Leica SL3 – First Impressions Featuring Chris Niccolls

It's David Evelyn from the camera store And today we're talking about a brand New camera that I have right [Music] Here today Leica launched a brand new Camera the sl3 which is their 60 Megapixel full-frame mirrorless camera This is packed with some new technology Some refinements to the lineup so we're Going to get into it now we don't Actually have a unit physically here we Didn't go to Germany for the launch but We did talk to someone who did so a Little bit later we're going to talk to Chris Nichols who gave us his first Impressions this morning on what it was Like to shoot with it but first let's Talk about some of the new stuff going On with the new sl3 one of the biggest Upgrades is its new autofocus system so This combines both phase detection and Contrast detection to give you the best Autofocus system performance yeah I mean The SL2 had contrast only detection and It worked okay but we really want to see Them step up so adding phase detection And subject detection is really going to Improve the overall performance of this Camera this camera is also very Versatile and they have given it an IP 54 rating so what that means this is a Lot more sealed than a lot of other Full-frame mirrorless cameras I really Do like that mean much more confident

Taking this camera out and about in some Conditions that you might be a little More leery of with other brands yeah we Also have some really nice refined user Interface we're going to talk to Chris About this because he had an experience With it but they've redefined their Interface in terms of the menu system And the screens are also improved as Well so you went to wesler Germany and Actually saw the sl3 in person what were Your first impressions So you know when you first see it Actually it looks a lot like the SL2 I Mean they they really do keep the same Kind of look to the camera the same kind Of feel so what really changed is when You actually held it in your hands then You notice the sl3 is a little bit Lighter than an SL2 and a little bit Smaller and that that was like an Interesting change for sure so do you Think that this camera is designed for Professionals like do you see it as Being kind of like a hobbyist camera Like who do you see using this yeah I Mean I think with with any Leica camera Because given the cost of the cameras of Course but also just the the design of Them uh the way that they're they're Intended to be used they absolutely are Looking for existing Leica users to Purchase them I mean of course this is An El Mount camera you could absolutely

Use it with Panasonic lenses if you want To but you know I think the idea really Is look if you're getting like sl3 You're going to be a Leica user already Or at least you really want to buy into The Leica because you want to have that Experience of using one the Heritage That's involved and the lenses the glass That's in front of it so I think uh it's Definitely intended to be a camera that Opens up the gateway to a more Mirrorless kind of experience I mean the Q3 uh the M series cameras they are a Bit of more unique way of shooting it's A very different way of of seeing the World and kind of exploring it whereas I Mean the sl3 is absolutely a mirrorless Full-frame platform and of course we see This from cameras like Sony and Nikon And Canon and Panasonic so what really Sets it apart is either that you already Love like a name or that you really want To buy into that kind of world and that Kind of experience a shooting one were You surprised to see that they did not Include the content authenticity Initiative in this camera do you think They should yeah that that was Interesting I mean so far they they made The sort of full first full-frame camera The M9 uh sorry the m1p to have that Content authen they have the Technology yeah it's funny that they do That and you you know there are some

Hardware things that are involved Although the idea the general consensus Is a lot of the stuff can be added Afterwards in firmware so we might see That happen I don't know I we asked them About that we asked the executives at The time you know a lot of it was just Timing trying to get the camera out on Time you know have it ready for launch So we might see that come in the future Or perhaps you know Leica is certainly a Company that likes to separate their Line into different versions like the M11 right you have the M1 then the M Monochrome and M11 P you know and it's Only the P model that actually got that Built in so we could very well see that Maybe we have to wait for an SL 3p Version who knows but uh yeah they they Haven't put it in there but they do say That they're committed to in the future Rolling that out in a lot of their Cameras was there anything else that was Either delighting or disappointing about The Sl3 yeah I I mean one of the main things Of course having the autofocus is great I mean you know having the new hybrid Autofocus Improvement it's like a NE Necessity like people expect that yeah You have to have it nowadays so it's It's it made sense that they did that we Were expecting that uh the new body Design is nice I mean how customizable

It is the new menu system how simple it Is I think that was a big thing they Wanted to achieve and then one of their Main things that they consider an Improvement and and this is where it Kind of gets a little bit gray is they Wanted to make the sl3 smaller and Lighter than the SL2 so they made it a Little bit shorter they made it a little Bit less wide and they shaved off you Know like 60 70 grams I mean it it Wasn't a huge amount but certainly they Shaved off some weight but in order to Do that they had to put in a brand new Shutter mechanism and a brand new Ibis Unit and it's nice that we have those Things but the shutter now goes from 250 To the second ma maximum flash link down To 200th and the IIs we lost uh yeah we The IIs actually is less effective than What we had in the SL2 would somebody notice it in a Practical sense probably not huge Difference but it's it's curious to see A company actually downgrade some of the Specs from an older model in order to Get slightly smaller size and weight but I mean the designers are very adamant They're like we really wanted to make it Smaller and lighter it certainly is a Very comfortable camera to handle and to Use overall Dave I think this is a nice Upgrade for Leica first of all you have The better autofocus system having a

Hybrid system we've seen it in so many Other models that once you go hybrid you Never go back to just contrast right Like it's really the evolution of all Camera systems I mean we're we're Spoiled a lot with the the modern day Autofocus so it's nice to see that we're Having more than just contrast detection At our disposal with this camera uh but Overall I mean Leica always makes these Really sophisticated lovely packages of Cameras with ip54 rating I mean having That weather ceiling is awesome to you Oh that's great I mean I'm way more Confident taking a camera out that I Know has an ip54 rating than one that I'm a little more suspect of or doesn't Have a rating at all yeah I also like That we do have this nice 60 megapixel Sensor we've seen it in their previous Models in the in the M11 um it's a Beautiful sensor it's going to produce Wonderful images and one cool feature That not a lot of other full-frame Airless cameras have is the ability to Change your resolution for your raw Files usually you only have that option In jpegs yes you can go 18 36 and 60 Megapixels uh if depending what your Requirements are yeah uh now I do like That they've made the camera slightly Smaller and they made the camera a Little bit lighter and they've given you A new battery which gives you more power

To work work with yeah they've also Added a tilt screen which is super handy That is a huge deal and then of course With the new interface they've refine The menu system they've just made Everything a little bit easier to work With that's fantastic but I think Overall like for getting the hybrid Autofocus system the smaller body and All those other nice little upgrades we Have ink camera USBC charging um I think That this does kind of make it a more Modern camera definitely more desirable And something that's versatile for Leica I mean and the fact that this camera can Shoot 88k video now we have the Inclusion of a CF Express type B card so As far as speed goes we certainly have a Ton available to us yeah so we're Excited to get our hands on this we are Hoping to get one at the end of the Month when it comes into Canada for us And so we'll give you maybe a few more Features maybe we'll do an unboxing and Show you a few more physical features of This new camera I for one I'm looking Forward to getting my Hands-On review on This camera I've always like the quality Of like of results I'm getting and I Love the sophistication and the Simplicity of like a camera so I can't Wait to get my hands on one should we Torture test it like torture test Leica I'm always way too scared to do that

Because they're so pretty there's a very Good chance it's still going to be Snowing when we receive our camera we'll Certainly put it through his Paces Environmentally and see if it can uh Withhold everything if you have any Ideas for what we should do with the Leica let us know we'd love to hear your Comments below and of course I want to Thank Chris and Jordan from petapixel From allowing us to interview Chris and Be able to see some of their Clips Really cool to see their experience from Whistler Germany vler vler wler wrestler I don't know if you hope you like what You saw please like And subscribe it's Dave no from the camera store and we'll Catch you again next Time hey thanks for checking out this Episode if you want to check out more of Our recent content click up here and if You're a Canadian you want to support Local check out the camer store.com down Here

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