The LENS behind the X100VI! Fuji 23mm f/2 II lens review

Howy again everyone now how many 23 mm F2 lenses for apsc cameras do you know That cost £600 or $1,600 and is on back order from now Until seemingly the end of time itself If that sounds a bit crazy to you then Let me also mention that this Lens comes With a free camera permanently attached To it the Fuji 23mm F2 Mark I lens That's been coming with a X100 series of Fixed lens cameras has always been well Regarded the Mark I version of this lens That comes with the X15 and x16 cameras Is now being challenged For the First Time by a whopping 40 megapixel apsc Sensor on the X100 Mark 6 camera that It's attached to here and understandably A few people on various forums and Comment sections have been asking if It's really sharp enough to still cut The mustard for that today so here's my Full review I hope you enjoy it I'd like To thank Fuji UK for learning me an X100 Mark 6 camera for a couple of weeks for Testing but as usual this is a totally Independent review the camera this thing Is attached to has an apsc sized sensor So this lens gives the fullframe Equivalent focal length of 35 mm with The equivalent depth of field of about F2.9 or so so that's a moderately wide Angle perfect for fixed lens camera but One which can also get you just slightly Out of focused backgrounds more so of

Course if you get closer to your subject As you can see this lens is obviously Very small and like the rest of the Camera it's attached to feels beautiful To hold and to handle being very tightly Assembled and made of metal it has an Aperture control ring at its very rear With two gripping handles it can be a Little awkward to turn from behind the Camera but it clicks nicely at every Third of an f- stop then comes the Control at the front which turns Extremely smoothly this can be set to Control camera settings and in manual Focus mode it obviously adjust your Focus here you can see that the lens Only displays a small amount of focus Breathing as you change Focus that is if The camera isn't correcting it which I Don't think it is the lens's autofocus Motor is nice and quick and accurate but It does make a moderate wearing noise as It goes which will easily be picked up By your camera's internal microphone It's not the fastest lens at subject Tracking in the world but it's doing a Decent enough job here at the front There's a thin ring which can be Unscrewed to reveal a thread for Attaching special hood and filter Accessories bear in mind that the Fuji X16 camera comes with a built-in foretop ND filter which you can turn on and off In a menu system useful for video work

The X100 Mark 6 camera also has its own Inbody image stabilization so the lens Is nicely stabilized by that overall the Lens's build quality is lovely and it Works absolutely fine but I do slightly Criticize the noise its Focus motor Makes anyway let's move on and look at Image quality when shooting on a 40 Megapixel sensor one of the most Demanding camera sensors in the world This in the middle of the image at f2 Contrast is excellent but sharpness is Just good the Eide will spot just a Little magenta color finging on Contrasting edges Also let's look in the Corners sharpness is about the same Which is impressive but now contrast has Gotten much worse unfortunately with Lots of ghosting on contrasting edges Let's stop down to f2.8 Ah that's better Now even on a 40 megapixel sensor we are Seeing excellent sharpness and contrast In the corners and perfect sharpness Back in the middle this really is Impressive the lens's sharpness from the Middle to the corners now stays Essentially the same until you stopped Down to about f8 here you can see the Effects of defraction are just starting To reduce sharpness a little of course Defraction kicks in early on such a very High resolution sensor f11 gets a little Softer and F16 doesn't look good at all But there's no avoiding defraction now

Is there it's just a part of God's given Laws of physics that govern our everyday Life overall this is a truly excellent Lens it could have been a little sharper At f2 perhaps but from f 2.8 its Resolution is simply excellent so good Work there Fuji let's avoid Fuji's in Camera Corrections by taking a look at Distortion and vignetting in some raw Images uncorrected the good news is that Distortion is very low less encouraging Is the rather strong vignetting on Display at f2 from f2.8 to F4 to f5.6 Those Corners gradually brighten up a Huge secret advantage to this lens is That it can focus very very closely to Smaller subjects which is a fantastic Macro capability and really fun to use Unfortunately we see very low contrast And lots of color fringing at f2.8 Contrast is a little better but it's Only really at F4 that we begin to see Decent sharpness so if you're shooting Up close stop down next work against Bright lights and here you can see that The lens display some moderately strong Flaring when very bright lights enter The picture which is a bit of a weak Point really while we're working in the Dark let's now take a look at coma and Sun stars at f2 we see some moderate Coma smearing in bright points of light In the corners unfortunately at f2.8 and F4 though it quickly goes away now let's

Take a look for sunstars they begin to Emerge at f5.6 although they're not very Well defined they get a bit better at F11 and finally at F-16 they become Quite strong next bcka I very much like To quality of this lens is outter Focus Backgrounds they look pretty gorgeous at F2 although obviously they're not Strongly outter Focus specular Highlights see maybe just a hint of an Outline to them here but it's nothing Serious finally related to Baka comes Longitudinal chromatic aberration here We have a surprising weakness at f2 it Is very strong as you can see even sto Down to F4 or f5.6 it's still there only At f8 does it begin to dissipate a Slightly sad not to finish what was Otherwise a very positive review ah who Really cares all that much about Longitudinal CA anyway this lens is very Sharp with beautiful Boger and can Potentially shoot very closely to your Subjects too it's hard to think of a Lens this size for the small Fiji X100 Cameras which could really have been Much better even though it does have Some flaws so if you're on the waiting List for an X100 Mark 6 like everyone Else in the world right now the good News is that you're getting a camera With a pretty fabulous Lens thanks for watching everyone I hope You enjoyed that video and if you didn't

Then you're probably on the wrong Channel go and watch some catch videos Instead a special thanks to all my Wonderful patreon supporters who make Such a difference keeping this channel Going sponsorship free seriously I get Offers from the weirdest sponsors every Few days here in my email box but who Really needs more advertising in their Lives right check out my patreon in the Description below supporters get all Kinds of bonus content and early access To special reviews ciao for now everyone [Music]

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