Canon M50 Mark ii vs Sony ZV-E10 vs Canon T7 – Which Is Better For You?

The three best-selling cameras in the World are the Canon M50 the Sony zv10 And the Canon t7 they're all budget and Beginner friendly cameras but which one Is the best well it really depends on What you specifically need it for if You're just shooting photos versus Someone that wants to do photos videos And vlogging the right camera for each Of these people is going to be very Different but each of these cameras has A unique X Factor that makes it the Perfect camera for a specific type of Shooter so I tested out each of these Cameras saw the pros and the cons and in This video I want to help you figure out Which is the best camera for you in Which you specifically need it for so Let's get right into it each of these Cameras are small and Compact and very Easy to treat as your everyday carry Camera but each of these cameras has a Unique design for the specific type of Shooter that it's meant for so depending On if you're shooting photos videos or a Little bit of both you're going to want To pick a different camera the Canon t7 Has an old-school DSLR feel and it's Meant to give you a pure photog Experience the t7 has a nice deep grip And a really robust feeling in your Hands that makes it a pleasure to shoot With the menu and Bun layout is really Simple and you can pretty much pick this

Camera and figure it out right away it Also has a pop-up flash for photography Which is really rare because you don't Really see it as much on Modern cameras However the screen on the back is thick So it's not a tilt screen at all and it Also does not have an input for audio And the lenses that this camera uses are The typical Canon EF lenses which are Really affordable there's a huge variety Of them and you can even pick them up Second hand at a really good price the Canon M50 however is meant for both Photos and video it's actually smaller Than the Canon t7 but it has a pretty Similar menu and Bun layout so it's Really easy to just pick up and get a Handle of and the Canon M50 also has a Solder articulating screen so not only Does it work as a tilt screen for high Angle and low angle shots but you can Also flip it over to the front for Self-recording and you can see yourself And it also has an input for external Audio mics best of all the tilt screen Is also touch sensitive you can actually Control the camera entirely through the Touchscreen and it's pretty similar to a Smartphone and the tilt screen also has Touch autofocus you can simply tap Something on the back screen and the Autofocus will automatically pull Focus To that object the Canon M50 uses the Older EOS M line of lenses which are

Pretty big in terms of selection and They're also very affordable and easy to Buy second hand now the Sony zve E10 is The most different in terms of design And it's also the most unique it has a Very Bare Bones and simple design meant To keep it easy and simple to use it Only has one button to switch between Photo video and slow motion so there's No complicated mode dials now the menus On the zvee 10 are pretty dense and There's pages and pages of them but That's okay because the zve10 is really Meant for someone that wants to go in And customize every little setting on Their camera and it's really meant to be A camera that you can go deep with and Nerd out instead of a pop-up Flash the Zv10 actually has a three capsule Microphone built right in which gives You a amazing audio without needing External microphone this helps keep your Camera small and Nimble and this way if You're a vlogger you don't need to carry Around a bulky microphone with you at All times the zv10 does have a side Articulating screen just like the Canon M50 and it also has an audio input if You do want to use external microphones However the Tilt screen's touch Functionality is not as robust you can Only use it for autofocus and touch Shutter one thing I love about the Sony Zv10 is that it has a ton of lenses

Available for it you can pretty much use Any Sony lens with the zv10 and Sony is Pretty much making a new lens every two Weeks so whatever kind of lens you want Sony probably has it but what's inside The camera is what really matters Because each of these cameras look and Produce very different quality photos And videos which is surprising because All of these cameras have a 24 megapixel Aps-c size sensor but because of how the Camera's processor works the images each Of these cameras produce is very Different the Canon t7 and most Canon Cameras have amazing colors everything Is warm warm and saturated especially When it comes to faces and skin tone and People always look their best with Canon Cameras the Canon t7 can shoot photos at Three frames per second which is pretty Slow but it's perfect for casual slow Moving shots like Landscapes portraits Or small family get-togethers it's Pretty much good at anything that's not Fast moving so no sports or wildlife and You also have to shoot using the optical Viewfinder because the autofocus is Pretty slow if you use the LCD screen And it's probably going to work the best If you use the optical viewfinder but The Canon t7 also has 14-bit raw in Terms of photos so if you're so inclined You can really edit the heck out of your Photos and you'll get a ton of

Flexibility both in terms of colors and Light values now the Canon t7 does shoot Video but only at full HD at 24 and 30 Frames per second which is great for Grabbing a quick clip here and there but It lacks any kind of serious slow motion Options and it does not have 4K and in Case you forgot it also does not have an Input for an external microphone so it's Really a good camera for catching Quick Clips here and there but not really Serious video stuff now the Canon M50 And the Sony zve10 are much better and Faster when it comes to photos and Videos and produce a much higher quality Results but of course one camera is Better than the other the Canon M50 Again has those gorgeous Canon colors Where everything just looks warm and Saturated and skin tones look amazing Right out of camera the Canon M50 shoots At 10 frames per second with amazing Autofocus in both photo and video mode So you can shoot fast-moving stuff like Sports Wildlife with absolute ease in The autofocus will absolutely keep up But it's still good for slower moving Shots like portraits and Landscapes and Again you have 14-bit raw so you can do Anything with your photos that your Heart desires as long as you know how to Edit properly in video mode the Canon M50 shoots at full HD at 24 and 30 Frames per second for real-time video

And 60 frames per second for two times Slow motion and 120 frames per second For five time slow motion but it only Shoots 120 frames per second at 720p Which which is pretty low res Considering how good other cameras are Out there now now the Canon M50 does Shoot 4K video but with a few Compromises it actually zooms into your Image by cropping the sensor and because You're throwing away almost half your Sensor the quality of the video is Greatly reduced and also because it's so Cropped in it's hard to get a wide shot In 4K video I wouldn't really consider The Canon M50 a 4k camera the 4K is like A side feature that you can use here and There but it's not a camera that it Would mainly shoot in 4k the Sony zve10 However will absolutely blow you away Both in terms of photos and video it Shoots 10 frames per second in photo Mode just like the Canon M50 and the Colors are a bit flatter but Sony knows This and they've actually added a few Features in this camera so you can dial In the exact look that you want with Your photos and videos the unique thing About the sensor in the Sony zv10 is That it's actually amazing at low light So if you're at a din party or shooting Streets at night time you're always Going to get a crisp and clean image Even at high isos but the Sony zv10 does

Not have a pop-up flash for photography And of course it has 14-bit raw but Sony Has a unique version of raw that Actually gives you a lot more Flexibility in terms of color and light Value and you can really push this raw File a lot more than the Canon M50 and The canon t7 in video mode the zv10 Shoots 4K at 24 and 30 frames per second Without any kind of cropping or Compromises and I would definitely Consider the zv10 a 4k camera but best Of all the 4K is actually down sampled From 6K so you really get the detail and Clarity of 6K in your 4K image and you Might as well treat it like a 6K camera And the zv10 has amazing slow motion Options in full HD you can shoot at 60 Frames per second and 120 frames per Second making it the best camera on this List in terms of frame rates and Resolution and like I mentioned earlier They also added something so you can Easily adjust your colors the Sony zv10 Actually has long profiles and Cinema Profiles built right into the camera and They give you more dynamic range and More flexibility with your colors when It comes to editing and you can even go In and tweak every little Cinema profile Adjust saturation contrast and really Dial in the perfect look for yourself And using Cinema and log profiles You're Simply going to get better colors in

More dynamic range which is something The Canon t7 and the Canon M50 do not Have the zv10 is a much better fit for Someone who wants an entry-level budget Camera but you also want to go in and Tinker with every little setting and Really nerd out so let's answer the big Question which of these cameras is right For you based on what it can do and what Is the unique selling factor that makes Each of these cameras one of the best Selling cameras in the world the Canon T7 is perfect for someone that wants a Pure photography experience but I Wouldn't really recommend it for a video I love the feel of like an old school DSLR in my hands and it's really a Satisfying camera to use the photos from This camera look amazing and if you edit Them can honestly deliver stunning Professional level results and one of The things that I love about the Canon T7 is the fact that it's only 3.99 in Terms of cameras it's actually one of The most affordable cameras you can get Right now the Canon M50 kind of sits in The middle it's a good casual camera but Can also be a great camera for someone That wants to do more serious Photography and video the main selling Point of the Canon M50 is really how Easy it is to use with the touchscreen The touch autofocus the simple design It's a really easy camera to just pick

Up and get great results with the zv10 Is really camera I recommend to the Nerds and people who want to dive deep Into their camera and Tinker with every Little setting and the fact that you get Sony raw and Cinema profiles in this Camera the sky is the limit with what You can achieve and you're also staying On a budget so no matter what kind of Photos and videos you're making one of These cameras is without a doubt going To be a great fit for you as long as you Pick the right camera for you

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