Fujifilm X-T5 (One Year Later) | Watch Before You Buy

The Fuji xc5 is an incredible lifestyle Camera for almost anyone because it Looks gorgeous straight from the camera With zero editing needed the reason this Camera looks so incredible might not be The reason you think the Fuji xt5 has This Secret Sauce that no other camera Has giving you incredible results that No other camera can so what is the Secret sauce in the Fuji xt5 and why Does this matter to you let's find out So in order to understand why the xc5 is So incredible imagine this whenever You're shooting with your camera either Photos or videos most of the time the Images look pretty good but they're not Great and in order for them to look Great you have to edit them because even With the best cameras in the world the Real magic in photography and video Really happens in the edit but for most People they don't want to edit they Don't know how to edit or they might not Even have the phone or computer to edit So you never really get the photos and Videos you actually want but with the Fuji camera the photos and videos Already look edited right from the Camera and they're ready to share right Away as soon as you shoot them and this Makes the whole process of shooting Photos and videos more enjoyable and This allows you to focus more on Creativity instead of spending hours on

YouTube learning to edit and then Actually editing and when you compare The colors from the Fuji xt5 even next To a professional full-frame camera the Fuji camera looks way better simply Because of the colors also before I tell You exactly why the colors in this Camera look so incredible just want to Let you guys know I'll leave links down Below with the best possible pricing on The Fuji xc5 the reason the xc5 and all Fuji cameras look so incredible is Because they actually have 19 film Emulations built right into the camera And each individual film emulation gives You vibrant and unique colors that are Absolute eye candy and they also allow You to quickly change the color palette Of your photos and videos and Dramatically change the mood of your Photos and videos by simply swapping Through different film profiles so you Can go from vibrant and Rich colors to Cool futuristic desaturated colors with Just a click and each film profile can Also be customized to help you create Your own custom look and you can really Go deep by picking things like grain Chromatic aberration and even things Like where your highlights and Shadow Sits this might sound a little bit Complicated so there's even online Communities where people actually get Together and share their own custom

Profiles so you can just copy them but Not only will you have Limitless Possibilities by always having new film Recipes to try out but you will probably Make a few online friends that also love Fuji cameras now before you roll your Eyes and say oh my God whatever it's Just hipsters hanging out with color Filters my iPhone does that there's Actually a really incredible piece of Hardware in this camera that makes all Of this possible Fuji has actually Developed their own xtran sensor inhouse So they didn't buy this from another Company and just stick it in their Camera and this sensor does some really Unique things because of the unique Pixel structure in the xtran sensor it Allows you to capture image quality and Detail level that is on par with a Professional 5K or $6,000 camera and You've never really been able able to Get this level of quality in such a Small camera in my opinion the Fuji xc5 Is kind of like the budget like a Q2 and That's because the Fuji xc5 actually has A 40 megapixel apsc size sensor which is Currently also the highest resolution Apsc sensor in the world and this allows You to get a level of fidelity that you Have never seen in a camera this small But when you combine such an incredibly Powerful sensor with the amazing colors From the xt5 that's when you really

Start to see what a special camera this Is because with these features every Photo already looks good and this lets You get to your Desir outcome of a Goodlooking photo and video faster and Without the hassle of editing there is Obviously a time and a place where Editing is important and you have to but Most of the time I don't want to I just Want to get something goodlooking and Move on now I wouldn't care about this Camera if it just looked good what's Really interesting is that with the Brand new processor you can also do Really special things when when it comes To photos and videos at speeds that I've Never really seen in a camera like this Before because similar to like a High-end DSLR you can also shoot 15 Frames per second and with this you get A 116 frames per second frame buffer for Jpegs or 19 Raw photos but if you slow That down just a little bit to 10 frames Per second you actually get a, jpegs in A row sadly only 19 raw frames still but If there's times where you really need To put the pedal to the you're shooting Sports live action something where You're not going to get the chance again You can also go up to 20 frames per Second electronic shutter mode now Electronic shutter mode you're obviously Going to get rolling shutter and some Artifacting but that's really fast but

This mode does come with a pretty heavy 2.9 times crop so you'll only be getting A 24 megapixel resolution in this mode This basically zooms into your sensor And all of your images are tighter now Autofocus can sometimes become a problem When you're shooting at a really high Frame rate of 15 to 20 frames per second One thing that Fuji has done is with a New firmware update they've actually Accelerated their eye tracking algorithm And now everything seems to track faster Including animals airplanes and cars but I would still say it's not perfect it Has like a 90% accuracy but it still has A way to go before it's as good as Canon Or Sony but the Fuji xt5 does have a Joystick in the back to change your Autofocus points and it also has touch Autofocus using the screen on the back But video is where I am personally in Love with this camera I do photography With this and I like it but video is Where I just fell in love this camera Doesn't only just shoot 4K oh no it Actually shoots 6.2k at 24 and 30 frames Per second thanks to that 40 megapixel Sensor 6.2k resolution is not something I have seen in most Pro cameras and if 6.2k is too much resolution for you you Can still shoot 4K HQ which actually Downsamples the full 6K video resolution Into a 4K file so you still get 6K Detail and 6K sharpness but this way you

Can use these video files on a slower Computer or phone and if you shoot in Regular 4K you can also shoot up to 60 Frames per second for two times slow Motion this is a feature that most Professional videographers want in their Camera so it's really impressive to see This in a small little Life Cell camera And if you really love slow motion you Can also shoot up to 120 frames per Second or 240 frames per second in full HD I highly recommend using these modes This way you can take a simple random Moment while you're traveling or an out And about and really make it feel epic And feel like something special and you Also have the F log one and two in the Turnal film profile these are flat Cinematic profiles for someone that Doesn't want to use the internal colors And instead wants to go into an editing Software and create their own cinematic Look now whether using the xt5 as a Lifestyle camera as a hobby camera Travel camera or a content creator Chances are you're going to be shooting This camera mostly handheld and I was Really impressed by how good the inbody Stabilization with this camera is I was Able to do some really crazy moves that I would normally need a gimbal for and Even when I used a gimbal with this Camera I honestly felt like I had a Better better time just using the inbody

Stabilization and moving the camera Wherever I wanted so the xt5 sounds Pretty incredible right great sensor Great colors great shooting speeds but It's not perfect there's some things I Love about this camera but there's Definitely some red flags you should Know before picking one up I really love The fact that Fuji made this into a Vintage style camera with all of the old School dials but you still have all the Modern switches on this camera so you Can use this like a vintage camera or a Modern camera I love how small this Camera is it can basically fit in my Entire hand and I'm not a massive guy I'm only 510 so this is a really small Camera I like the fact that I can put it On a strap just take it everywhere with Me but a lot of times I do find that It's just a little too small for my Hands I highly recommend putting a side Grip on this or a thumb grip I didn't Have one while I was shooting with it But I definitely feel like this would be Improved with that but kudos to Fuji for Making really good small compact lenses For this camera the ones that I probably Recommend for lifestyle Shooters is the 23mm and 35 mm I think they look the Best on the camera as well and if you're Someone that wants in versatile Zoom That can kind of do everything Especially a video lens I ended up using

The 16 to35 mm lens and I had really Good results with it one thing that Really needs to be updated are the Fuji Menus they're kind of bare bones they Don't look great and they're not very Efficient and sometimes they can Actually be slow to navigate the touch Sensitivity on the back of the screen Isn't great and touch autofocus just Feels slow overall these are features That like even some of the cheapest Cameras have and they do it better than The xc5 so it's a little disappointing To see that the screen on the back is Also only a tilt screen which is perfect For photos but if you're going to do any Kind of video you won't be able to tilt The screen towards yourself to see Yourself and it's kind of heartbreaking For even a video shooter like me where This screen just doesn't do it for me But I will say the battery life is Shockingly good for photos I think I got At least a thousand photos on a single Charge even though Fuji says it should Be closer to 700 and I was able to shoot For a few hours of non-stop video with This camera on a single charge the xc5 Has some shortcomings and it's not a Perfect camera but considering how Incredible the image quality is how good The sensor is the colors are absolutely Magnificent I think all of those things Are worth getting this camera for

Despite the few shortcomings and if you Decide to pick this camera up make sure To check out the links down below for The best possible pricing on the Fuji Xe5 and I'll see you guys in the next Video peace