Fujifilm GFX100 II First Impressions: is this a Photographer’s Dream Camera?

It's Dave and Evelyn from the camera Store and today is an exciting day for Fujifilm we have the brand new gfx 102. A few years ago Fuji launched a gfx 100 And it made a big splash and it was Literally a big camera with integrated Grip it had a lot of people talking About it not just about the price tag But the image quality was fantastic out Of that camera since then they've Released several other models and a Bunch of other lenses but today we're Talking mainly about the brand new gfx 100 too yeah this is a gorgeous looking Camera they've made a lot of refinements It feels so good in your hand I'm going To talk a little bit about the Ergonomics and handling later but some Of the big headline specs is we have a New sensor in this this is a faster Scanning sensor it's still 102 Megapixels it's able to make like 400 Megapixels multi-shot images pretty Crazy it has up to eight stops of In-body image stabilization a lot of Awesome features and it's also improved Autofocus performance and better video Specs there is so much to talk about This camera so let's get into it When we first pulled this camera out of The box I noticed that this camera Looked a lot nicer it's such a sexy Design and I love the feel of it and I Noticed that the texture is this more

Kind of like modern woven looking Material instead of that classic Leatherette I think it looks a lot more Modern and it just kind of has this like High-tech appeal to it and the Ergonomics of this camera feel Phenomenal in the hand and of course That's very important because this Camera is not exactly lightweight it's 1.03 kilograms so this guy is a little Bit heavier than a lot of other cameras Out there but this is fully loaded I Like the feel of this grip as I Mentioned now this little back knob on The back it kind of it fits into your Thumb and when I first felt it I thought I really like that it makes you feel Very secure holding the camera but Dave And I both agree that you might end up Getting a little bit of thumb fatigue on The back of the camera but I think it's Definitely necessary to have a little Bit of that extra hold on the back now This camera is all about design Functionality we we have C1 to C6 on the Psma dial we have some custom control Buttons on the top of the camera that Are brand new the dials also are push And buttons so you have a lot of areas Where you can custom control it we also Love in the ports that you have a Full-size HDMI port USBC for charging Powering and image delivery you also Have a lan Port which is for ethernet so

This camera can be tethered it's fully Connected and then of course headphone Jack microphone Jack on video which we Will get into a little bit later on but I love the panels on this camera too It's nice that on the top panel you have Kind of like the classic look of what Your dials would be if you like that Sort of Fujifilm experience or you can Make that your histogram or you can just Have kind of your standard settings like You would on top of a DSLR or mirrorless Camera but it's a nice big beautiful Bright panel love that we have two Memory card slots we have a CF Express Type B card as well as an SD uh S2 card For backup and in terms of battery real Life this camera as you can see doesn't Have the grip integrated into it but you Can get a grip to give you two extra Batteries you'd have a total of three Give you a ton of power and then if You're in a studio environment you can Do the USBC charging and power it does Have a removable evf this is 9.44 Million dots with 120 frame per second Refresh rate the other thing is that it Has this articulating screen you can Tilt it it doesn't flow articulate Around to the front but for a camera Like this just being able to shoot with It low doing different angles I think That's phenomenal I think this has a lot Of physical features that professionals

Are going to love I think they've made a Lot of smart decisions with this and I'm Happy with the design right out of the Box So as mentioned we do really like the Fit and finish of this body and how it's All performing that part of it but Inside is where things get even more Exciting I'm finding we have a brand new 100 megapixel sensor this is great we Also have improved stabilization we have Five stops in the body itself but we'll Select lenses we get up to eight stops Of stabilization now you gotta wrap your Head around that 100 megapixels Stabilized it's crazy what Fuji's been Able to do with this camera now we do Have the new X processor 5 giving us Increased processing power so we have The same algorithms when it comes to Focusing as the xh2 series now it's not Quite as fast as you get with the xh2 It's a much smaller lens as used on Those series but we are getting improved We're starting to bridge that gap Between the functionality of the xh2 Series and their medium format median Format has much bigger Optics to move Around so it's going to be slower to Autofocus however when it comes to this Camera it's all about image quality I Mean we were spending this kind of money We want the best image quality we can Possibly get and Fuji is delivering an

Exceptional package with this camera 100 Megapixels is a lot of resolution if you Want more or you certainly can go into Their 16 stack shot image it gives you a 400 megapixel image it's insane it's Going to kill your computer killed mine However it's great to have that option If you want to play with it but 100 Megapixels is way more than most people Are ever going to need in the first Place I like it I find it intoxicating However it's more than just resolution It's the color that's delivering as well Now you can get improved dynamic range Because of this brand new sensor we're Up to 16 stops a dynamic range with this Camera in 16-bit color I mean think About that that's 281 trillion colors That this camera is capable of capturing That's pretty amazing to actually work With now I love the image quality I'm Getting out of this sensor I like the Tonality I like the range of it the skin Tones everything is so nice to work with Out of this camera and having that extra Dynamic range really allows you to Massage your images in post-production So it's not just the camera itself that They've revamped Fuji's redone this Entire camera the sensor is producing Exceptional image quality I love the Dynamic range and I can't get enough of What I'm seeing out of this camera it Encourages me to shoot more and more

Because I love what I can do with the Camera and also what I can do within Post-production as Dave mentioned the X Processor 5 does open up a lot of Possibilities in terms of the camera's Performance Great we're seeing a lot of improvement There you do have reduced rolling Shutter it's still definitely there and Because it's such a large sensor it's More pronounced so they definitely Needed to do some rolling shutter Correction but we do have some faster Shooting options as well for doing Stills so you can shoot five frames per Second blackout free shooting and that Really does help your experience if You're photographing any kind of motion I think from a professional standpoint a Lot of people are going to expect that In their cameras these days and with Mirrorless it's just such a wonderful Option to be able to see your exposure Preview how everything's going to look And with that blackout free shooting Through the electronic viewfinder that Just AIDS in that whole experience you Can also do eight frames per second Continuous shooting and then you can go Up to 20 frames per second in electronic Now that is with a crop this processor Has also made this camera I can't Believe I'm saying it a very compelling Cinema option you have all the fully

Loaded ports that you could need for Videos so you have a headphone jack Microphone Jack full size HDMI port you Have the USBC for power and the Internals of this camera actually are Quite interesting as well so you have 8K 30 with a 1.4 crop it's all 422 10-bit Footage you can also do 4K 60 full Sensor readout and the look at this Camera that you get combined with you Know these film simulations if you don't Want to do a lot of grading you can get The look of your favorite film Simulations right out of camera you can Also shoot anamorphic with d-squeeze Options right in camera waveforms you Have time code sync we also have the Ability to do SSD recording out of the Camera they have done very good Management in terms of heat dispersion But if you wanted a little extra if You're shooting in really hot conditions You can add an additional cooling fan Accessories just like we've seen with Some of the previous models I mean They've really fully loaded this with Video specs and it's an interesting Concept because in the past you know you Look at medium format cameras and maybe It can shoot video but you don't think Of it as being an actual production Option where I think this actually kind Of goes over the threshold Bridges the Gap and gives you that possibility

Well Dave we have another very solid Fujifilm launch I'm very excited about This camera and although we have it for A very short period of time I'm excited The Fall colors are coming we need to Get this camera back here so we can Document that as it changes I agree I Was very inspired by this camera it's Really wanted me to go out and shoot a Lot more because the image quality I'm Getting able to get out of it is Fantastic and they've totally redone the Whole camera it's not just one aspect or Just the fit and finish on something They've redone the entire camera and It's a big Improvement overall yeah Inside out it's nice that we have that That faster scanning sensor the new Processing power we gotta shoot more I Mean I want to do a long-term review on This camera because I find myself Looking for everything that I want to Capture in Exquisite detail amazing Color but it's the functionality with This camera they've definitely refined It from the original camera and you know I think that there's going to be a lot Of people that are excited about the Price point of this camera at launch I Mean the original gfx 100 was over 13 000 Canadian when this came out this This is kind of hitting around more of That ten thousand dollar Mark so it is Making it more accessible for people to

Get into medium format mirrorless than It has been in the past they certainly Have I mean it is an exciting system I Think it's well worth checking out I Can't wait to do more with it and we Haven't talked about the lenses yet but The camera itself brilliant but of Course we want to know what are your Thoughts on this new Fujifilm gfx 102 Camera what do you think about the Lenses do you want us to do another Review let us know in the comments below Make sure you follow us both on Instagram and if you're new to our Channel Please Subscribe hit the Notification Bell and we'll catch you Again very soon Foreign Hey thanks for checking out this episode If you want to check out more of our Recent content click up here and if You're a Canadian you want to support Local check out thecamerastore.com down Here

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