Sigma 14mm f/1.4 DG DN ‘Art’ lens review

[Music] Greetings once again everyone regular Viewers of this channel may know that my Absolute favorite Optics to test are Wide and Ultra wide angle lenses with Bright maximum apertures so as you can Imagine the following new lens from Sigma got to be as excited as a barrel Full of monkeys on nitrous oxide or as My four-year-old daughter when given a New Fireman Sam's ticket book it's about The same this is the Sigma 14 millimeter F 1.4 DG DM art for L Mount or Sony E-mount full-frame mirrorless cameras F 1.4 is a world record brightness for Such a wide angle full-frame lens this Is the widest angle F 1.4 camera lens Ever made for full frame talk about Ambitious and at 1 500 US Dollars it's Not cheap either but if its quality is Good enough then a lens could definitely Find a market among architecture and Event Photographers but most of all Astro photographers who Sigma tell me This lens is a specially intended for I'd like to thank segment UK for loaning Me a copy of this lens for a couple of Weeks for evaluation although as usual This is a totally independent review I Had to give the lands back afterwards Unfortunately and just look at these Images even at such a wide angle F 1.4 Can give you beautifully out of focus Backgrounds if you get a little close to

Your subject and it is a huge help for Shooting in dark situations also this is A lens that could potentially really Distinguish your work from the Competition let's look at its build Quality first unsurprisingly considering Its parameters the lens is big and heavy At about 1.2 kilograms or two and a half Pounds and it feels very tough and Tightly assembled also unsurprising is That Sigma gave the front element A bulb Shaped design which is always the best Way to deliver best image quality out of Extremely wide angle lenses especially If they have bright apertures the Drawback of course for landscape Photographers is that you cannot use Front filters including polarizing Filters as a result although there is a Holder around the rear lens mount for Whatever gel filters You may wish to use And I'm sure one or two big filter Companies are probably going to work on A on some kind of front filter holder System for this lens as well but those Things can be quite bulky and a little Expensive the lens is also dust and Splash resistant and you can see a Weather sealing gasket around that rear Mount the lens is so big that it comes With its own heavy duty tripod collar The first one I've ever seen on a wide Angle lens that's a useful accommodation Though for astrophotography shooters

Then comes an aperture control ring Always nice to see and you can also Control whether it clicks or turns Smoothly and you can also lock it in Place either in or out of automatic mode So that's really helpful too other Controls on the side of the lens include An auto manual focus switch a focus hold Button and and a manual focus locking Switch that can be helpful for Astrophotographers as well who want to Lock the lens into Infinity then near The front we get a large rubberized Manual focus ring which turns incredibly Smoothly and is electronically coupled To the Focus motor as you focus in and Out focused breathing can be seen here Which takes the form of strong warping In the corners although video makers are Never going to be making Focus builds This big on such a wide angle OpTic The Lenses autofocus motor is very fast and Responsive as you can see here in Autofocus continuous mode and that could Be useful if you're shooting certain Events with lots of action at F 1.4 the Lenses front cap is particularly Interesting it clicks into place very Positively and securely however Sigma Have also built into it a couple of Holders that click open and shut for any Gel filters you may be using in the Holder in the the amount of their lens What an interesting idea although Sigma

Recommends that you don't keep your gel Filters in the cap for long periods of Time whether you get any use out of that Hidden feature I don't know but it's Certainly an interesting one the lens Also comes with one of sigma's excellent Carry bags which I find can fit quite Nicely on my belt when I'm shooting a Wedding or some other event the lens is Not image stabilized overall well this Is exactly what a lens that costs 1500 US Dollars should be like absolutely Excellent in its build quality although Landscape photographers might be a bit Put off by its sheer size and weight and Understandable lack of a front filter Thread okay more importantly let's look At image quality I'll be testing it Today on my Sony a7r III with its 42 Megapixel full frame sensor in-camera Corrections are turned on at F 1.4 in The middle of the image right away we See razor sharpness and excellent Contrast nice and see image Corners wow Even at F 1.4 the image Corners are Almost as good this is incredibly Impressive for such a groundbreaking Lens the image inner Corners is a little Dark but just look at that sharpness and Contrast and total Lack of Color Finishing stopping down to F2 doesn't Really change anything but at F 2.8 Corner sharpness becomes this perfectly Razor sharp as the middle the lens takes

The sharp down to about f11 but then F16 A touch of softness emerges due to the Effects of diffraction Still I'm Blown Away not only are Sigma Offering us a groundbreakingly bright Aperture in this lens but it also Happens to be the sharpest 14 millimeter Optic I have ever tested even better Than Sony's equivalent G Master lens it Really is something else you're Certainly getting your money's worth Here okay let's turn off those end Camera Corrections and take a look at Distortion and vignetting without Corrections we see moderate Barrel Distortion and dark Corners at F 1.4 They brighten up a lot at f2 and F 2.8 So not a disastrous performance here but You will definitely want to use Corrections in camera or when editing Raw files let's see about close up image Quality now the lens can focus as Closely as 30 centimeters to your Subject that may sound like a slightly Long way for such a wide angle lens but You need to remember that that's 30 Centimeters from your camera's Center And the lens itself is pretty long so You can actually get some decent Magnification for smaller subjects here Leading to some very fun and creative Images close-up image quality at F 1.4 Is fairly sharp but with low contrast And color funding issues add F2 the

Contrast is better and at F 2.8 we see Razor sharpness at close distances let's See how the lens works against Point Lights now an important issue for an Extreme wide angle lens thankfully and Impressively we're seeing virtually no Flaring or loss of contrast at all when Bright lights are in your image a Feature not to be taken for granted And while we're working in the dark Let's take a look at those all-important Coma levels even at F 1.4 bright points Of light in the corners of your images Show almost no comment smearing at all Amazing let's talk down to F2 or F 2.8 And any tiny little wings that were There are totally gone let's zoom out And look for sun stars now only really Had to have 11 or F16 do they begin to Emerge and not very strongly for anyone Interested is the night shot I showed You earlier do you want to look more Closely these are the corners at F 1.4 Just magnificent just look at the glory Of God's creation I wonder how many Stars they are and just this tiny Stretch of the night sky let alone in The whole band of the Milky Way it's Just unfathomable and the Sigma lens is Having no problems capturing them let's Look at the quality of this lenses Barker despite this being an extreme Wide angle lens you'd be surprised at The outer Focus backgrounds you can

Achieve at F 1.4 when shooting a little Closely to your subject it gives you a Wonderfully artistic effect especially Considering how closely you can shoot to Your subject with the lens and those Outer Vegas backgrounds always look Lovely and soft to me with a nice Specular highlights which is not Something always guaranteed with such a Wide angle optic finally let's look at Longitudinal chromatic aberration at F 1.4 it's really strong unfortunately at F2 it's reduced and at F 2.8 it's Virtually gone all together in real life Shooting though this is not as big of an Issue on an ultra wide angle lens as it Is on say a portrait lens Overall well this record-breaking 14 Millimeter lens is the best 14 Millimeter lens in terms of technical Performance so congratulations to Sigma's designers for doing something Original and knocking it out of the park For anyone doing indoor event or most of All astrophotography then shooting with The Sigma 14 millimeter F 1.4 is about As pleasurable as doing a really big Sneeze while simultaneously driving over A humpback Bridge which is to say very Pleasurable indeed and when you see the Quality of its results on a big screen You may be spun into a hypomania of Geeky photography ecstasy what I'm Trying to say is I like the lens and

Nothing can really beat it the downsides Of it are its large size and weight and That using filters might be a bit Cumbersome aside from that this really Is a unique and generally perfect lens And so its Hefty price tag is quite Justified for those with a bit of spare Cash lying around highly recommended [Music] Thanks for watching everyone being able To afford a camera lens like this is a Pipe dream for me quite frankly but Thanks to my patreon supporters I can at Least afford to keep making these test Videos thank you so much to my lovely Supporters over there check out my Patreon page in the description below Where supporters get all kinds of Exclusive bonus content just for them That I really enjoy putting together Happy shooting all unite owls out there

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