Tilt Shift photo Tutorial inc Fujifilm GF 30mm TS review

Tilt Shift photo Tutorial inc Fujifilm GF 30mm TS review

Hi I'm Gordon from camera labs and this Video is all about tilt shift lenses and The unique perspective that they can Bring to Imaging lens shift lets you Transform this into this avoiding Converging vertical lines here's another Example…

A Sony MiniDisc Odyssey: The History, Players, Discs, and How to Take a Hobby Way Too Far

A Sony MiniDisc Odyssey: The History, Players, Discs, and How to Take a Hobby Way Too Far

[Music] How dear again everyone and today I've Got something a bit different for you Recently I've been seized by Nostalgia For cool old technology and for music From when I was a teenager and I've Become almost completely obsessed…