The 7artisans 24mm F1.4 is Cheap, But...

The 7artisans 24mm F1.4 is Cheap, But…

Seven Artisans produces a lot of great And inexpensive lenses this one however Is simply inexpensive and I was debating Whether or not to do this review but I Thought about it and this is a lens that Could come…

Uncover the Secrets to Epic Sideline Sports Photography

Uncover the Secrets to Epic Sideline Sports Photography

[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey it's Dave from the camera store Today we're going to be talking with Todd Coral about photograph and soccer From the [Music] [Applause] Sidelines [Music] We recently had the opportunity to work With…

SIGMA 500mm F5.6 - Compact Sport Lens for Mirrorless Cameras

SIGMA 500mm F5.6 – Compact Sport Lens for Mirrorless Cameras

Hey it's da from the camera store this Is the brand new Sigma 500 5.6 Sportland Sigma has a brand new 55.6 Lens that is remarkably small it's very Similar to the Nikon 500 5.6 PF lens Coming in at…