Viltrox AF 75mm f/1.2 (Sony E-mount version) lens review

Viltrox AF 75mm f/1.2 (Sony E-mount version) lens review

Hi it's me let's get stuck right into a Lens that's super exciting well to me Anyway the viltrox AF 75 millimeter F 1.2 This Time released on Sony e-mount I Knew it would make its way over from Fuji…

Samyang AF 75mm f/1.8 on Fuji lens review

Samyang AF 75mm f/1.8 on Fuji lens review

[Music] Howdy again everyone and Fuji Shooters Can celebrate another red letter day Today as a rather cool portrait lens Heads its way to their system the Samyang 75 millimeter F 1.8 originally Brought out for Sony e-mount aps-c Cameras…

Viltrox AF 75mm f/1.2 XF lens review

Viltrox AF 75mm f/1.2 XF lens review

[Music] Hi it's me and let's get stuck right Into a lens that's super exciting well To me anyway the brand new viltrox AF 75 Millimeter F 1.2 XF it's an auto Vegas Portrait lens which is currently just For…