is available separately overall While the lens feels a bit plasticky its Internal Electronics work fabulously Well and the power Zoom is a very nice Implementation Okay let's move on and look at image Quality currently the highest resolution Nikon DX Zed Mount cameras only have 20 Megapixel sensors well that is a match For my Nikon z7 when shooting in DX mode By the way a full frame Nikon camera Will not allow you to shoot with this or Any other Nikon DX lens in full frame Mode you are forced to shoot cropped Anyway here are some test shots with In-camera corrections turned on at 12 Millimeter and F 3.5 we see razor Sharpness and excellent contrast in the Middle of your images the image Corners Look almost as good although we're Getting a little ghosting and lower Contrast right in the edges stop down to F 5.6 and those Corners look brighter And punchier stop down as far as f11 or F16 and the effects of diffraction cause Softening of the whole image frame Alright let's zoom in to 28 millimeter Then the maximum outer here has darkens Now to f 5.6 image quality is very Similar though brilliant in the middle Right from the maximum aperture and very Good in the corners except for some Lower contrast there's no improvement at F8 and at f11 the image starts getting

Softer again So considering the lens is rather long Zoom range and low price it's a Consistent enough performance here at 20 Megapixels with good sharpness in the Corners and excellent in the middle this Is more than enough for 4K video work And stills work too although if Nikon Starts releasing a high resolution DX Cameras anytime soon the lens might Begin to struggle a bit alright let's Bypass in-camera Corrections by shooting In raw and take a look at Distortion and Vignetting at 12 millimeter we are Saying monstrous Barrel Distortion and Strong vignetting at F 3.5 but it's top Down to F 5.6 or f8 and those Corners Get way brighter if you zoom into 28 Millimeter that Distortion flips into a Pin cushion pattern vignetting is still Pretty serious at the new maximum Matcher of f 5.6 but again stop down to F8 and those Corners greatly brighten up So we can safely conclude that the lens Is definitely built with in-camera Corrections in mind well let's move on And look at close-up image quality now As I mentioned before this lens can get You very close to your subject as close As 19 centimeters at 28 millimeter and F 5.6 close-up image quality is a touch Softer but stop down to f8 for that Great sharpness to return let's see how Well the lens works against Bright

Lights now at wider angles you'll get Some soft translucent flaring which will Only really be notable in critical Scenes if you zoom in it gets a lot more Notable so it's just an average Performance here and while we're working In the dark let's take a look at coma Levels at 12 millimeter and F 3.5 There's Well there's almost no coma Smearing at all on right Points of Light Which is a great performance let's zoom Out and look for sun Stars if you want To see those then you have to stop all The way down to F16 to see them emerge As you can in the image Corners here Let's take a look at the quality of this Lenses bokeh it's kind of a moot point Here considering the lens is wide angles Narrow aperture and DX image Circle but Bokeh generally looks quite neutral when You do get up super close to your Subject neither being busy nor perfectly Smooth A room well the Nikon Z DX 12 to 28 Millimeter is a lens that performs very Nicely and virtually all aspects as well As giving video makers a few extra Options and all at a low price despite a Few caveats for example I rush it where A little wider and a brighter and it's Uncorrected distortions are crazy it's Really a brilliant little offering from Nikon that for owners of their latest DX Sensor mirrorless cameras definitely

Comes recommended [Music] I always like to review new lenses for Crop sensor cameras like this I reckon This is going to be a popular lens well If Nikon can get a few more interesting DX cameras onto the market anyway thanks For watching everyone and a huge thanks To my patreon supporters for helping me Keep the lights on in my sophisticated Test lab AKA my Mana cave check it out In the description below patreon Supporters get all kinds of extra bonus Content that I love putting together Ciao for now everyone [Music] Thank you [Music]

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