Irix 15mm f/2.4 (Sony E-mount edition)

How do you get everyone a few years ago Now I tested out the IMAX 15 millimeter F 2.4 a very nice Ultra wide angle lens For digital SLR cameras well IMAX have Now tweaked that model by adding a Built-in adapter for Sony e-mount Cameras and a useful aperture control Ring neat the resulting lens is pretty Big as you can see but still really Useful on a full frame camera 15 Millimeter is of course a gapingly wide Angle useful for all kinds of Architecture and landscape photography And the bike maximum aperture of f 2.4 Means you can easily shoot in Darker Conditions and even get some outer Vegas Backgrounds well if you shoot close Enough to your subject that is it's Still a manual focus lens but the Aperture can be controlled Electronically by your camera if you Wish and the lens does record active Information in your files also I'd like To thank imix for sending me one of These new Sony e-mount lenses for Evaluation although as usual this is a Totally independent review when it comes To build quality this thing feels real Nice to handle but as a digital SLR lens With a built-in adapter it is Correspondingly big as you can see the Lens is weather sealed with the gasket At the rear although you can see Electronics if you peer into the rear

Which always makes me feel a bit Uncomfortable a key improvement over the Original lens for digital slrs is its Aperture control ring at the bottom it Can be set to work with gentle clicks or If you flip a switch it turns completely Smoothly for video Work useful then Comes the beautifully designed Rubberized Focus ring it turns very Smoothly and precisely perfect for Shooting even at F 2.4 as you can see Here when adjusting Focus the lens Exhibits very little Focus breathing in Front of that manual focus ring comes a Locking ring to set the focus ring into A certain position if you want to I Found that it didn't work very well it Was quite stiff and as he turned the Locking ring often the focus ring would Turn with it spoiling your focus some Good news is that you can attach filters To the front of this lens that's not to Be taken for granted on a full-frame 15 Millimeter optic and is very useful in My opinion as a fan of polarizing and ND Filters for landscape photography less Encouraging is that the filter size is 95 millimeters wide which means your Filters will be very expensive IMX Themselves actually make some fantastic Slim filters of this size which will Work very well with the lens in question The lens also comes with a plastic Hood With a gap on the side for adjusting

Your filters again a thoughtful touch Overall it's great to build quality here Although I wish they'd redesigned the Optics of the lens for mirrorless Cameras instead of repackaging the Original digital SLR design it could Have been so much smaller if they did Anyway let's take a look at image Quality now I'll be testing it on my Sony a7r III camera with its 42 Megapixel sensor despite this being a Lens with some Electronics inside In-camera Corrections were not available And you will see the effect of that Fairly clearly in the middle of the Image straight from F 2.4 we are seeing Fantastic resolution and high contrast Over in the corners things are a bit Less promising lots of Darkness but There's enough resolution here to at Least make out what's going on and Contrast isn't any worse it's top down To F4 though and everything gets way Better in the corners as you can see and F 5.6 gets really quite sharp with low Color fringing the lens stays they're Sharped under F16 although at F22 Softness Creeps in due to the effect of Diffraction okay well in terms of Sharpness this is quite a good Performance although I do wish the Corners were a bit better at the Brightest apertures and as I mentioned This lens does not work within camera

Connections unfortunately so let's take A look at vignetting and Distortion some Noticeable bowel Distortion is being Projected here but nothing dreadfully Serious unsurprisingly at F 2.4 those Corners are looking really pretty dark As these top down to F4 F 5.6 and f8 They eventually brighten up so you'll Definitely want to at least correct that Peripheral illumination this lens can Focus down to about 24 centimeters just Enough at capturing slightly smaller Subjects at F 2.4 the good news is that Close up image quality is just as good As at normal distances alright let's see How the lens performs against Bright Lights now it's not a great performance Here at F 2.4 some clear flags of Flaring can be seen as well as a hazy Flash around the edges stop down to F4 Though and we see a good Improvement in Contrast when it comes to Coma levels Some smearing on right points of light Is visible in the corners at F 2.4 stop Down to F4 though and it's virtually Gone if you use top down to f11 or F16 Then Sun stars begin to emerge but any Rather small ones finally let's take a Look at the quality of this lenses bokeh Everything's fine here autofocus Backgrounds are nice and soft in Conclusion this is a nice little upgrade To imax's Classic 15 millimeter lens From a few years ago but its Optical

Design is getting a little out of date Now it's nice and sharp taking lovely Pictures with good colors and contrast And the new aperture ring is Handy and It has good build quality but it's Bigger and heavier than its manual focus Competitors it's work against Bright Lights could have been a little better And newer lenses are a bit sharper than This oh and the lack of in-camer Corrections is an issue for jpeg Shooters so the IMAX 15 millimeter F 2.4 Is still a nice option especially if you Want a slightly brighter aperture but The competition is snapping at its heels Nowadays [Music] Well thanks for watching everyone and a Special thanks to my supporters over on Patreon who make such a huge difference To me carrying on and keeping these free Lens reviews going check it out in the Description below patreon supporters get All kinds of extra bonus content which I Love making for them ciao for now Everybody [Music]

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