Best Cameras for Video in 2022

Not every camera is good for video you Need the right features and design so in This video I'm going to show you cameras That would be perfect for any kind of Video shooter from beginners just Looking to get started all the way to a Small business making content for social And even professionals looking to Upgrade and as always if you want the Best pricing on the cameras that we talk About today make sure to check out the Links in the description down below for The best pricing and the most up-to-date Pricing so be sure to check out those Links alright guys let's jump right into It and talk about what I think is the Perfect beginner video camera and that Is the Sony zve E10 now it's perfect for Content creators YouTubers even Hobbyists just looking to do it for fun It's easy to use and it still has all The premium features you would want so When it comes to video it does 4K at 24 And 30 frames per second which allows For crisp and detailed footage it's Actually down samples from 6K footage so It's a lot more detailed than most 4K Cameras and it has some really cool slow Motion options in HD mode at full HD it Does 60 frames per second and 120 frames Per second for two times and five times Slow motion I personally love slow Motion and I think it brings a lot of Value and wow factor to videos also

Before I forget the autofocus in the Sony zve E10 is absolutely insane it's Not 10 out of 10. it's God level it is Without a doubt the best auto focusing System in the industry it's actually the Same technology from Sony's much more Expensive professional cameras it's Extremely fast and very accurate with Super reliable face and object tracking Which makes keeping things in focus a Breeze and one of the most unique Features about the Sony zve810 is that It can shoot extremely well in low light So if you often find yourself shooting In limited lighting situations or just Low light in general this camera will be Incredibly helpful however the one thing That I don't like about the zve E10 are The colors now they don't look bad by Any means but to my eyes they always Seem a bit dull and the skin tones are a Little bit too yellow now this is a Really easy fix but if you're someone Who doesn't edit your photos and videos Or doesn't know how you might notice This and it might actually be an issue For you but if you do edit your footage This is easily fixable and not a major Issue though I want to mention that this Camera does have flat Cinema profiles Built in so if you want to throw a cool Look on your video using a preset or Even do color grading you're going to Get amazing results however if the color

Situation with the zve10 isn't up your Alley there is also the Canon M50 it has Really beautiful organic colors that are Extremely accurate however the M50 Doesn't have 4K I only recommend the Canon M50 if you're only planning to Shoot full HD resolution now the biggest Selling point of the zve10 is the Simplified design if they designed this Camera from the ground up for Content Creators YouTubers and beginners all the Usual knobs and dials on a camera are Gone it's just now one switch to flip Between photo video and slow motion Which is much much better plus it has a Separate button to take photos and a Separate button to take a video right at The front of the camera you cannot miss It the design is dead simple if you're Someone that's new to cameras it's going To be really easy to pick this camera up And get great results on top of that it Has a stellar onboard mic which is Really three mics in one so you almost Don't need an external microphone with This camera the audio quality is solid Now Sony cameras aren't really known for Their battery life especially the small One the zv10 has a pretty short battery Life if you're a casual user you will be Just fine but if you plan on using this Camera from throughout your day I would Definitely pick up at least one or two Spare batteries you can pick them up on

Amazon for a relatively low price of 15 To 20 dollars with a charger overall the Zve E10 is a great way to start shooting Video with a simple camera it's easy to Use but it still gives you the specs and The power of a premium camera alright so Next up I want to talk about a camera That I think is really really special It's very very very rare that a camera Looks good out of the box but also has a Lot of flexibility for editing now there Is one camera that does both and that is The Fuji xs10 so right off the bat let's Talk about the most exciting thing about The Fuji xs10 and that is the colors the Fuji xs10 and all Fuji cameras come with Built-in film emulation profiles a lot Of you guys are looking all over the Internet to find the perfect filter the Perfect preset for your photos and Videos but Fuji literally gives you a Huge selection of them right in camera And where most camera brands give you Really terrible looking presets in Camera Fuji's look amazing and that's Because they actually mimic the look of 35 millimeter Vintage Film that Fuji Made all through with the 50s 60s 70s And even up to the 90s these profiles Look spectacular and actually come Really close to 35 millimeter film they Not only mimic the colors but also the Characteristics like contrast Shadow Depth and highlight roll off from 35

Millimeter film sounds pretty nerdy but I promise you the photos and videos from This camera look amazing but on top of That the Fuji xs10 also has 10 bit color At 200 megabits per second data rate you Can color grade the heck out of your Footage you can make your camera look Like whatever you want plus it also has F-log and Fuji Eterna built right in for High level users that want to do heavy Color grading and the Fuji xs10 does not Skimp when it comes to frame rates or Resolution and it actually has a couple Of really impressive frame rates now Does full 4K up to 30 frames per second Sadly no 4K at 60 frames per second but If you want that you actually need to Upgrade to the Fuji xc4 the older Brother to the xs10 which sadly is a bit More expensive sad face but full HD is Where the xs10 really shines in full HD You can do 120 frames per second for Five times slow motion and even 240 Frames per second for 10 times slow Motion personally I'm a slow-mo nerd and I was so excited to see this feature It's a very good slow motion camera but Despite that most people tend to ignore Fuji as a video camera and that's mainly Because of its issues with physical Design and autofocus feature but in the Xs10 they actually fixed both most Fuji Cameras are actually designed to look Like vintage cameras from the 60s and

70s but most people don't actually want That when it comes to design the xs10 Feels like they took the best of Canon And Sony cameras and stuck them in a Pretty vanilla body it's nothing new It's nothing exciting it's nothing Original but it definitely works if you Want this is a straight to the point Video camera for professional use and Most people have issues with Fuji's Autofocus but things have changed the Xs10 is not on the same level as Sony or Canon yet but it's way better than their Previous cameras it's actually a Contender now overall I think the Fuji Xs10 is an amazing mid-tier video camera It's kind of middle of the road price Wise but it absolutely over delivers When it comes to the actual horsepower Power in this camera the Fuji xs10 is Actually better than both the Sony a6600 Or the Sony a6400 and it absolutely Crushes the Canon M50 and Canon M6 I Genuinely do not think there is a better Camera available at this price point and It absolutely crushes the competition But there's going to be a lot of you That are simply not satisfied with the Fuji xs10 or even its big bro the Fuji Xt4 you simply want as much horsepower As you can possibly get because you want Every visual Edge available to you if You're looking to do serious video work And you want the best specs possible

Because you need a camera that can Handle high-end professional projects Like commercials music videos or Cinematic content and you want to do This without completely wrecking your Life and your finances then you have to Check out the Sony a7s III in my opinion There is nothing else on the market Right now that even comes close to this Camera when you compare what it gives You and how much it costs so the first Thing you should know about the a7s3 is That it actually has a larger full frame Sensor which is bigger than any of the Sensors from the cameras on this list a Larger sensor gives you better image Quality everything looks more cinematic If you talk to any professional video Shooter pretty much everyone's trying to Shoot on a full-frame camera because Full frame is the gold standard for Image quality dynamic range and low Light performance this camera does 4K up To a 120 frames per second with zero Crop plus it still does full HD at 240 Frames per second for 10 times slow Motion this is the ultimate slow motion Camera now there is also the Canon R5 But it has severe heating issues and I Don't even think it's in the Conversation for best video camera and When it comes to color science and data For video files there's a lot that the A7s3 does that the R5 cannot even touch

When it comes to using a professional Video camera for projects like music Videos or commercial what I really care About are colors and data so that I can Take that video file and create whatever I want with it now the A7 S3 definitely Does not have very pretty colors in Camera I always find that I need to Adjust the colors in post-production to Get them to look just right but they're Usually tiny adjustments that are really Easy to make however the a7s does have 10 bit color with the extremely high Data rates even in 4k at 120 frames per Second there is zero loss in quality in Any of the modes when you're filming you Can get the same high quality at 4K at 24 frames per second all the way to 4K At 120 plus the A7 S3 actually has the Ability to record 12-bit prores raw Using an external recorder five years Ago you had to get an external recorder Just to get 4k out of a camera today you Can get 12-bit prores raw it's insane What cameras can do now although I Desperately want an a7s3 or a7s3 Mark II Two that can do raw internally because The Canon R5 does have raw light Available internally in AK mode but the Biggest selling point of the a7s is Definitely the low light capabilities The a7s line has always been pretty Famous for its low light performance but On the A7 S3 it absolutely decimates

Every other camera out there I've shot As high as 64 000 ISO with the A7 S3 With very very clean results the a7s3 Actually has two native isos one at 640 And the other one is at 12 800 which is A really good thing to have the previous A7s models had a base ISO of 1600 in S-log which made it really hard to film Things outdoors without using some Pretty heavy NDS and ND filters come With their own problems but with the A7 Estimate you get dual native ISO which Makes it an amazing studio camera Outdoor camera travel camera commercials Music video pretty much anything you Want and I do think that the a7s3 is a Better buy than the Canon R5 or the Canon R6 I actually prefer Canon cameras When it comes to menus physical bodies And the color science but logically the A7s3 is the best bang for your buck if You want the most horsepower and the Best value for the money that you're Spending the A7 S3 is the best camera on The market right now but here's the Secret that no one's going to tell you You could get the nicest camera out There and you could spend all of your Money on fancy gear but if you don't Learn how to properly use that camera to Its full potential you're never going to Get the results that you're looking for What really matters when it comes to Getting great photos and videos is

Learning how to use your camera to its Full potential even if that camera is a Smartphone and that's why I created a 100 free training guide on my seven Simple Secrets it shows you how to get The most out of the camera that you're Using right now so be sure to check out The link in the description down below To a 100 free guide on improving your Photos and videos within the week and if You have any questions about the cameras That we talked about today or the free Training let me know in the comments Down below and I'll be sure sure to get Back to every single one of you Hopefully I'll see you in the free Training if not I'll see you in the next Video peace

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