TTArtisan 100mm f/2.8 Bubble Bokeh lens review

Howdy once again everyone and today I'm Checking out a new lens from Chinese Manufacturer TT Artisan their new 100 Millimeter F 2.8 lens for full-frame Cameras which is optically designed to Offer a special bubble blocker pattern In your autofocus background when Shooting at F 2.8 neat although that's Not for everyone bubbles will appear on Bright specular highlights the rest of The background blocker will just look Really busy but then again some people Do actually like that too the effects Will be at their best on a full frame of Camera rather than aps-c stop down to F4 Until the burger becomes soft again so You do have the choice with this lens Although F 2.8 and F4 won't be giving You the most out of focus backgrounds Possible on a 100 millimeter optic I'd Like to thank ttrsan for sending me a Copy of this interesting lens for Evaluation although as usual this is a Totally independent review the build Quality of this lens is very typical of An inexpensive manual focused Chinese Optic except with a few quirks firstly Ttrsan have released this on the Antiquated m42 screw Mount whose Origins Date back to 1938 when I asked them why They'd made this choice they told me Market demand what the heck maybe There's been some kind of m42 film Camera Revival in China that I'm unaware

Of I don't know but it's still very easy To get m42 adapters to almost any camera System as I'm doing here for this review Adapting the lens onto the mirrorless Sony E Mount additionally the lenses Aperture ring turns in the opposite Direction to what you normally see Although it does at least have someone Clicks for a more tactile feel also Depending on the m42 adapter you're Using those controls might be a bit to The side instead of on top of the Mounted lens again odd but hardly a Serious problem problem so it's a Strange feeling and oddly shaped lens Too but it does work fine the lens is Made of metal and feels nice and tough Although it doesn't enjoy any weather Sealing the focus ring is precise enough For shooting at f2.8 and it turns really Smoothly too the lens does show some Focused breathing as you can see here I've seen worse before but this could Still be an issue for video making the Most serious annoyance in my book about This lens is its crew in lens cap I hate Those whose idea was it to make screw in Lens caps they really are a pain just Give us a nicely designed plastic pinch Style cap and I'll be happy the lenses Front filter size has a small 49 Millimeters wide it does not come with a Lens Hood overall it's a lens that's Really quite hard in a lot of ways but

With a little practice it handles Absolutely fine anyway image quality I'll be testing it today on a Sony a7r III Hammer with its full frame 42 Megapixel sensor in-camera Corrections Are turned on for this test at F 2.8 we See a classic example of a lens with Fantastically high resolution but very Low contrast and you can only add so Much contrast in editing before things Begin to look wrong Corner image quality well frankly There's none to speak of just look stop Down to F4 for more contrast but not Really any more sharpness in the corners At F4 though the middle of the image is Looking absolutely fantastic now at F 5.6 there's just an iota of extra Sharpness in the middle probably Indistinguishable on YouTube over in the Corners well a discernible image is Beginning to form now at f8 it comes Together a little and add f11 and F16 The image is now only a little bit soft View well this lens is clearly not Intended for Pixel peeping image Sharpness freaks as you can tell but In Fairness it's at least very sharp in the Middle of your images by the way I did Test the lens quite thoroughly its Optics were not descentered and it Wasn't suffering from a curved plane of Focus its image Corners really are just That soft okay let's move on and take a

Look at Distortion and vignetting There's an some good news here even Straight from F 2.8 there's none of it To be seen like at all remember no Corrections are taking place here Interesting okay let's see about Close-up image quality then it's the Same as at normal distances sharp but With very ghostly contrast levels at F 2.8 stop down to F4 for contrast to make A sudden return How does this lens work against bright Light interestingly when they're Directly in the picture everything's Just fine when they're on the edge of The picture you do get some sudden Flares popping up it's a shame the lens Didn't come shipped with a hood that Would have really helped let's take one More look at the lenses bokeh now that's The lenses key selling point and I have To admit it did grow on me shooting at F 2.8 and looking for bright points of Light to bubble eyes and stopped down to F4 its blocker really is quite smooth I Do like it I'm also glad that vignetting Is so surprisingly low at F 2.8 which Greatly improves the overall image but As I mentioned before the lens won't be Getting you the most deeply out of focus Backgrounds here and finally related to Debugger let's take a look at Longitudinal chromatic aberration if you Look carefully through the low contrast

Here you can depart just a little color Finishing on bokeh Highlights stop down To F4 and at the is more obvious but It's nothing too serious there's still a Little there at F 5.6 bit at f8 it's Finally gone overall well it's clear we Are dealing with a lens intended for Special effects here and not great Optical quality especially at F 2.8 Where low contrast and soft Corners Really take their toll still though its Images are quite artistic and the BubbleBox effect is undeniably cool well If you can find a background with enough Specular highlights quirky quirky quirky But fun Hope you enjoyed that review I sure Enjoyed putting it together special Thanks to all my supporters over on Patreon I really appreciate your help in Keeping this channel going and patreon Supporters get all kinds of exclusive Bonus contents to enjoy also check out The link in the description below and Channel for now

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