TTartisan’s New 500mm F6.3 Telephoto

One of the most expensive lenses that You can buy for your Sony camera is the 600 millimeter F4 from Sony that lens Will set you back 13 000 us let's say you want a telephoto Lens but you have Two and a half percent of that thirteen Thousand dollars right around 300 bucks I guess that's really where this TT Artisan comes in this is the brand new 500 millimeter F 6.3 and if you don't Mind manual focus you don't mind no Weather sealing you don't mind Not having any sort of optical Stabilization this is a very Budget-friendly way to get very close to The action let's check it out it comes In this large Silver Box inside there is A card with the TT Artisan logo some Foam and the lens nestled in here there Is a warranty card and a user manual and This Lens comes with a plastic rear lens Cap and a metal tension fit front lens Cap and also a metal lens hood that Screws onto the front construction is All metal and glass it feels well built And not cheap weight is an astonishing 1672 grams which is nearly four pounds Around the rear there is a metal Mount No electronic connections no weather Sealing and no lens element back here Either it's way inside this Barrel there Is a removable tripod mount with two Mounting holes on the bottom and about

Halfway on the barrel you get the focus Ring this is one of the stiffest focus Rings I've ever tried super duper stiff With a lot of resistance but it's pretty Smooth rotation is just a touch over 180 Degrees and there is a focal distance Scale with clear markings minimum Focus Looks to be about 11 feet or 3.3 meters In front of that is a smaller aperture Ring also stiff that moves from F 6.3 to F-32 and then you have this protruding Front lens barrel with some info on it Ed glass tele lens 500 millimeter F 6.3 Large aperture which I don't know if F 6.3 would qualify Cinema Scene and super MC and I think that these markings are a Bit silly is it a Cinema Scene lens I Don't really think so and does Super Multi-coating and Ed glass really need To be displayed so prominently that is a Design decision I suppose anyway around The front there is a huge front lens Element and some more specs yes this is A DJ Optical release perhaps the biggest DJ Optical hit that we've seen in our Lifetime lens Spec's 82 millimeter Filter thread TT Artisan logo and a Super long serial number inside side I Don't have much in terms of lens specs But I do count a 12 bladed diaphragm Mounted on my a7c it's a formidable Looking combo very heavy and you do have To hold the setup by the lens so it's Well built it's big it's heavy and it is

Inexpensive but how does it perform well I took it out with my Sony a7c and Optically it was surprisingly not bad Wide open at F 6.3 you don't get the Greatest contrast levels but they are Acceptable sharpness is also about Average but as you stop it down it gets Really good I think around f11 is The Sweet Spot with this lens where you have Good contrast and good sharpness the one Thing that you notice immediately wide Open is the chromatic aberration which Is strong again stopping this lens down To f8 and f11 helps immensely second Issue is flaring which is odd I don't Know how to describe it this is also With the additional lens Hood attached But it makes some strange Flair for sure As far as other distortion version There's not much else to report Vignetting is not much of an issue There's no Barrel or pin cushion that I Noticed and focus breathing is nearly Non-existent so this is a cheap Telephoto lens that is a lot better than Other cheap telephoto lenses out on the Market I've tested many of them on this Channel and in most cases they are Simply optically unusable this lens Optically is usable however it's not Very easy to use first of all if you are Planning on getting this for wildlife Just don't unless the wildlife that you Shoot is sleeping it's very hard to

Shoot moving subjects at 500 millimeters It's hard to focus at 500 millimeters It's hard to keep this lens stable at 500 millimeters in fact nearly every Shot that I took with this lens was on a Tripod with a 5 second delay and a Non-moving subject and even then I felt At times like I needed a sturdier tripod And I questioned my focus at times that Being said I did capture some Moon shots Which I think were some of the best Photos that I took with this lens if you Do want to shoot handheld it's possible Just again hard to take a Sharp Photo That way that being said if you are Looking for one of the cheapest ways to Get a 500 millimeter telephoto lens with Great build that has acceptable Optical Quality this TT Artisan is in a class of Its own there's not much out there that Competes with this apart from perhaps Adopting vintage telephoto lenses but Those come with their own sets of issues Now is this as good as having a lens With autofocus and Optical stabilization Will absolutely not it makes a lot of Sense why those lenses are so much more Money because they are infinitely easier To use however if you do have a slightly Larger budget than 300 you can get a Third-party lens that will get you close To 500 millimeters for let's say under a Thousand dollars US but let me know what Your thoughts are down in the comment

Section below as always thank you guys So much for watching thanks for all of Your likes and your comments stay tuned For more have a nice day bye

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