Your Guide to Canon Mirrorless Cropped Sensor Cameras

Hey it's Dave and Evelyn from the camera Store what are we doing today Dave we're Gonna help walk you through Canon's crop Sensor lineup [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Before we get into it I just want to Give a big shout out to the Calgary Folk Fest who allowed us to come in and test These cameras we had a great time just Capturing some photographs of all the Musicians and everything happening at This great Festival it's a visual Feast There's so much stuff just take in when You go down there so with these cameras How do you make sense of which is the Best fit for you yeah I mean this lineup Is pretty robust now we have everything From the Canon EOS r100 that we just Reviewed this is their latest one and This is their entry level so this gets You into the RF Mount system then we Have the R50 and the r10 which are very Similar on paper so we're gonna get into Those two and then on top of the line we Do have the Canon R7 which is my Personal favorite but we have a lot to Talk about with all these cameras we're Going to talk about the r100 first this Is the most affordable R series camera That you can get on the market and this Really gets you into the RF lens system

I mean we recently took it to the Calgary Stampede we had a great time With it now it does have some Limitations but there's a lot to this Camera that gets your feet wet if you Want to get into photography yeah for Example if you're someone is just Getting into photography you have a 24 Megapixel sensor you get some great Images we like the look of the Canon Files and you also have some video Flexibility as well yeah what I do like About this camera is that I have the Ability to go from full automatic into Full manual so if I'm just getting Started in photography I don't quite Understand this camera makes it very Simple to work with and the menu itself Is designed for first-time users yeah When we step into the R50 and the r10 We'll talk a little bit more about some Of the limitations with this camera but I think that this is a good option that Canon has put out there in terms of just Being able to get into the system and if You want to do so at the cheapest price Point it's only 7.99 Canadian for the Kit next up we have the Canon EOS R50 Now this camera is definitely a step up The first thing that you notice Physically is that you have a fully Articulating screen and not only that It's a touch screen and I would say that Was my biggest thing that I felt like

The r100 is missing is that it's an Entry level camera and it has a lot of Basic functionality but if you're moving From a a smartphone you might feel a Little bit more at home having a touch Screen and having that articulation is Also great if you're doing content for Creation vlogging selfies this also has USBC charging so I think even just with The articulating screen and USBC Charging those two features alone would Make it worth the upgrade yeah now we Step up from there and it's a very small Step to the r10 with so many similar Features to the R50 it's crazy the Comparison to it we do get a much Improved grip and in my case I like that A lot more it's a little deeper yeah we Still retain the same articulating Screen but we get things like an Improved frames per second if you're Shooting sports or any kind of action That's really nice to have we step up to 23 frames per second where we're limited To 15 frames per second on the R50 and The r100 we go down even slower to 6.5 Yeah it's a big difference and I also Like that you have multiple control Dials with the r10 I mean this is Becoming a more like manual control Camera I think people that are really Stepping up in terms of their knowledge And just being able to have more of that Control in a tactile way is very nice on

The r10 now there are a few differences Between these cameras one of them is the Ability to connect it to your computer The R50 you can plug and play and use it As a webcam just natively it's fantastic With the r10 I do need to use the Canon EOS utility to use it as a webcam the Other thing I want to mention is that my Screen is slightly higher resolution However on the video side of things you Definitely have the best advantage of The cameras we've talked about so far Yeah my camera will go up to 4K 60 which Is very nice to work with but also if I Step down to 1080 I can shoot 120 frames Per second yeah and there is a crop on There on the 4k60 however I can shoot 4K 30 on the R50 unlike the r100 which you Were limited if you want to shoot 4K it Was with a pretty heavy crop and that Was only at 4K 24 frames per second and The video footage I think you kind of Step Up through the lineup in terms of The quality of it and of course the Flexibility as well speaking of stepping Up through this whole lineup we're going To talk about the top end this is the Canon R7 which is my personal favorite We're going to talk about the R7 because Of course it is part of the aps-c lineup But this is a big price difference when We compare it back to the bottom end Which was the r100 I mean for 7.99 for The r100 we step up to two grand roughly

For this guy here what do you get for That well a whole host of things first Off a much much bigger battery for the Weather sealed body that's magnesium Alloy much faster frames per second I Mean this is much closer to the higher End cameras in the Canon lineup but in a Crop form at the core of the Canon EOS R7 is the highest resolution sensor in The bunch it's 32.5 effective megapixels And it's also an image stabilized sensor With five axis of image stabilization It's the fastest scanning sensor of the Bunch which opens up a plethora of video Options and it's just a fast camera Overall 30 frames per second Dave what Else am I missing here well things like Dual memory card slots which we really Appreciate with that I can't Underestimate how important the image Stabilization is I mean that really Helps out get quality photos and very Sketchy light conditions and in video The stabilization is very effective if You're walking with this camera yeah Like you're kind of getting into these Professional level features and so does It justify the price point and I mean We're talking about a camera with this Kit that's about double if not a bit More than the r100 100 agree I mean I Found with the r100 that it's a great Camera to get your feet wet really kind Of figure out do I like photography at

All but you're quickly going to outgrow That camera or I find with the R7 you Grow into this camera so much more so Yeah both can like take photos and video But this is just going to give you a lot More options more creative control and More of that flexibility for you to grow Into for me the price is very Justifiable with the feature set of this Camera and how they've implemented Everything I could easily recommend this Camera and I like working with this yeah It really doesn't hold anything back From some of the even higher end cameras The full frame lineup I like that we Have the joystick on the back of the Camera we have lots of custom control Dials and as we were mentioning earlier The weather sealing and build of this is Definitely a step up and so you know With these cameras we wanted to give you This overview but this is kind of a Monster in comparison to the previous Three cameras when you're holding the R7 It feels like a mini camera right with The r100 it's almost like Pinky's up It's like Pinky's up you know it's very Tiny little camera but that's part of The that's part of the Allure of this Camera is that I can take it with me Everywhere and this is like a fantastic Family camera yeah I think we're the the Tougher decisions lies is in that middle Zone when we're talking about the r10

And the R50 you kind of have to pick and Choose like which features are most Important to you yeah I mean if you Don't shoot any action or Sports then go For the R50 it's great but if you like The grip and you like that faster frames Per second the r10 makes a lot more Sense not to mention the video features Are a little bit more robust on the r10 So it does get a little bit murky Between those two I would say in Particular but we hope that we gave you Kind of a good overview of some of the Differences if you're choosing between These and overall all these cameras are Capable of producing some excellent Image quality we have a host of lenses To choose from in the RF lineup yeah Depending on what you're willing and Able to invest in camera I mean the r100 Still is a nice solid option to get you Into the system but if you want to spend A little little bit more upgrading Throughout the lineup definitely has its Advantages overall all these cameras are Capable of some really good image Quality the real question is what level Of performance that you need for your Style photography the r100 is an Excellent camera for entry-level users And if you are more of a content creator And you want to step up your game the R50 or the r10 sure they come into play Yeah then of course we have that R7

Which is the top of the line you're Getting a lot of robust features that we Find in a lot of the professional level Canon cameras but of course we want to Know what do you guys think what are you Leaning towards what camera is really Speaking to you where do you think You're seeing the most value let us know In the comments below make sure you Follow us both on Instagram and if You're new to our Channel Please Subscribe hit the notification Bell and We'll catch you again very soon [Music] Thank you Hey thanks for sticking around and Watching this guide to the Canon crop Sensor cameras if you want to check out More of our recent content click up here And if you're a Canadian you want to Shop local check out the camera down here

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