Samyang AF 75mm f/1.8 on Fuji lens review

[Music] Howdy again everyone and Fuji Shooters Can celebrate another red letter day Today as a rather cool portrait lens Heads its way to their system the Samyang 75 millimeter F 1.8 originally Brought out for Sony e-mount aps-c Cameras it's tested really well in my Review of it a while ago so this video Is to take a look at how well it does on Fuji X to check if there are any Differences or problems and to see if It's still competitive today and Especially bearing in mind that Competing company viltrux have recently Launched an incredible 75 millimeter F 1.2 lens for a similar price this Samyang Lens comes in at about 500 US Dollars or about 475 pounds in the UK I'd like to thank samyang's UK Distributor for learning me a copy of This lens for testing although as usual This is a totally independent review 75 Millimeter is a really nice focal length On an aps-c camera it will give you Lovely compressed images with very out Of focus his background and a maximum Magic of f 1.8 is Snappy enough for fast Shutter speeds even in Darker situations Let's take a look at the lenses build Quality first it's small and plasticky But with a nice looking design that's an Improvement over the rather utilitarian Looking version for Sony cameras it's

Based on a metal lens mounter with a Weather ceiling gasket which is another Improvement over the Sony version of the Lens and it's a lovely lightweight too The main control ring is a large Rubberized and customizable and it turns Very smoothly the custom switch on the Side theoretically lets you change Between using it as a focus ring or an Aperture control ring the aperture Control only worked in video mode though And it didn't seem to communicate with The camera well and even caused some Autofocus problems when I was shooting So maybe samyang will update the Firmware on that one because it didn't Work so great oh and here is the lenses Focus breathing as you can see when you Focus more closely the lens Zooms in as You do so here's the lenses autofocus Motor at work it works silently and Quite quickly better than its older Brother for Sony cameras anyway it's Quite accurate too although it sometimes Seeks a little before zeroing in so it's Not quite as confident as other lenses Are tested on Fiji X The Lens comes with A plastic hood and a tight little Protective case it's filter thread size Is 62 millimeters wide it does not Feature image stabilization overall the Lens's build quality is very nice here Although it's not made of metal like the Sony version still this Fuji version has

Weather sealing slightly better Auto Vegas and in my opinion looks better too More importantly though is image quality I'll be testing it on a Fuji xt3 today With its 26 megapixel aps-c sized sensor I had to give the 40 megapixel xh2 Camera back to Fuji I'm afraid in the Middle of the image from F 1.8 we see Great sharpness and contrast although a Little purple fringing is visible on Contrasting edges Corner image quality Is just a touch softer but still very Nice and sharp stop down to F 2.8 to see Excellent sharpness now from the corners And back into the middle and at F4 we See absolute razor sharpness from corner To corner the lens takes the sharp down To f11 and F16 looks a lot softer due to The effect of diffraction so it's a Great albeit not perfect performance Here the lenses image quality is good at F 1.8 and very sharp and F 2.8 let's Hear about vignetting and Distortion now This is actually a full frame lens That's been transferred over to Fuji X As a result we see very little Distortion and virtually no vignetting Straight from F 1.8 even with in-camera Corrections turned off so that is Encouraging to see now let's see about Close-up image quality the lenses Minimum Focus distance is a decent 69 Centimeters and The Wider structure of f 1.8 we see some good detail being

Captured but contrast is low and there's Even more purple color fringing however It's top down to F 2.8 and that fringing Is gone and at F4 sharpness is perfect So it's not a bad performance here now Let's see how the lens works against Bright light it's a performance on a Good side of average here with glaring And flaring being visible but not too Serious as I mentioned earlier this lens Can get you nicely out of focus Backgrounds at F 1.8 so let's take a Look at its bokeh it's just okay here a Little smudgy looking in places to be Honest related tobacca is longitudinal Chromatic aberration at F 1.8 we see a Fair bit of it in colorful bokeh Highlighting but the great news is that You only really need to stop down to F 2.8 to see it mostly gone and F4 for it To be totally gone overall then well This is an extremely likable lens for a Number of reasons it's small size low Price solid build sharp image quality And enjoyable 75 millimeter focal length Will make it a little bit of a winner However today in 2023 it's just not very Competitive for one key reason while This samyang lens is great unfortunately It can't quite compete with the also new Viltrox 75 millimeter F 1.2 which has an Aperture literally twice as bright Slightly sharper Optics much better Build quality and all for the same price

Or indeed slightly less depending on Where you shop this samyang lens is Great it's very nice but unfortunately At this price point anyway the Competition is better Thank you blah blah blah patreon blah Blah blah exclusive bonus content blah Blah blah Link in the description below And thank you to all my patreon Supporters for making this channel keep On taking ciao for now everyone

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