Canon RF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM lens review

Hi it's me and finally we have a new Canon absc mirrorless lens an ultra wide Model something everyone's been Screaming for the RFS 10 to8 mm f4.5 to 6.3 is STM it's designed for Canon's Newest RF Mount mous cameras but only Offers a smaller apsc sized image Circle So it's intended for their EOS r100 R50 R10 R7 cameras and whatever might come In the future on apsc it will work on a Full-frame camera but your camera will Automatically shoot in a much lower Resolution crop mode when you use it and This lens will not work on Canon's Digital slrs or their EOS M mirrorless Cameras at all that Ultra wide angle Zoom range is the full frame equivalent Of 16 to 29 mm so this lens goes wide From where other zoom lenses take off Which is fantastically enjoyable to use If this is the first Ultra wide angle Lens you're considering getting then You're in for a blast being just for Crop sensor cameras means this lens can Be smaller and much less expensive at $330 although its price in the UK of £380 is a bit cheaper combined with Having a fairly dark maximum aperture The lens can also be comparatively tiny Which is very handy that dark apture can Be a pain for shooting in Darker Situations especially if you're shooting Video but at least this lens does have Image stabilization here's some footage

With that stabilization turned off and Now turned on as you can see it's doing A lovely job holding your footage nice And steady the lens is obviously small And its build quality despite being Lightweight and almost all made of Plastic actually feels very solid and Tightly assembled even the lens's mount Is made of plastic that's not a good Sign but at the same time it'll still Last forever if you don't abuse it its Main control point is the plastic Zoom Ring which also extends the lens in and Out of shooting mode it turns lovely and Smoothly with barely any stickiness to It above that with a different texture Comes the plastic Focus ring which also Turns really smoothly as you can see Here it works with the Focus motor to Respond very well to being turned when Zoomed in the lens doesn't really suffer From any Focus breathing zoom out though And you get some quite noticeable Warping the lens's autofocus motor does Not have a very strenuous job to perform As you can see but still it works Perfectly quietly and accurately the Lens has a small 49 mm filter thread Size it does not come with a hood Although a small one is available Separately overall despite being very Plasticky the lens's build quality is Actually very nice and it feels like a Surprisingly tough little thing it's

Electronics auto focus and image Stabilization are all very well Implemented also nice nice job Canon so Let's check out its image quality I'll Be testing it on a Canon EOS R7 camera With its extremely demanding 32.5 megap Sensor which amounts a huge challenge to Any camera lens put in front of it in Camera Corrections are turned on for This test at 10 mm and f4.5 image Quality is razor sharp in the middle of The picture with excellent contrast Sharpness remains very good across most The image frame the imag is looking kind Of ropey right in the edges though well Actually there's a good amount of detail Here considering the difficult sensor We're testing on but fine lines are Seeing a lot of digital artifacts which Immediately made me think that some Heavy Corrections might be going on in The camera more on that in a minute f5.6 And f8 look about the same stop down to F11 or darker and the effect of Defraction begin to soften the image Quite considerably all right let's zoom Into 18 mm then the maximum apture has Now darkened to F6.3 I swear Canon lenses are just Getting darker and darker anyway at 18 Mm and f6.3 image quality remains as Fantastic as ever in the middle of the Picture as you can see again the corner Image quality is a little softer but

Only a little this is actually a fairly Good showing to be honest again though F8 doesn't look sharper and at f11 Things just get softer to be honest on a Sensor like this defract is technically Starting to kick in already at the Maximum apture of f6.3 overall though This is actually good performance for a Lowbudget ultrawide lens you simply must Remember that the Canan EOS R7 sensor Really is just ridiculously demanding if You own a 24 map camera then you'll be Very impressed with the lens all right Let's turn off the camera's automatic Corrections and see about its levels of Distortion and vignetting here is the Image at 10 mm with distortion Correction on through the camera and Here is a raw file I processed in third Party software wild at f4.5 there's a Fair bit of vignetting but if you stop Down to f5.6 the nose Corners brighten Up a bit zoom into 18 mm and that Distortion is still there though Thankfully not as bad again stop down a Little from the brightest aperture and The corners brighten up a bit so yeah This is definitely a lens intended for Use within camera Corrections The lens's minimum Focus distance is a Nice close 14 cm which is very Impressive at f6.3 close-up image Quality becomes rather ghostly with a Touch of blue color fringing stopped

Down to f8 though for a huge benefit now Let's see how the lens performs against Bright Lights good news here whether You're zoomed out or zoomed in flaring Is quite minimal while we're working in The dark let's take a look at coma and Sun Stars the good news is that this Lens doesn't really seem to suffer from Coma smearing at all bright points of Light in the corners of your images look Nice and clean well let's zoom out and Look for sun Stars stop down to f8 and They start to emerge but it's only Really at F-16 or F22 that they become Quite strong and in order to avoid Defraction you don't really want to be Shooting at these kind of apertures in The first place finally bcka it's Essentially a moot point you'll only be Getting out of focus backgrounds with This lens if you shoot right up against Your subject although in those shots the Autofocus backgrounds do at least look Nice and soft overall I'm really pleased With the little RFS 10 to18 it's small Inexpensive fantastically wide angle Sharp it just works really well and it's Good value so thankfully there's no more Need to adapt old Ultra wideangle lenses For digital slrs onto your r10 R50 or R7 Camera well unless you need ones with a Biter aperture this thing will do nicely And so it certainly comes [Music]

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