Leica 28mm f/1.7 Q3 lens review

Leica 28mm f/1.7 Q3 lens review

Howy again everyone and today I'm doing Something a little different I'll be Testing out a 28 mm lens that costs Around $6,000 but hey you also get a free Camera with it so that's not so bad the 28…

Leica Q3 camera review

Leica Q3 camera review

[Music] Greetings everyone and today I'm pleased To be testing out and generally getting My head around a brilliant new camera From Leica that's a little different From the kind I normally work with the Leica Q3 it comes with…

Leica Sofort 2 Instant Camera review

Leica Sofort 2 Instant Camera review

Howdy everyone and today I'm testing Something pretty neat the most Affordable camera like a make today they So fought to instant camera I had it With me at my in-laws for Christmas and Everyone from the kids to me…