3 Essential Tips for Winter Photography

[Music] Hey it's Dave from the camera store I'm Going to give you three tips for Shooting in cold [Music] Weather yesterday we had a great Opportunity to work with Paul zitka in His workshop and we stayed up way too Late photographing the stars and having A lot of fun on Lake Vermilion and I Thought it'd be good today to talk about Three things I learned about shooting in The cold weather and the first one is Clothing I mean us photographers are Kind of the very few people who just Sort of stand around outside not Generating a lot of heat if you're a CrossCountry skiing that's one thing You're generating a lot of heat when You're doing it but we stand around We're waiting for things to happen Waiting for stars waiting for clouds we Get really cold so dress appropriately Overdress that's all you need one thing That I always forget or underutilize are Gloves invest in a good quality set of Gloves or mittens because we are going To be using them a lot and these cameras Don't work great when you're using Mittens so we have to take our hands in In and out of our gloves quite a bit When we're adjusting these small little Dials and making our changes to our Settings so invest in a great quality

Gloves your hands will love you for it So had this great idea of me against This epic Mountain background with the Walking stick I found and became one With nature but it's pretty uh so let's Talk about my second tip when it's cold Outside something that doesn't last very Long are your batteries in your camera So I do recommend carrying at least one Or two batteries as a spare that way we Can keep them close to our core inside Of our jackets not on the outside Pockets but on the inside jackets where They stay nice and warm and don't feel Bad if you need to swap them out fair Amount and keep the one that you're Working with always a little bit warmer You're going to get the most out of your Batteries that way keep your batteries As warm as you can when you're shooting Conditions when it's this cold you're Going to enjoy it we spent all this time And effort to get out here to the Wilderness the last thing we want our Dead battery where we can't capture Anything at all now the third thing I Want to talk about and I discovered last Night more than ever is to invest in a Carbon fiber tripod now the reason I Like carbon fiber tripods over aluminum Is they tend to dampen vibration better Than aluminum tripods do in the first Place but when the weather turns South And and gets cold carbon fiber doesn't

Get hot or cold or aluminum does so when You're taking your hands out of those Nice warm mitts or gloves and have to Make adjustments to your tripod it's Much easier to handle a carbon fiber Tripod than aluminum that's going to Freeze your hands so they're well worth The investment your wallet might not Thank you but your cold hands certainly Will so there certainly is a lot more to Shooting in cold weather than those Three tips but those are certainly three Things that really came to mind last Night when I was photographing dress Appropriately I mean you want to be Comfortable when you're out shooting Keep your batteries warm so you can keep Shooting and invest in a carbon fiber Tripod it's going to be much easier to Deal with help with stability and Certainly your hands are going to like That so if you have some tips for Shooting in cold weather let me know in The comments down below follow us both On Instagram please subscribe hit the Notification Bell and we'll catch you Again next [Music] Time [Music] Hey thanks for sticking around and Watching this somewhat chilly episode if You want to check out more of our recent Content click up here and if you're a

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