Canon RF 10-20mm f/4 ‘L’ IS STM (full-frame!) lens review

Greetings again everyone now anyone Who's a fan of this channel will know That I have a special place in my heart For extremely wide angle lenses one of My very favorites was the lower 10 to 18 Mm fullframe optic with its unbelievable Widest angle of 10 mm which is gaping Extensive on a full-frame camera while Still having a useful Zoom ability for When you don't need such an extreme Field of view well this new lens from Canon promis is to offer all of that Plus a longer Zoom range plus autofocus Plus image stabilization plus a brighter Maximum aperture of f4 and with Apparently excellent image quality none Of which that cheaper manual focus lens From 6 years ago managed to enjoy this Is the Canon RF 10 to 20 mm F4 L is STM Which is only for their full-frame Mirrorless osr system cameras this could Be the single most exciting and Enjoyable Ultra wide angle zoom lens Ever conceived although at a price of £22,000 here in the UK or £2,300 before Sales tax you will certainly need Deep Pockets to enjoy it I'd like to thank Canon UK for loaring me this lens for a Couple of weeks for testing although as Usual this is a totally independent Review let's get a sense of how Ridiculously wide this lens can get on a Full-frame camera most ultrawide zoom Lenses start at about 16 mm on full

Frame well here we go zooming out from There to 10 mm this is a simply Astonishing field of view excellent for Architecture and indoor photography here It is again 16 mm back to 10 mm so That's great for landscape photography Also being able to zoom into 20 mm is Just the icing on a cake making this Lens wonderfully flexible 10 to 20 mm is Even an impressive Ultra wide angle Zoom Range on apsc cameras but it's on full Frame that this lens will truly Shine The lens's build quality is absolutely Fine here it's a little bigger than I First thought it would be but being Mostly made of high quality plastic and At 570 G or about 1 and 1/4 lb it's a Little lighter in the hand than I was Expecting it's not too heavy at all the Rear mount is made of metal with a Weather ceiling gasket and space for a Gel ND filter that's the only kind of Filter possible you can properly use on This lens on the side we get a Customizable button and switches for Auto focus and for image stabilization Here's some for digit 20 mm with Stabilization turned off and now turned On as you can see when it finally kicks In it makes a nice little difference to Your footage the camera's Zoom ring is Rubberized and turns extremely smoothly Useful for video work the focus ring Turns very smoothly also with great

Responsiveness from the STM Focus motor At 20 mm the lens displays a little Breathing when focusing in and out zoom Out to 10 mm and that breathing turns Into Distortion warping at Angles as Wide as this though video makers aren't Really going to be too worried about Focus breathing the lens's autofocus Motor is silent accurate and blazingly Fast not that it really needs to be Though at such wide angles still Impressive The Lens comes with a plastic Cap that clips into place pretty Securely thank goodness just imagine if You got a scratch on this lens's front Element as I mentioned before there's no Front filter thread here although it's Not impossible that thirdparty filter Companies might come up with some kind Of big unwieldy solution for you the Lens also features one of Canon's Customizable control rings with gentle Clicks to it something I never really Use myself overall excellent build Quality though and functionality it's Spe CD autof focus and its image Stabilization are almost an overbuild From Canon as neither as strictly Necessary on a lens quite this wide just Helpful anyway let's take a look at Image quality now firstly on a fullframe Camera my 45 map Canon EOS R5 in camera Corrections are turned on for this test At 10 mm and F4 sharpness and contrast

Are perfect in the middle looking truly Fantastic the further good news is that F image quality continues across the Whole image frame although if you look In the very edges there's a little bit Of what seems to be like a digital Frazzling on straight lines perhaps from Strong Distortion correction well we'll Find out in a minute but overall this is Plenty sharp enough for even quite Demanding photographers the lens stay This sharp down to about f11 where Softness from defraction really makes Itself felt seemingly a little more Strongly than usual anyway let's zoom Into 20 mm now sharpness and contrast Remain very fine in the middle of the Image straight from F4 the corners Looking excellent too although the very Edges look just a touch softer again Image quality basically stays this sharp All the way down to f11 okay well for Such an extreme lens design that's an Impressive performance on full frame There's something slightly odd going on In a Corners at 10 mm which I think is Due to digital Distortion correction but There still the perfectly fine and Anyone getting to play with such Ridiculously wide angles isn't going to Be complaining really as I mentioned 10 To 20 mm is an ultra wide angle on apsc Cameras Too the full frame equivalent of 16 to 32 mm really handy so let's see

What the lens can do on a torturous 32.5 Map apsc sensor of my Canon EOS R7 Camera not many lenses tend to cope well Here but impressively the tend to 20 is Still looking fabulous in the middle at 10 mm and F4 Corner image quality is a Bit softer but still fairly good it Looks the same at f5.6 at f8 or f11 Defraction is kicking in early on the Extra high resolution sensor leaving Your images looking much softer but There's nothing you can do about Defraction obviously okay let's zoom Into 20 mm then again even at F4 the Middle of the image is looking great the Corners are a little bit softer again Although still quite usable stop down to F5.6 or to f8 to see improvements in Sharpness although again stopping down To f11 just brings about a load of Softness from defraction still a lovely Little performance from this lens on Apsc it's worth remembering just how Challenging the r7's sensor really is a Very tough playground for even the Sharpest of camera lenses okay well Let's go back to a fullframe camera and Check without Distortion and vignetting By bypassing Canon's automatic Corrections and looking at some raw Images wa it's a disaster Zone at 10 mm There wild Barrel Distortion and Literally black Corners mean that you'll Have to add major corrections to your

Raw files nasty this helps to explain The slightly oddl looking picture Quality in the corners at 10 mimer that We saw earlier stop down to f56 or f8 For the outer portions of the image Field to to begin to brighten up but the Black edges never do zoom into 20 mm and We still see just a little Barrel Distortion with vignetting that gently Falls into the image frame at F4 stop Down to f5.6 or f8 to see those Corners Further brighten up but that's as bright As the corners get so this lovely lens Has a little secret thankfully that Distortion once corrected doesn't seem To have too much of an effect on image Quality this lens is minimum Focus Distance is 25 cm so that's not too bad For getting close to small subjects the Further good news is that even at F4 the Close-up image quality stays as sharp as Ever let's see how the lens works Against Bright Lights now and the answer Is very well contrast remains very high And although we do catch a few small Flats of flaring whether zoomed out or Zoomed in they are not especially Intrusive while we're working in the Dark let's take a look for coma and sun Stars good news here even at the Brightest apture of f4 com smearing on Bright Points of Light isn't really Evident at all well let's zoom out and Look for Suns stars then they only

Really begin to emerge at f11 and even Then only subtly at F16 and F22 they Become much stronger it's just a shame You have to stop down quite so far in Order to see them and finally bcka Honestly it's very hard to get out of Focus backgrounds with this lens simply Because of it's a extremely wide angle And only moderate maximum aperture if You get up very close to your subject Though and zoom in and shoot at F4 then An attractively soft background is your Reward overall well words can't really Express how much I loved this camera Lens honestly there are some funny Things going on behind the scenes with Its Distortion at 10 mm but even on Canon's most challenging cameras this Optic offers plenty of sharpness to go Along with those amazingly wide angles Not to mention excellent contrast and High build quality with fast autofocus And other useful features this thing is Amazing and so useful and versatile too Not to mention just plain fun so highly [Music] Recommended did you enjoy that video Well you weren't really supposed to it's More of an Avant guard piece really but If that's your kind of thing anyway then Check out my channel for about 800 more Camera lens reviews all neatly ordered Into handy playlists and if you really Appreciate these videos then check out

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