YoloBox Pro – The Ultimate Live Streaming Solution

[Music] Atcs TV viewers it's Dave from the Camera store and no this is not my Latest cell phone for old tired eyes This is the Yola box Pro [Music] If you're online at all these days You're going to see people live Streaming everywhere and it's always Been a lot of fun to really take people Along with you but there's always been Limitations when it comes to Hardware You have to be hardwired into your home Computer for instance nowadays we have a Lot more options including the YOLO box What yolobox allows you to do is take Any HDMI source and stream it anywhere You have cell phone service this is Fantastic because it allows you to take It anywhere and not have to worry about Hardwiring into any other systems or Other devices think about all the Possibilities if you're covering a Wedding for instance you want to stream It to all your friends I can do that now Very easily or if I want to broadcast my Kids sporting events I have the option To do that as well now the problem comes With the YOLO box mini that it's limited To a single HDMI Source that's pretty Cool but what if I want to really step Up my game this is the yolobox pro and Inside this box you'll find one of these And it looks like a giant cell phone

However it's a big step up from the Yellow box mini because it allows three Separate HDMI inputs that means I can Have three separate sources going into It so multiple cameras very cool or Different video sources having the Ability to put three separate HDMI Inputs into this really allows me to Step up my game because I can have three Different viewpoints for instance an Overhead shot the face shot a tight shot Loose shot whatever you want to put Together or stream another HDMI Source Into your broadcast now in our previous Review of the YOLO box mini I found Myself primarily on the other side of The YOLO box where everybody else was Operating it so today I'm going to set It up myself and just see how easy it is Drew's give me a bunch of cables we have A couple cameras I'm going to set it up And Drew's going to talk you through Some of the more technical side of Things when it comes to this YOLO box Pro so while Dave is over there setting Up the YOLO box for the first time we're Going to do exactly as he says and go Through some of the more technical Features of this unit starting of course With the three HDMI inputs we have Tested them with computers multiple Cameras HDMI transmitters pretty much Everything we haven't really found any Real limitations Additionally the USB a

Input is powered So in theory you can Actually have up to four cameras with One of them being a webcam although There is some frame rate issues with the Webcams themselves that I find right now So maybe keep it to three cameras for The time being is this the picture in Picture yes it does picture in picture As well as a full graphical Suite Available to you and it's controlled by The eight inch touchscreen display it's Got scoreboard yes it does scoreboard Countdown timers pretty much everything And they're all controlled and Modifiable by the touchscreen itself It's very easy and pretty responsive Honestly in the way that I found it you Also have independent audio controls on There for the two 3.5 millimeter inputs Allowing for both a mic and a line input As well as a headphone jack for Monitoring the multiple audio inputs and You can pull audio off of your HDMI Sources as well so you can have a lot of Signals and a lot of audio sources Coming into this device you also have Cat6 direct connections two USBC inputs One of them is specifically for power And does work with battery Banks the Other one is interestingly a webcam out This is one of those exclusive features On the pro that you don't really find on The mini so you can use this as an Independent switcher and send the

Program signal out to another source so If you need something with more Processing power you're going to a Different input you have a different Encoding sequence just anything you can Take that USBC plug it into something Else and send the program signal out There Andrew how's the battery life Long enough for you to play around with It and long enough for pretty much most Live streams while we have been plugging Into USB Banks most of the time it's Advertised for two to four hours of Battery life and I honestly believe it We took it out into the planes at Negative 15 with Neil Zeller and we Didn't even drop below 90 after blowing Through a full battery bank so the Battery is very robust and the unit Itself held up very well even in the Negative 15 degree weather we did put a Sleeve over top of up and the unit Itself is not rated or weather sealed Can we input Graphics onto this yes you Can through the SD card slot at the Bottom right beside that is also a SIM Card slot I see it yeah so you can put a SIM card directly into this device and Get The Cellular Connection direct off Of there now here's where this device Does have a few limitations the weakest Part of any live stream is of course the Internet connection and we have Definitely gotten the best results when

We have either had a hard line Connection through the Cat6 or Sim card Plug directly into it you can use this With Wi-Fi connectivity so you can't Tether your phone wirelessly if for some Reason you can't get the SIM card out or Something like that however the results That we've gotten when doing that have Been a little bit of lower quality Definitely has something to do with the Variable bit rate that this device Generally does use although you can fix The bit rate but it does require a much More robust connection so if that's your Plan make sure to get out there and test The network in the area that you're Going to be streaming from well this Actually has green screen too yeah it Has a laundry list of different features That we would be here all day talking About if we were to try and go through All of them honestly this is just an Incredibly feature-rich system that Allows you to really easily get multiple Cameras out of the studio and into the Field anywhere that you have a reliable Cell phone network so if you've already Been considering getting something like The YOLO box or the YOLO box Mini A few extra dollars gets you a bigger Screen more processing power and a host Of extra features that is just really Going to step up the overall production Value of any streamer recording that

You're doing out in the field so I was Able to do it it's not difficult Whatsoever the fact that the Olo box has Made this device so easy to work with is Fantastic the ability to put overlays And graphics and really customize it and Keep score and put countdown timers and All kinds of stuff really steps up your Game and it really gives that nice Appearance I mean I can see so many Parents want to use this for high school Football games and soccer games where They can stream it live to everybody who Can't make the game but want to know What the score is and rather than having The call and text and everything else Not only really easy to set up in fact For me actually the toughest part of Setting things up is making sure you Have your passwords correct for your Different streaming channels I can Really see how yolobox has found a Really cool Niche to add to most People's bags it really allows you to Take people with you wherever you go in The world as long as you have cell phone Service you have the ability to do this I also appreciate that the YOLO box Pro Gives you the ability just to record Separately so if you want to do a Broadcast later on you can use the YOLO Box just as a switcher between multiple Cameras and then upload that later on All in all yolobox has built a very cool

Product that's very easy to work with And I think it's going to find its way Into more and more people's kit all the Time as something that you can carry With you and stream if you want to Stream or record if you want to stream Multiple inputs it's great to have a Production Studio on the Fly I of course Want to know what you guys think of the YOLO box lineup is it as easy to use as I think it is to work with is there a Features that you'd like to see added to The lineup and how are you using your YOLO box make sure you leave comments Down below follow us both on Instagram And please subscribe hit the Notification Bell and we'll catch you Again next time [Music] Foreign [Music] Hey thanks for checking out this episode If you want to check out more of our Recent content click up here and if You're a Canadian you want to support Local check out the camera store.com Down here

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