Viltrox AF 28mm f/1.8 lens review

Greetings again everyone subscribers to My channel will have noticed that I have A very large fishing net for viltrox Lenses they normally have some Interesting surprises for me but here's One that slipped through for a while Their autofocus 28 millimeter F 1.8 Currently just for Sony e-mount and Nikon Z Mount cameras it's a full frame Autofocus lens with a wide angle a Bright aperture and an impressively low Price of 300 pounds here in the UK or 380 US dollars I'd like to thank Phil Trox very much for sending me this lens For testing although as usual this is a Totally independent review 28 millimeter On a full frame camera really is not the Most exciting focal length in the world It's a moderately wide angle giving Quite a neutral perspective but it is Unbelievably useful which is why many Fixed lens cameras are 28 millimeter and If you get close enough to your subject And shoot at F 1.8 you can get some Quite beautiful images actually with Surprisingly outer Focus backgrounds so This is an optic that could be super Useful in all kinds of situations I'll Be testing the Sony version of the lens Here today I'll take a look at the Nikon Version also in the near future to see How well that one performs this new lens In question has completely typical build Quality for a viltrox optic the lens

Barrel is solid and metallic feeling Pretty tough with a nice brushed finish To it the lens mount is also made of Metal as you can see and while there's No weather sealing gaskets here there is A USBC port for future firmware update And viltrox have a good reputation for Keeping their lenses updated next there Comes a metallic aperture ring which Turns around without clicks except to Get into auto mode it turns with just Enough resistance to stop you Accidentally changing aperture I'd Prefer a mechanism with clicks myself Really although the smooth aperture Change does look very nice when she Reading video which is important for Some users it does turn a little stiffly The auto Vegas Motor Works silently and Quite accurately it's quite slow when Shooting in single shot mode but in Continuous Auto Vegas mode it's lovely And quick as you can see here another Good point for video makers is that the Lens doesn't really display much focused Breathing as you can see here although The manual focus response is really Quite slow as you might be able to guess From this footage the lenses filter size Is a fairly small 55 millimeters and it Comes with a little plastic Hood the Hood can be reverse mounted the lens Does not have image stabilization Overall in terms of build quality it's a

Nice little package which feels tough And lovely to handle I'd probably want To see some very minor improvements in Autofocus and having clicks on the Aperture but overall it works fine Alright let's take a look at image Quality I'll start by testing it on a Full frame camera my Sony a7r III with Its 42 megapixel sensor in camera Corrections are turned on although as You'll see in a minute the vignette in Correction didn't really seem very Effective at F 1.8 image quality is Generally great quite good contrast very Good sharpness although the image shies Away from being razor sharp here corner Image quality is a bit softer and quite Dark but there's still quite a lot of Detail being captured here let's top Down to F 2.8 which sharpness contrast And brightness all improve quite nicely In those Corners the middle of the image Now looks brilliantly sharp with Excellent contrast you won't be able to See this on YouTube but at F4 there's Just a harsh breadth of extra sharpness In the middle the corners look just a Little sharper as well but at F 5.6 they Finally look excellent although it's Still just a little darker than the Middle of the image the lens stays their Sharp down to f11 where some softness Begins to creep in and F16 is looking Noticeably soft now overall though for

An autofocus full frame lens costing Under 400 this is a good performance Well it would be a good performance on An even more expensive lens frankly okay Let's see how the lens performs on aps-c By mounting it onto my Sony a5100 camera With its smaller 24 megapixel aps-c Sized sensor at F 1.8 image quality in The middle is still looking pretty sharp With good contrast although the more Demanding aps-c sensor is revealing some Purple fringing now the corner image Quality is reasonably good here Capturing a decent amount of detail and With a bit less color fringing than on Full frame stop down to F 2.8 but a nice Little jump in sharpness with a Corners Looking excellent now and to the middle Looking absolutely perfect the lens Stays their sharp down to about f11 Where softness emerges due to Diffraction so the lens performs even Better on aprc nice considering it's Quite low price this could be a real Nice option for aps-c Shooters who are Thinking of upgrading to a full frame Camera sometime in the future okay let's Turn off in camera Corrections and take A look at Distortion and vignetting Ouch the lens is showing a nasty pinch Of pin cushion Distortion in the image Corners as well as plenty of Darkness There at F 1.8 stop down to F 2.8 or F4 For Corner brightness to really show up

Again although that that's as bright as The corners get here so overall you'll Really want to use Corrections with this Lens let's take a look at close-up image Quality now the lens can only focus down To about 37 centimeters further than Average I'm afraid close-up image Quality remains sharp at F 1.8 but There's some notable magenta color Fringing on contrasting edges at F 2.8 It's still there to a small degree but At F4 it's gone okay let's see about Work against bright light there's some Flaring visible here at F 1.8 and Average amount it's especially visible When bright lights are just on the edge Of the image frame so using the lenses Included Hood will be beneficial here While we're working in the dark let's Take a look at coma levels coma smearing On right points of light in your image Corners is not serious but it's there Nonetheless it's reduced at F 2.8 and at F4 it's pretty much gone if you stop Down to F 516 or f8 then some Philly Strong Sun Stars pop up Okay let's take a look at the quality of This lenses bokeh and as I mentioned It's possible to get surprisingly out of Focus backgrounds here if you get close To your subject and of course shoot at F 1.8 those backgrounds look quite lovely And smooth to be honest however specular Highlights have a couple of little

Issues some colorful outlining and just A very slight onion pattern to their Substructure nothing serious though and Finally related to Tobacco comes Longitudinal chromatic aberration it's Strong on this lens unfortunately just Look at that at F 1.8 it's still there At F 2.8 but mostly gone at F4 So then overall the conclusion is simple Here for 380 US Dollars you're getting a Good value fairly sharp and pretty Capable autofocused 28 millimeter lens And with a bright maximum aperture for Added effect not much more to say really Other than recommended [Music] Thanks for watching everyone and a huge Thank you to my patreon supporters for Their generosity in keeping this channel Going I love putting out extra content And Early Access videos for them so Check it out in the description below And ciao for now everyone Foreign [Music]

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