Probably the Only Photo Editing Program You’ll Ever Need!

Editing photos in Lightroom or photoshop Can be a challenge I find myself Searching more on YouTube trying to Figure out how to do something than Actually doing it and that is where the Sponsor of this video comes in luminar Neo what it is is a program for editing But it kind of combines Lightroom and Photoshop it has kind of that ease of Use of Lightroom but with some of the More advanced features of Photoshop and It goes a little bit beyond that as well With some AI powered catchphrase of the Decade feature so in this video what I Want to do is try to edit some of my Photos check out some of the crazy Things that this thing can do by playing With some other photos let's jump in Let's get started by launching luminar Neo here and I've imported a couple of Photos but I have not messed around with Any of them so you're getting kind of my First take on how to do all this stuff And my reactions as they happen so let Me pick one of these out so this is a Portrait here of my wife from a recent Video that I did and so the first tab Here says presets you can actually go in And just do some preset work so if you Wanted to click on one of these and it Applies it here on the bottom and you Could see just before after before after Let's punch in a little Bit just to see kind of what the presets

Do it's pretty nice not bad not bad for A quick edit if you don't want to spend Too much time on it but that's far far Too easy so let's revert back to the Original and we're going to head over Into the edit Tab and actually play Around with some of these features so I'm going to scroll down to Portrait Here because this is kind of a wider Portrait and the first option here is Studio light all right I'm going to Increase the amount here to well let's Just do something high so let's say 51% now what you get here is a little White dot and that is your light source So the cool thing about this is Obviously as I move this around you'll See that it's changing the way that Janessa is lit if I go over to this side Where the sun is she's way Overexposed But let's say I have a shot where the Shadows are a little bit too much on one Side I can put the light on this side Reduce the amount and just apply a Little bit of light see the before and After after before after before after It's so subtle but it's really Really a nice touch and what I like is That there are Shadows on the ground as A result so this isn't just kind of Faking the whole thing it's actually Computing it and it's casting Shadows on Your image just like it would be if There was an actual light source this is

Pretty incredible cuz you could Technically use this as you would a Flash out in the wild and you can make It seem like you are shooting with a Flash when you are not I'm going to Leave that right there and take a look Look at Portrait bouquet now let's say You're shooting with a lens that uh is What's like a f5.6 or something like That you can apply some bouquet now I'm Going to do let's do Like too much let's do 46% and this is unrealistic because the Fence is so close but you could see the Program has masked Janessa I would say Near perfectly here and the background Is now completely blurry just like you Would use your most recent iPhone to do Now you can fine-tune this and make it a Little bit more realistic in this case This lens is an F1.2 27 mm and if f1.2 wasn't enough you Wanted to get f0.95 look you could get That with luminar Neo so you can Increase the softness the strength of The bouquet all of that fun stuff that's Just incredible and look at the before And after Look at that just adds some blurriness To the background now there's face AI Face AI is pretty crazy I'm going to Zoom in to Janessa's face now this is Pretty well exposed might be a little Bit Overexposed already but let's say

You're shooting an underexposed photo You could increase this and just Brighten the face up to where she's Glowing like the Angelic woman that she Is you can also slim the face let's see How that Works it's applying Whoa okay so wow I can see myself Getting in trouble with this feature so I'm just going to leave it at zero Here's one of the tabs that is uh pretty Awesome so eyes let me zoom in 200% here Okay and the eyes here are properly Focused but let's say we want to make Them pop a little bit more you can Increase the flare I mean look at That that's pretty crazy you can enlarge The eyes Creepy I'm not going to do any of that You can whiten them don't go too much CU It looks a little strange you can Enhance I like that so you get a little Bit of that kind of like soft uh soft Box look in the eye remove red eyes if You have them Dark Circle removal I'm Going to need that um for myself but not So much for Janessa but a little bit we Could do that and then improve eyebrows Kind of just it's crazy look at this it Just darkens the eyebrows and makes them Super brown the thing I like about this Is that you can just adjust a little bit At a time you don't want to go too much To where it just looks completely fake

You can remove shine and make your face A little bit more matted as well skin Defects removal AI let's do This wow that was Quick that is impressive seriously that Is really good looking all right so Here's a shot of um my daughter Isabella Now this shot actually included in my Sample photos when I did a lens review This is in Florida and I don't know if You guys can tell let me zoom in to 200 But this photo is just slightly out of Focus it's not focused on her eyes and I Think luminar Neo can help us with that What I want to do is go up to Super Sharp Ai and let's try Universal Low it's going to start thinking look at This cool animation as it's applying Super Sharp that is incredible I don't it just Doesn't make sense there's no way you Could have done that without some sort Of AI program so here's the before Here's the after and look at the eyes Cuz just the eyes are in Focus they're Sharp yeah it messes with the hair a Little bit it kind of moves the focus Back but look at that when you zoom out Her eyes are in Focus all right some Other things let's just play around with Sunrays because uh I'm just curious so You can just put sun rays here on this Side pretend like the sun is coming in

From that side all right let's take a Look at this photo of my wife here I'm Going to go into the edit Tab and you Can see this happens sometimes where the Background's nice and bright but you're Your subject is dark and so there's not Adequate Lighting on the subject I'm Going to try this relight Ai and we're Going to see what happens when we Whoa look at that so brightness near you Can reduce the background but it's not Perfectly masked here so you can see at 200% around that hairline right there It's not masked correctly so I can Adjust it So I can go with the brush and I can Paint where I want the mask and let's See if that helps Us all right let's go back Adjustments that is so cool so look I Didn't even paint the bottom of her arm And look at the before and after that's Crazy and so the tip of her nose is a Little dark too so let's go back to mask We'll add a little brush Here the cheek and we'll round this out So this part of the hair and then Shoulder and then Arm and I guess the rest of This I guess her hand should probably be In it but how cool is that look at That before after before After and the background the key here is The background is not changing at all

Let's pick out another one so here's one From a recent video and let's see if we Can go into edit and just erase some Stuff so there is a uh where did I see It where did I see It erase right here and let's say I want To erase whatever this is It's like a Construction vehicle post Let's see what happens if I just decide To erase this whole thing let's go all The way up we'll leave that little line As Well and Erase okay wait let's try that again so I'm going to zoom in I'm going to zoom In over here oh hold on hold on let's See uh ready hit the Button what in the World it's not perfect there's like a Little bit you can kind of see a little Bit of difference in the water here so I Just removed that building completely Remove this let's try something just Crazy because maybe this might work Let's say we didn't want Janessa to be In this photo this program has to Replace all of the background somehow What in the world look at that we just Erased that post we erased that building And we erased Janessa with in two Seconds it didn't do a perfect job with Janessa because you can see that roof in The background but I would just erase That too for me to do that in Photoshop

Would have taken 45 minutes I mean I've Tried to do stuff like that removing People This with AI and all that stuff it just So much easier all right let's take a Low light photo like this uh and hit the Edit tab this image here low light apsc You can see the kind of graininess Noisiness here let's see just what Happens if you apply a little bit of it Okay look before and after look at this I mean let me Crop into 200% so you guys Can see this so look before That's noisy that's what came out of the Camera after before after before after I Don't even know how you would do that in Photoshop I'm sure there's a way maybe In Lightroom as well but I've never done It that easily and that quickly so That's insanely good all right let's Take a shot of this building and let's See what else we can play around with Here Twilight Enhancer wow Whoa okay look at that before after so This you can do Sky replacement so you Can choose let's say Cloudy look at that before after and not Only can you choose it you can actually Adjust like reflection see the Reflection here on the roof is a little Bit too much you can dial that down Orientation let's see what else they Have

Here I mean you can get as crazy as you Want I guess you can do the Northern Lights you know if you're shooting on a Day that has no clouds kind of looks Boring you can just add a little bit of Clouds just like that and it's so easy I Mean it's pretty easy in Photoshop too I Have to admit but it looks like there's More options here with luminar all right Let's do another port One here uh this is my wife um this One's nice and sharp this is with the V Tru 27 F1.2 let's just do a little bit of Studio light here again and we're going To increase it and let's pretend like we Have a studio light right here on her From this side so the sun's hitting Her and we have extra light here I would Probably dial this down to Something like that but just a little Subtle Light let's go back to full screen yeah There's so many cool things that you can Mess around with here that's just Scratching the surface and with luminar Neo you can buy it just as a software With a lifetime subscription basically You just buy it once you don't have to Pay monthly so for example if you just Want to buy Lightroom in Photoshop right Now that's $20 a month you multiply that Out over the course of a year $240 then 10 years you're spending

$2,400 on software whereas with luminar Neo right now they have a sale going you Can buy the whole thing for $149 for the Rest of your life I think they said they Would give me a coupon for like 10% off For you guys as well so definitely check That out um I'd encourage you if you are In the market looking at photo editing Software there are usually trials with All of them including luminar so start Out with the trial play around with it See if you like it compare it to Lightroom and then make your choice the Other cool thing about luminar is that You can integrate it into Lightroom and Photoshop so you can effectively use all Of the features of this program within Lightroom or within Photoshop and so That is an added bonus as well so thank You guys so much for watching thank you Again to luminar Neo for sponsoring this Video stay tuned for more check out all The links down in the description below And I'll see you guys in the next one Bye-bye