Sigma 50mm F1.4 DG DN Art Review

Welcome back to if your vtv viewers it Is Chris Nichols here and today we are Playing with the brand new Sigma 50 Millimeter 1.4 dgdn now I've got this on L Mound I'm actually shooting this on The Panasonic S5 II today but I did Shoot all the test charts on the 60 Megapixel Sigma FPL but there's no way I'm shooting on a sigma FPL all day long So s52 it is let's go do this now we're Out here on the very sunny streets of Downtown Calgary which is a nice change So here I could stop down the lens a bit More but I did also want to give you Guys some variety and shoot this lens Wide open at F 1.4 so we went indoors to The Calgary Farmers Market always lots Of cool stuff to shoot there lots of Colors artificial light so it'll be a Good test as well to get some more Sample variations okay so time to talk About the handling on this lens you know It's not the biggest 50 millimeter 1.4 Out there it's not the smallest either But it's quite manageable let's get down To the specs I mean this lens really Does feel a lot like the other art Series dgd ends this is an art Series so It is well built it is weather sealed 72 Millimeter filter thread it does have That excellent push button release hood That sigma's been using on a lot of Their lenses this actually is a full Feature design we've got great manual

Focus ring with good dampening I do have A custom function button here we get a Built-in aperture ring of course which Is nice and I can turn the click on or Off on this as well as the option to Lock the aperture ring either in Auto or Out of Auto so very full featured very Familiar with the other art series Lenses and overall very well built 670 Grams that makes it a third of a knock So it's not that heavy to carry around Now the sigma 60 to 600 was the first Sigma lens that I've seen with a linear Motor built into it for auto focusing This is now the second it's nice to see That they are upgrading their lenses That way and I am finding the autofocus To be of course silent but more Importantly very Snappy very quick and Very reliable even from close objects to Far away See the lovely sun behind me here how Does this lens handle flare well I'm Happy to say actually very much like the Other art series lenses do so sigma's Coatings actually minimal loss of Contrast even when shooting towards the Sun and you can also see here very Slight ghosting you know even stop down It's incredibly minor so I'd happily Shoot this lens towards the sun now this Is a 50 millimeter 1.4 we don't normally Worry about Sun stars on a lens like This and that's a good thing because

They're kind of black okay so let's talk About breathing now on this lens and Again breathing is where as you focus From near to far and back again you Might find your field of view changing Now historically Sigma art lenses have Not been very well corrected for Breathing and unfortunately this lens is No exception as you can see here as I Manually focus through the range our Field of view change is quite Dramatically now for photography it's Not the end of the world it's not a huge Deal although if you want to do things Like focus stacking and stuff that can Be a problem but for videography if you Want to do Focus polls from near to far Your field of view is going to change Quite dramatically and that's a big Downside so let's talk about chromatic Aberration is on this lens The Chronic Aberration that's not easy to fix is Loca longitudinal chromatic aberration And that's where you're going to see Color fringing in the foreground and Background out of focus areas much Harder to get rid of this lens does have It it's not bad you can see here though Our color shift in the out of focus Areas in the background versus the Foreground pretty minor it's still going To be a factor but it's not a major Worry so 50 millimeter 1.4 prime lens Means shallow depth of field you know

Soft background so let's talk about Bokeh next first off specular highlights Honestly they're not that great looking Here wide open at 1.4 you can see first Off strong cat's eye in the corners Onion rings in the bouquet I would even Say kind of harsh look to the bouquet But when we stop down the aperture Because it's an 11 bladed diaphragm at Least we still get nice round specular Highlights you can see that mechanical Cat's eye goes away pretty quick as well As we stop down now the transition from In focus to autofocus areas I think is Quite smooth so it's really going to Come down to if you've got specular Highlights are you going to be bothered By that very dramatic looking bouquet It's subjective some people are going to Like it some people aren't so it's time To talk about sharpness and as I Mentioned before I shot that on the Sigma FPL because we really want to push The lenses capabilities with that high Resolution 60 megapixel sensor so here Looking at the sigma in the center you Can see that it is very sharp wide open And as we stop down there's a noticeable Improvement in image quality now let's Take a look at actually focusing in the Corners specifically so again top left Corner F 1.4 still very sharp I mean Very good stop now to F4 maybe the Contrast improves slightly but really

Overall this lens is something you can Happily shoot wide open at 1.4 no issues Okay so say you're looking for a fast 50 Millimeter well I think you got a decent Option here I mean it's fairly Affordable art series lenses are always Nice to use they're always well built It's not overly heavy or bulky and Although we've got some Optical Downsides you know overall the lens is Very sharp and it's a very decent Performer so I think it's good option Now you can get this for both Sony E-mount as well as Panasonic Leica Mount Now if I was a Sony user I think this Actually becomes a really compelling Option because the existing Sony 50mm 1.4 I mean it's a decent lens but it's Quite a bit more expensive than this Lens and really doesn't bring anything Extra to the table I'd go this route if I was willing to spend a lot more money Though then you could look at the Sony 50 millimeter 1.2 G Master now you're Getting more light that lens basically Takes care of any Optical deficiencies That this lens has beautiful bouquet I Mean that's a really nice option but Again quite a bit more expensive now if You're an L Mount user I think this Still is actually a really good option I Mean there's not much else around there Panasonic and Leica did cooperate to Make a 50 millimeter 1.4 which is more

Expensive definitely bulkier and Definitely heavier it does have some Advantages I mean it has a manual focus Clutch and although the breathing is Still present it's not as bad as a Breathing on this lens also has Beautiful bouquet so for videography That might be a really nice option for Photography if you were okay with the Larger size and cost and you just wanted To have nicer bouquet also an option but I still think this is very compelling Now if I was a videographer I would Probably even just look at the Panasonic 50 Miller 1.8 although you're losing Some light that lens is fully breathing Corrected and just beautiful for video Purposes well that does it for our Sigma 50 millimeter review today you know we Always appreciate you joining us here And if you have some time please do Subscribe to the channel if you haven't Already we'd love that and check out our Socials below leave comments let us know What you think about this latest art Dgdn lens and don't forget you check out The sample galleries we shot on this Lens at so you should Probably head there next thanks for Joining us we'll see you soon for the Episode of deep review TV [Music] Thank you

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