Hiboy EX6 E-Bike Review | Unlocking the Cheap Commute

[Music] Foreign Abbott and I'm here to give you a review Today of something a little bit Different I've been interested in the Idea of the increasingly popular e-bikes Or electronic bikes that have been Coming to Market kind of a hybrid system Between an electronic motor to drive Speed but then also the ability to pedal And and so kind of the modern equivalent Of the old moped in particular there was A specific application that I thought Would be really really beneficial for my Family which I'll get to in just a Moment and so when one of the companies That manufacture these e-bikes High boy Reached out to me and I looked at their Proof of concept I decided that I would Be interested in reviewing it even Though it's a little bit different I Know that my conventional affair on this Channel that specific application that I Was looking at was the fact that I have A my youngest son is still too young to Drive however he you know he works he Goes to school and as a byproduct it Falls upon his mother and I to be his Transportation and I saw a golden Opportunity for him to have some freedom To be able to Tool around and to commute To his work in his school on something More efficient and also more flexible Than the bike that he had been riding

And so I'm going to dive in and I'm Going to look at some of the features And break it down and then I'm actually Going to bring my son on set towards the End of the review and take a look at Some of the things real world things That have been pros and cons for him so Let's take a little bit of a tour of What you've got here this is a class 3 E-bike which if you look at the Classifications that means that this Will allow you to go basically as fast As you can go while still legally Operate on things like sidewalks and so If you're looking for something for Commuting within a city for example this Is about as high end in terms of power As you want to go now that power comes From a 500 watt brushless motor that is Mounted back here as someone who uses a Lot of tools I can tell you that having A brushless motor is important because It means that there are fewer things That are going to create friction and Thus break down within the motor itself Making it longer lasting also we have a Powerful battery that is here and a Clever battery redesign now the charging Comes via an XLR style port and Obviously there is an AC adapter that Allows you to plug it into the wall the Charge time is one of the things that I Would say is somewhat of a negative in That you need about six to seven hours

To get a full charge but that is because We have a fairly high capacity battery Here the battery is 15 amp hours and it Is a 48 volt battery and so just to Break down what that's going to give you That gives you about a 40 mile range on Pure electric and if you're doing kind Of a hybrid system doing some pedaling You can get up to 75 miles and so a good Amount of range now I should point out That the advantage of a bike like this Is the fact that even if you fully Deplete your battery you're not stuck You just use it like a normal bike and There is a seven-speed Shimano Derailleur here that allows you to just Operate it as a normal bike even if you Do too truly exhaust your battery power One of the things that I really like About this battery design is the fact That number one it's encased in a house To where it is fully waterproof so You're not worth worrying about the Weather there are also good size mud Flaps on both ends it means you end up With less spatter My son tried to take the bike he was Using for going to school before you Know early on in spring in the season And it just so happened on that day that Things started to melt there was a lot Of muck on the road by the time he got Home he was spattered all the way up his Backpack the seat of his pants he had to

Come home and change clothes he's not Had to do that since we started using The high boy because it has mud flaps That help but one of the other things That I really like about this design is The fact that it is fully removable if You're and so that you can actually Charge it indoors now this all operates On a key system and so the key goes in To where you're in the engage position Where the battery can be removed once You're in that position you simply pull It up and out it has a carrying handle And you can take it in and you can Charge it the fact of course obviously That we have got a lock system means That the battery cannot be removed Unless you are in the unlocked position And so it allows you to have some you Know safety for your actual battery to Make sure that no one is just going to Walk off without it or with it and so The fact that the seat rotates up and Then easily rotates back down and locks Into place other features worth noting Is that we do have a very bright LCD Here that allows you to have an odometer Allows you to see what your charge your Charge state is for the battery what Your speed is you know various things Like that we do have a very bright front Headlight along with a tail light that Also works as a a brake light there and It's bright enough to show up even

During the day you even have a quite a Loud electronic horn there which is Obviously going to be nice the fact that You you know might actually be Interacting with traffic at some point And so just another nice feature that is There as a part of the design now Braking comes from Dual disc brakes and So more powerful braking that you know Helps you to come down for the more Powerful speeds and so brake disc at the Rear brake disc at the front that gives You more stopping power I will also note That you have a kind of motorcycle style Throttle there as you can see the bike Start to take off because I twisted that Handle now as far as your your speed Here you can get up to a top speed my Son has observed right under 26 miles Per hour about 40 kilometers per hour Which is what you're limited at as far As the overall speed now making for a More comfortable experience is the fact That there is a very nice and Comfortable saddle that is included the Handlebars are fully adjusted and there Is some hydraulics in the actual front Suspension that makes things a little Bit more comfortable and so far reports From him riding it regularly I've just Done a little bit he's using it on a Regular basis is that he's not Experiencing any kind of loss of feeling In his hands and so the handlebars are

Good and no loss of of feeling in his Seat either due to a good comfortable Saddle you also have a rack here and so You can strap things down which might Make it again if you're using it as a Commuter type thing it might allow you To do something like a grocery run or Something similar as long as you get Creative and strapping everything down Appropriately as noted the handlebars Can be adjusted into the best ergonomic Position for you obviously the seat can Be adjusted up and down and I did note That in the specifics they are giving The recommended range anywhere between Five and a half feet tall up to six and A half feet tall and so obviously this Is the design that's made for a lot of Different body sizes and it will support Up to about 300 pounds now obviously a Step through design like this is Preferred for a lot of people Particularly in a commute situation it Means that it's less limiting in terms Of the kind of clothes that you can wear On it and it will work for both men and Women with few issues in regards to that The one final thing I think that is Really important to note is that we have 20 by four inch Fat Tires that are on Here now these are all-terrain tires Which really opens up the the kind of Terrain you can actually go on and so For my son for example allowed him to

Start to use it even when there was Still some snow on the ground or muddy Type patches so you don't need you know Like I ride a road bike which obviously Is the most limiting of bikes when it Comes comes to the surfaces that it Works well on whereas this is really the Most versatile versatile and so it adds To the fact that some of you if you're Just riding around a city may not be a Big deal but if there's a mix in your Riding between some country style or Maybe even want to go off-road a little Bit having those fat tires which has Become very popular is just another Means whereby you can go on to varying Surfaces and not have to worry about Slipping or being out of control so Before we wrap things up I wanted to Actually bring my son who has the most Kind of real world experience with it on Screen and to just ask them two things Two things that he likes really likes About it and two things that he's Observed that he doesn't love about it So let's start with the things that you Really like tell me kind of your top two Things Ryan that that you think are Great about the ex6 yeah so the two Biggest things for me is first off Obviously just the speed of it Um it's a whole lot faster than doing a Normal bike and it makes it's kind of Like having uh vehicle and the fact that

It's just easier to get around places Than just normally biking and then the Second biggest Pro would be the fact That um That it's a lot easier you're not Constantly having to Pedal especially When you're going up hills that's very Very easy compared to normal biking Going up hills a lot less effort needing To be put in okay so how about the Negatives what what stood out to you is Kind of the downsides Um so one downside would be the fact That the pedaling you can't once it gets Around 17 to 18 miles per hour the Pedaling kind of becomes obsolete There's not enough really intention in There to make the pedaling do anything Um and so then the other negative would Be the fact that the battery life Doesn't seem to be the 40 miles that I Expected Um so after taking it to and from school For two days which would be around 17 18 Miles the battery life indicator is down To two out of five bars which that's Obviously not at the level of 40 miles Okay and so uh and in between there the Battery is going into the house and so It's not being affected by the cold so That's so the only time it would be Exposed to any kind of cold right now Would be during the hours where you're At school so overall the cold shouldn't

Be the significant factor there now Obviously this has not been a kind of a Scientific test where you're trying to Run from the complete battery charge all The way down to zero never got it down Yes but at the same time you know it Would be nice to be able to get maybe That third day of riding out of it Before the battery is fully depleted and I remember there was one day that you Did come home from from riding where you Kind of push it that extra bit and Basically by the time you got home You're pretty much purely pedaling it Was to the place where there's almost no Electric assistance now one thing with That day it was a colder day and it had Been outside all day at school so that Could have impacted the performance I Haven't seen that much of a performance Drop in terms of speed since that day Even when it's gotten low okay so that That could be an environment all right All right good to know well thanks Ryan For some real world tips and hopefully That has helped you in some of his real Real world highs and lows in terms of The performance of the Highboy ex6 so in Summation let's take a look at what I Have found as a reviewer as to be some Of the strengths and weaknesses of the Highboy ex6 in terms of some of the pros Obviously this is a very efficient form Of transportation I've noted that it

Takes my son only about two to three Minutes less time than what it would be For me to drive him to school for Example and over the distance that he Travels to school this really is not all That much slower on the typical you know Conditions in our town it's not much Slower than what it would be driving in A vehicle and obviously if you're Talking about a city application it Could be the commuting on this would be Faster than what it would be actually Trying to do it in a car not to mention All the implications when it comes to Parking and things like that and the Reality that it is an electronic motor Means that you could uh you know just to Look at a few possibilities not only you Know can you do this just charging it Within your own home but there's also The possibility that if you set it up With some solar you could actually run This purely off of just out of Sun's Power which hard to get much more Efficient than that It also allows you to have a reasonable Amount of speed and a comfortable Ride Now obviously the difference compared to A car is you are exposed to the elements So it doesn't fully replace that but at The same time it does provide a decent Writing experience also everyone that's Jumped on this has commented on how fun It is you know 25 miles an hour or

Slightly over that doesn't sound like a Lot of speed but trust me it feels a Whole lot faster when you're on a bike Than what it does if you're in a vehicle And so there is enough of overall fun Factor there that actually makes it an Enjoyable experience and of course you Know you could take it out just for fun Not for practicality some people use it Almost like a dirt bike type thing and So out on trails and for that kind of Application it can be a whole lot of fun The fact that it has a removable battery I think offers a whole lot of pluses it Gives you more flexibility for example If you lived say in an apartment life Something like that to where if you're Removing the battery it means that it's Just one extra element of safety for it And means that you're able to charge if You're you know if you're typically your Charging situation would be out in in Cold it means that you can charge more Efficiently by bringing it indoors where It's not trying to charge and fight Against the cold temperatures at the Same time and as noted I think that it Is well constructed obviously I can't Give you the long-term evaluation of the Overall build and design but I can Certainly say oh from what I can see in Terms of handling the parts and having Assembled it that it seems to be well Put together

So that brings me to some of the cons One of the cons I would say is that the Assembly instructions as is very often The case could have been clear I'm a Fairly experienced person at putting Things together I'm also very Experienced in construction and I have Lots of tools and so I can tell you that There's a few steps that I had to go Back and redo because I didn't find the Instructions quite specific enough now As I noted I've got lots of tools so it Didn't actually slow me down very much But ironically there were a couple of Allen Keys included in the box and none Of them were the right size for anything That I needed to adjust or install on The bike and ironically about three or Four days later after I assembled it in The mail there arrive or via Courier They're arrived actually one of the Large size Allen keys that actually Needed for the bike and as noted I said I've got tools I've got a place for it But I have in looking at some of the User reviews I've noted that some people Obviously didn't have tools and so they Arrived their bike arrived and they Couldn't actually initially assemble it That they had to go to a hardware store And get the proper size Allen key or the Proper size Allen key arrived in the Mail obviously Highboy needs to Straighten that out to where the right

Size tools are in the box that arrive at The same time and I appreciate the fact That they follow up on that customer Service aspect and actually sending the Proper size Allen key but that's Something that they need to prove on and Get right right out of the box my final Negative one that Ryan actually pointed Out and others and user reviews pointed Out as well and that is that the gearing Isn't quite well matched to the overall Top speed of the ex6 and so as a Byproduct when you're up to speed the Pedals Um they don't allow you to add any Assistance for example be because There's not enough resistance here but Also that becomes a little bit of a Safety issue because if you have ever Been you know I'm an experienced cyclist And so if you're ever in a situation Where you're going to and expecting a Certain amount of resistance and you're Moving at speed and there is actually Isn't that resistance it actually uh Makes you kind of shaky it gets you a Little bit off balance and it could be Cause for a crash if you're not careful And so essentially when you're kind of Up to speed you're basically left with Using it as a just an e-bike without any Bicycling and so all that you're doing At that point is just riding along You're not pedaling could be tweaked for

The future to allow there to be a better Matching between the manual gear ratio And then the actual speed of the bike With the electronic motor engaged in Summation however at about an 11 right Under 1100 U.S price point it makes for A pretty cheap commute in that you know You can recharge the battery for Fairly Cheap and you know you have a situation To where you're never going to run out Of full battery because you can always Switch into just manual pedaling if need Be the fact that it has kind of a go Anywhere design as far as the fat tires Means that whatever your commute is like And even if the weather conditions Change along the way it means that You're probably going to be able to make It there okay even if you know if it Starts to snow for example it's not Going to be your best commuting day but You're probably still going to be able To get there and so that adds some Versatility that not every bike can Match I'm Dustin Abbott and I hope that This review today has been useful to you And um who knows maybe we'll do a few More of these in the future but in the Meantime if you want more information You can look in the description down Below I do have a link there to the high Boy site if you want more information About this e-bike specifically and also Buying links if you'd like to purchase

One there for yourself As always please like And subscribe Thanks for watching have a great day and Let the light in [Music] Foreign

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