Sigma 10-18mm F2.8 vs Sony 10-18mm F4

It's been no secret on this channel that I'm not the biggest fan of the Sony 10 To 18 F4 in fact I'm not a fan of this Lens at all and that comes from my Experience with it a couple of years ago Where I got one that was well had QC or Quality control problems it was Decentered meaning that either from the Factory or sometime after that one of The lens elements must have gotten Dislodged to the point where you would Take a photo and and one side of it Would be perfectly sharp and the other Side would be blurry and that is Annoying and in speaking with some of You guys I think that it is a common Issue with these lenses also with the Zeiss 16 to70 and if I were to guess I'd Guess probably 30 to 40% of these lenses May have some sort of imperfection at Least during some production years but Still there are a lot of people out There that love this lens and after Sigma released this their own 10 to8 F2.8 a lot of people are now wondering How it compares to the old Sony and so I Yet again bought another Sony 10 to 18 Mm from Japan it came super fast it's Basically Flawless and I have tested it And it looks to me like a good copy of The lens no decentering or other issues As far as the lenses themselves sizes Are very similar the sigma is just Slightly smaller and Slimmer but when

You extend it out to 10 mm it's right About the same overall length weight is Close as well the Sony is 244 G while The sigma is 270 construction on the Sony is metal And glass it's good but the zoom ring Doesn't feel quite as premium and it Doesn't feel quite as refined as the one On the sigma which is made out of mostly Plastic the other bad thing about the Sony is that it tends to get dinged up And scratched and that shows up as Silver marks all over the body and Although the front lens elements are the Same it's important to to note that the Sigma is an f2.8 while the Sony is an F4 But with the Sony you do get Optical Steady shot or built in lens Stabilization which is nice to have Especially on non Ibis camera bodies so Let's take a look at how these two Lenses perform first shot both at F4 and It is a pretty clear result immediately The Sony is significantly softer now These are tripod shots with a timer Delay on the same body and I do my best To make these test as Fair as possible It doesn't matter where you look top of The frame or bottom the sigma is quite a Bit better now for interiors most of the Time you'll be shooting at f8 or higher And here there's honestly nothing Between them equal performance no lens Is really better than the other likewise

When you shoot a landscape shot at f8 There really is no difference in Sharpness colors or contrast the only Thing that I noticed in these photos is That the lens flare is a little bit Better controlled on the sigma and You'll see more more of that here this Is 18 mm on both lenses and F4 the lens Flare is definitely different and both Of these are shot with the lens hood on Zooming in the sigma has the edge in Contrast and sharpness and even when I Did this shot at f2.8 on the sigma it Showed better contrast and slightly Better sharpness with more bouquet next Shot of this hotel you'll notice that The chromatic aberration performance is Worse on the Sony things show up with Purple outlining on high contrast areas And this is something that Sigma worked On with their 10 to 18 mm so it Shouldn't come as a surprise that it Performs better but even as you move to The corners you'll see that the Sharpness is better on the sigma as well From one corner to the other even at F2.8 the sigma shows better sharpness And less chromatic aberration here's Another example at F4 and again purple Fringing is less of an issue on the Sigma it's also sharper than the Sony Across the frame and really these next Few shots show more of the same the Other thing that I'll mention is that

The autofocus performance at least I Noticed is slightly better on the sigma The Sony seems to lag a little bit and Doesn't quite know where to focus at Times so for the purpose of this Comparison I selected my autofocus Points in the majority of the shots the Next shot is here at 10 mm close-up Center sharpness is better on the sigma As is close-up ability alog together as The sigma lets you focus as little As116 M versus. 25 M on the Sony the Next shot is stopped down to F9 and Again here there's not much to say Performance stop down is virtually Identical but at F4 the sigma is better There's really no way around it even at F2.8 the sigma is a better performing Lens so that is that and that should be A pretty definitive comparison between These two lenses the only other thing That I'll mention is the price now the Sony lens has always been around 7 to8 $800 USD which is a lot uh I don't think That this is in production anymore it's Been replaced really with Sony's new 10 To 20 power Zoom uh which is around $750 the Sigma lens on the other hand is $5.99 now obviously you can buy these Lenses probably less so the sigma used But on the used Market the Sony is about $4 to $500 but for me personally the Sony just doesn't make any sense unless You buy one for let's say $300 or less I

Suppose if you are vlogging with it and You want that Optical stabilization and You don't really care much about the Slightly softer performance sure you can Get away with it but the sigma 10 to8 Makes a much more compelling argument It's Better Built It's Made in Japan it Feels better to use it's brighter Smaller and optically Brilliant and After you buy it you don't have to Immediately begin to worry about and Wonder if you got one that has some Quality control problems so in my eyes There's not much to think about between These two lenses I'd say get the sigma Basically every single time but if you Disagree and you want to buy the Sony Well then I'm selling this Sony 10 to8 So and if you're interested in the sigma I think it's still up for pre-order for The next couple of days I think it's Releasing the 26th of this month so I'll Leave a link for this lens down in the Description uh again let me know your Comments down in the comment section Thank you guys so much for watching if You want to see more of what the sigma Is capable of we just got back from Switzerland my wife and I and my wife Vlogged the entire trip with this lens And the zv E10 so I'll leave a link to That down in the description once she's Done editing that and uploading that Stay tuned for more have a nice day

Thanks for watching bye-bye

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