Leica Sofort 2 Instant Camera review

Howdy everyone and today I'm testing Something pretty neat the most Affordable camera like a make today they So fought to instant camera I had it With me at my in-laws for Christmas and Everyone from the kids to me and my wife Loved playing with it and printing out Its photos except for my mother-in-law That is she didn't like it at all the Big differences between this and older Style instant cameras is that you can Happily pick and choose which photos to Print out you can even use your phone to Transfer photos to it for printing from Other devices although the software on My cheap old Android phone didn't work Properly anyway I'd like to thank Leica Very much for learning me a so for 2 and Some film for a couple of weeks for Testing although as usual this is an Independent review so I'll be looking at The camera's strengths and weaknesses And with its price tag of $350 it did better have lots of Strengths the instant film exposures Aren't cheap either at $30 for 20 Exposures but at least you can get a White frame in different colors this is The black edition of the camera whose Shiny plastic exterior is a serious Fingerprint magnet I'd actually Recommend going for the red or the white Versions of the camera instead the Camera features a small sensor and an F2

Aperture lens with a fullframe Equivalent view of 28 mm so it's a Fairly wide angle the camera can store The pictures you take with it on a Micro SD card or onto a small amount of Internal memory so you can review them On your computer or on the camera before Printing them out using the very cool Lever here H that feels deeply Satisfying as with other instant films You then have to wait about 2 minutes For it to develop and just a little Longer again for the darkest tones to Really come out nicely the images are Only about 5 megap in resolution with a 4×3 aspect ratio so while they'll be Good enough for traditional 6×4 in print Out and certainly sharp enough for the Instant film the camera employs its Results really are just for casual users For anyone really interested here's what It made of my test chart when shooting Outside at ISO 100 next to the result Shooting indoors at ISO 800 I had to Take my chart indoors to get to ISO 800 Because the camera doesn't really have Any settings that you can control except For exposure compensation and white Balance I did find the camera's white Balance and colors in general were Fairly nice and faithful to whatever it Was I was shooting but the camera does Have some neat creative functions the Top dial lets you choose from a

Selection of 10 special film effects Which change the final color palette and Strength of your pictures and the dial Surrounding the front lens of the camera Allows you to choose a number of more Creative effects like adding a vignette Soft focus blue fisheye color shift Light leak mirror Double Exposure and Half frame the creative effects and the Film effects can be combined leaving you With some very neat looking images to Print out bear in mind though that these Picture effects will be baked into your Final jpeg image and you won't be able To remove them afterwards and the camera Doesn't shoot in raar the camera's lens Can focus down to 10 cm which is Fantastic and image quality closeup Looks great even at f2 the camera has Decent autofocus functionality including Facial recognition autofocus although in My test the autofocus system struggle to Lock when shooting with bright lights in The picture such as during sunset it Won't be fast enough for chasing your Kids around the house but it does get You in Focus quite quickly the camera Screen is quite quite low resolution but Bright enough for use indoors or Outdoors and the menus will only display Vertically which is a little bit Annoying I found that the camera's Built-in battery didn't last for all That long which is a pain for heavyduty

Work you'll want to bring a portable USB Charger with you the camera has an Onboard flash though which is pretty Powerful the camera does not shoot video And it is not image stabilized overall The so fors 2 is great fun but certainly Expensive fun remember those film Exposures cost over a dollar each time I Do wish its image quality were just a Little better here as good as a modern Smartphone at least but then again you Can easily use it to print pictures from Your smartphone so it's a lovely Flexible little device to have around You if you're into this kind of Photography just bear in mind the Relatively short battery life and try Not to go for the black model or you'll Be cleaning fingerprints off it every 5 Minutes

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