Most beautiful pancake lens in the world

Most beautiful pancake lens in the world

[Music] This has to be the best looking camera Lens that's ever made it into my testing Laboratory the fun leader bright and Star 28 mm f2.8 pancake is a new lens For like a mount cameras with a tiny…

Astrhori 28mm f/13 Macro 2x 'Periprobe' (!) lens review

Astrhori 28mm f/13 Macro 2x ‘Periprobe’ (!) lens review

Howdy You Again everyone and today we're Check out a very unusual new optic from Astra hori a 28 mm f-13 two times macro Par probe lens yes it's a probe lens That can see around corners I'd like to…

Brightin Star 28mm F2.8 M-mount Review:  Novelty Objet d'Art or Legitimate Lens?

Brightin Star 28mm F2.8 M-mount Review: Novelty Objet d’Art or Legitimate Lens?

[Music] Hi I'm Dustin Abbott and I'm here today To give you a review of perhaps the most Unique lens that I have reviewed this Year and that is the incredibly tiny Bright and star 28mm f2.8 this is an…

Leica 28mm f/1.7 Q3 lens review

Leica 28mm f/1.7 Q3 lens review

Howy again everyone and today I'm doing Something a little different I'll be Testing out a 28 mm lens that costs Around $6,000 but hey you also get a free Camera with it so that's not so bad the 28…

Canon's best pancake lens

Canon’s best pancake lens

Some of my absolute favorite camera Lenses in the world today are pancake Lenses especially ones with autofocus And this has to be the best one I've Ever tested the new Canon rf28 mm f2.8 Is just about the sharpest…

Funleader XSLIM-M 28mm f/2.8 Pancake lens review

Funleader XSLIM-M 28mm f/2.8 Pancake lens review

Greetings again everyone and today I'll Be checking out what is surely the Coolest looking little lens I've ever Seen in my life the fun leader X slim M 28 millimeter F 2.8 pancake lens it's Also one of the…

Viltrox AF 28mm F1.8 STM Review | The Just Right 28mm Option?

Viltrox AF 28mm F1.8 STM Review | The Just Right 28mm Option?

[Music] Hi I'm Dustin Abbott and I'm here today To give you my video review of the VR Autofocus 28 mm f1.8 STM lens this lens In many ways is kind of the Forgotten Lens in vr's 2023 lineup it's…

Viltrox AF 28mm f/1.8 lens review

Viltrox AF 28mm f/1.8 lens review

Greetings again everyone subscribers to My channel will have noticed that I have A very large fishing net for viltrox Lenses they normally have some Interesting surprises for me but here's One that slipped through for a while Their autofocus…

Canon RF 28mm f/2.8 STM pancake lens review

Canon RF 28mm f/2.8 STM pancake lens review

Howdy again everyone and today I'm Pretty excited to check out Canon's First Pancake lens for their new Mirrorless RF Mount camera system the RF 28 millimeter F 2.8 STM it's a full Frame lens at an affordable price of…

Astrhori 28mm f/13 2x Macro Probe lens review

Astrhori 28mm f/13 2x Macro Probe lens review

[Music] Greetings everyone and today I'm testing Something seriously unusual for all of You the Astra hori 28 millimeter f13 two Times probe macro lens this is a very Interesting lens that Astra Warrior Brought out to compete with a…