Yongnuo 85mm f/1.8 DF DSM (New version)

Howdy again everyone Yong no have Recently updated their popular and very Affordable 885mm f1.8 lens for Full-frame mirrorless cameras the older Version with a red ring around the front Has been updated to a newer version Which is distinguishable by the lack of A red ring around the front the new Yongo 885mm f1.8 DF DSM now the Sony Version of it has an s in the title the Canon RF version and R and the nickon Zed version a zed this newer version of The lens costs a little more than the Older version with slightly different Prices on each system but on average It's about $350 Y no say that the new lens's key Improvements include a new metal Construction with improved weather Ceiling and improved Optical Coatings For better contrast but I'm going to put This lens through my full tests to check And see how well it performs all the Same I'd like to thank you know very Much for sending me a copy of this lens For evaluation although as usual this is A totally independent review and on any Full-frame camera an 85 mm f1.8 lens is A joy to use it is excellent for Portrait or subject photography offering Impressively out of focus backgrounds For an affordable price and a small size Too this lens as you can see is not very Big and at 385 G or under a pound not

Heavy so none of your sub objects are Going to feel intimidated having this Thing pointed in their Direction it's Based on a metal lens mount with a Weather seiling gasket and a USB Firmware upgrade port on a side which Gets covered by a weatherproof rubber Camp the lens has an auto manual focus Switch an autofocus hold button and a Metallic manual focus ring which turns Quite smoothly that Focus ring works Very responsively with the Focus motor Although as you can see here the lens Does suffer from quite some Focus Breathing the lens's autofocus Motor Works silently and quite accurately in Single shot autofocus mode on a Sony Camera it's a little slow however switch Over to continuous autof Focus mode as I'm doing here and it's a bit quicker The Lens comes with a circular plastic Hood which Clips in place nice and Securely it has a 58 mm filter thread And no image stabilization overall I am Impressed with this thing's build Quality it's actually very good indeed Although video makers might get a little Annoyed by its focus breathing anyway Image quality the original Yong no 885mm Lens was a surprisingly good performer So let's see what this one can do on a 42 map Sony a7r 3 fullframe camera at F1.8 the lens is razor sharp with Excellent contrast in the middle of your

Images albeit with just a touch of Purple fringing which I can tell you now Goes away at f2 over in the corners the Images slightly softer but contrast is Still there and we're still catching a Fair bit of detail at f2 there's a small Improvement to just about everything F2.8 looks a little sharper again in the Corners and F4 and f5.6 look almost Perfectly sharp although a touch of Color fringing is now emerging on Contrasting edges the lens taste is Sharp down to f11 where the effect of Defraction begin to soften the image and At F16 it's worse again overall for a Lower budget lens this is still quite a Good performance more expensive 85 mm Lenses can obviously perform a bit Better but you'd honestly have to be Looking very closely at your pictures to Really tell the difference well let's Turn off in camera Corrections now and Take a look at Distortion and vignetting The lens projects quite noticeable Pincushion Distortion here and its Corners look pretty dark to me at f1.8 You have to stop down to f2.8 to see Brighter corners and they only get a Little brighter again at around f5.6 so Not a great performance there the lens's Minimum Focus distance is about 80 cm so That's a little closer than average for An 85 mm optic at f1.8 contrast bottoms Out when shooting close up unfortunately

At f2 there's a marginal marginal Improvement at f2.8 though we see good Contrast but the picture is still a Little soft at F4 image quality becomes Excellent again so if you're shooting Close up stop down let's see how the Lens performs against Bright Lights now It's an all right performance here Actually only a smallish amount of Flaring is visible and contrast remains Quite High next bcka a real real Strength of this lens those backgrounds Look gorgeously smooth with no real Observable problems and finally related To Baka comes longitudinal chromatic Aberration at f1.8 it's rather high as You can see at f2.8 it's greatly reduced And at F4 before it's virtually gone Overall well it's essentially the same Yong no 85 mm lens as before except with Better build quality and slightly better Contrast as before it's not a perfect Lens by any means but it is good value For money as well as being capable of Great sharpness and beautifully outof Focused backgrounds so it still comes [Music] Recommended thanks for watching everyone Hope you found that review helpful and a Special thanks to my patreon supporters Who continue to make such a difference To keeping these sponsorship free lens Reviews coming check it out in the Description below as supporters get all

Kinds of extra bonus content ciao for Now everyone

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