Most beautiful pancake lens in the world

Most beautiful pancake lens in the world

[Music] This has to be the best looking camera Lens that's ever made it into my testing Laboratory the fun leader bright and Star 28 mm f2.8 pancake is a new lens For like a mount cameras with a tiny…

Brightin Star 35mm f/0.95 (APS-C) lens review

Brightin Star 35mm f/0.95 (APS-C) lens review

Greetings once again everyone and today The apsc cam world is blessed with a new Manual focus extreme bright aperture Lens the bright and star 35mm f0.95 it's $200 or 200 here in the UK and it'll be Available for…

Brightin Star 11mm f/2.8 'Fisheye' lens review

Brightin Star 11mm f/2.8 ‘Fisheye’ lens review

Howdy You Again everyone now major Camera manufacturers have seemed Reluctant to Market official fishe Lenses for their various new mirorless Camera systems instead choosing to Surrender that space to thirdparty Manufacturers for whatever reason and The latest thirdparty offering…

Brightin Star 9mm f/5.6 lens review (full-frame)

Brightin Star 9mm f/5.6 lens review (full-frame)

Howdy You Again everyone and today I'll Be testing out the new bright and Star 9mm f5.6 lens for fullframe cameras That's right full frame this is a vector Linear extreme wide-angle optic which Can be found for about 480…

Funleader XSLIM-M 28mm f/2.8 Pancake lens review

Funleader XSLIM-M 28mm f/2.8 Pancake lens review

Greetings again everyone and today I'll Be checking out what is surely the Coolest looking little lens I've ever Seen in my life the fun leader X slim M 28 millimeter F 2.8 pancake lens it's Also one of the…

Sigma 14mm f/1.4 DG DN 'Art' lens review

Sigma 14mm f/1.4 DG DN ‘Art’ lens review

[Music] Greetings once again everyone regular Viewers of this channel may know that my Absolute favorite Optics to test are Wide and Ultra wide angle lenses with Bright maximum apertures so as you can Imagine the following new lens from…