Sony FE 20-70mm f/4 ‘G’ full-frame lens review

[Music] Howdy everyone and Blasting onto the Scene today is an exciting New Standard Zoom lens from Sony their Fe 20 to 70 Millimeter F4 G it's a full frame zoom Lens with the cajones to zoom out as Wide as 20 millimeter which makes me Want to Pivot with joy because I love Love 20 millimeters of focal length it's So dramatically wide while still being Quite easy to shoot with and this super Wide angle is particularly useful for Video makers shooting blocks or using Digital Image stabilization which tends To crop your image a bit and being able To zoom in to 70 millimeter from there Is just the icing on the cake really This is probably my dream lens for Taking on vacation or just for a general Video work the only downside of this Lens it's very high asking price of well Over a thousand US Dollars Ouch and also you have to ask yourself How could Sony possibly offer good image Quality in a lens of these extreme Parameters every extra millimeter of Wide angle is a huge challenge to the Manufacturer of any standard zoom lens Well we will see about image quality in Just a minute I'd like to thank Sony UK For getting an early production copy of This exciting lens to me for testing Although as usual this is a totally Independent review the build quality is

On par for a nice Sony G lens it's not Too big or heavy making a lot of use of Plastics in its body and its aesthetic Designers understated but Pleasant the Lens has a good amount of weather Sealing including a rubber gasket around The rear mount video makers will be Pleased to see an aperture ring that can Be set to either click at every third of An f-stop or turn completely smoothly And also it can be locked in and out of The automatic position with another Switch on the side next comes the Rubberized Zoom ring which turns Smoothly and evenly without any Stickiness although bear in mind that my Copy of the lens was obviously brand new I can't vouch for how it would work After years of use in front of that come The almost ubiquitous Focus hold buttons And an auto manual focus switch then Comes a rubberized manual focus ring Which turns smoothly and lightly and Works very responsively with the Focus Motor and linear focusing is available With this lens also for video makers the Lens displays just a little Focus Breathing at 70 millimeter zooming out Just a little as you focus more closely At wider focal lengths it's a bit more Notable but it's never a serious issue Even on a slightly older camera body Like my a7r III the autofocus motor is Silent accurate and incredibly quick and

Confident whether you're shooting an Autofocus single or continuous modes 10 Out of 10 here The Lens comes with a Plastic hood of a reasonable size Considering its widest possible field of View its filter thread size is 72 Millimeters wide and it does not have Its own image stabilization built in Although virtually all Sony cameras have It built into them nowadays so it's not Really a problem overall the lens Combines a nice hand holdable size and Weight with excellent functionality and Electronics particularly for video work What more could you possibly want all Right let's move on and take a look at Image quality I'll start by testing the Lens with my standard 42 megapixel Sony A7r III camera with in-camera Corrections turned on at that lovely Wide angle of 20 millimeter and F4 image Quality in the middle is ridiculously Sharp with excellent contrast image Corners are a bit softer but still Pretty good surprisingly I was expecting To encounter serious problems there stop Down to F 5.6 or f8 for small Improvements that lead to excellent Corner image quality well let's zoom Into a more conventional wide angle of 35 millimeter at F4 again image quality Is razor sharp in the middle Corners Again looking a little softer but still Very good again F 5.6 and f8 see

Improvements that lead to excellent Image quality finally let's Zoom all the Way into 70 millimeter at F4 again we See perfect images right away in the Middle this time Corner image quality is Very sharp straight from F4 although if You like you can stop down to F 5.6 for Even more resolution and brightness There the lens tastes the sharp all the Way down to F16 where a little softness Does begin to emerge due to diffraction Overall though even on a very high Resolution Sony a7r III camera the lens Is a consistent and generally pretty Great performer it's 20 millimeter image Corners aren't quite the sharpest in the World but that's hardly surprising Considering the lenses Cutting Edge Zoom Range and every other setting looks Absolutely fabulous so really these are Some fully delightful results for what Is a somewhat groundbreaking lens I'd Have no hesitation use using this for Any professional work and it's more than Good enough for 4K or even 8K video Making now then that's 20 70 millimeter Zoom range means that this lens might Also be of serious interest to aps-c Camera Shooters so I'm also going to Test it on my little Sony a5100 camera With its 24 megapixel sensor at 20 Millimeter and F4 picture quality Continues to be razor sharp in the Middle of the image Corner image quality

Is a bit softer though but wait all you Have to do now is to stop down to f516 For excellent quality to re-emerge from Corner to corner f8 looks excellent too Although at f11 we begin to see a little Softness due to diffraction let's zoom In again to 35 millimeter at F4 it's the Same story incredible sharpness in the Middle but a little softness in the Corners top down to F 5.6 or f8 to see Nice improvements there though finally Let's Zoom all the way into 70 Millimeter at F4 this time not only need To receive razor sharpness in the middle But we also get it straight away in the Corners very nice again the lens stays The sharp down to f11 so it's not a Perfect performance here on an abs-c Camera but certainly a very good one Considering the zoom range again I'd Have no hesitation using this lens for 4K video making on aps-c and then with a Lens like this you'd always be ready to Upgrade to full frame if you wanted to All right let's turn off in camera Corrections and take a look at Vignetting and Distortion by shooting Some raw files at 20 millimeter there's An obvious issue with Barrel Distortion Which was exactly what I was expecting Frankly and those Corners look very dark Too stop down to F 5.6 or f8 and the Corners brighten up quite a lot but Still there are serious issues here if

You don't shoot with in-camera Corrections zoom in to 31 millimeter and That Distortion straightens out at 70 Millimeter we see fairly strong pin Cushion Distortion here although Vignetting isn't quite as bad as at Wider angles top down to F 5.6 or f8 and Those Corners brighten pretty quickly so Really you'll want to keep in-camera Corrections turned firmly on with this Lens Now let's take a look at close-up image Quality and this is where the lens has a Real Acer bit sleeve its macro Performance means it can get you very Close to smaller subjects just look at F4 close up image quality is not as Sharp as before but still fairly good F 5.6 looks about the same but f8 and f11 Are very sharp here so that's a great Macro capability as a bonus feature okay Let's see how the lens performs against Bright light we're seeing quite a number Of very small flowering artifacts here When zoomed out at the widest angle and Some broader flaring when you're zoomed In overall an average performance for a Standard zoom lens here well we're back In the dark let's take a look at coma Smearing there's more good news right Points of light and image Corners see no Real smearing at all here well let's Zoom out now and look for sun Stars stop Down as far as f11 and they begin to

Emerge at F 16 and F22 they get just a Little stronger now let's take a look at The quality of this lenses bokeh while An F4 standard zoom lens shouldn't be Your first choice for portrait Photography still zoom into your subject And out of focus backgrounds will be Your reward here those backgrounds look Beautifully soft in virtually all Situations whether you're zoomed in or Zoomed out and finally related to bokeh Comes longitudinal chromatic aberration Sony's lenses for mirrorless cameras Often struggle here but there's even More good news at F4 very little color Fringing on Boca highlights is visible At all so it's not a real problem Overall well can I be honest when I First received the lens I felt a certain Cynical curiosity how could it possibly Perform well at 20 millimeter and still Make room for the rest of that Zoom Range and how could it possibly justify Its enormous price but the designers of This lens clearly shared my ultimate View that cynicism is the enemy of Anyone who wants to get anything done in The world and they actually pulled it Out of the bag and knocked this lens out Of the park it really is excellent and a Pleasure to work with especially for People like me wide angle enthusiasts Who also do a lot of video work if I had A bit more money then this would

Definitely be my choice for a go-to Video lens for any Sony full free same Camera I happen to be using and it's a Nice option for abs-c cameras too so Sony phone Congratulations for producing a slightly Revolutionary new zoom lens and Definitely not screwing it up if you can Afford it it comes highly recommended [Music] Ah you know what let me tell you a Secret with interesting new lenses Coming out like this all the time my Work never really gets boring as a lens Reviewer this is good fun still even After 10 years or so thanks for watching I hope you find these videos interesting And helpful if you do then of course as Usual check out my patreon page down in This description below where supporters Of this channel get all kinds of Exclusive bonus content which I really Enjoy putting together for them ciao for Now

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