Sony FE 28-60mm f/4-5.6 lens review

Howdy again everyone now as full-frame Mirrorless cameras become more and more Affordable the race is on to offer Halfway decent little collapsible kit Lenses to go with them they tend to have A rather narrow Zoom range and aren't Often very good optically but I'm Open-minded and Keen to see what Sony Have to offer in their new little Fe 28 To 60 millimeter F4 to 5.6 it's for Their moles e-mount cameras but it's Especially intended for full frame ones Although of course it could fit on Aps-c2 but the resulting Zoom range Wouldn't really make that much sense for General purpose use on a cropped camera If bought separately its price of 500 US Dollars or about 450 pounds in the UK is Ridiculously high but with a camera Though it's 300 or about 250 pounds so Better value but still a little Expensive a nice option is to look out For them being sold second hand that Zoom range of 28 to 60 millimeter going From a moderately wide angle to very Short telephoto is the absolute bare Minimum you'd want for general purpose Everyday shooting the maximum aperture Of any F4 to 5.6 isn't very bright Either not getting you very out of focus Backgrounds or helping to shoot in dark Conditions the lens does not feature its Own image stabilization but then again Virtually all of Sony's full-frame

Cameras have it built in nowadays so It's hard to complain about that the Lens is small and very plasticky and at 167 grams very lightweight perhaps make It useful as a backup lens in your kit Bag its rear mount is at least made of Metal but there's no weather sealing Gasket to be seen here it's a simple Lens to control first comes the zoom Ring which also controls the extension Of the lens that Zoom ring turns tiffly Unevenly and with some stickiness to it It's pretty unpleasant to use really Then it comes to manual focus ring which Does the opposite and turns very Smoothly and it works with the Focus Motor very responsively as you can see Here whether you're zoomed in or zoomed Out the lens doesn't really suffer from Much focused breathing which is a nice Little bonus for video makers something Else quite good to see is that the Lenses autofocus Motor Works silently Accurately and quickly whether you're Working in single shot mode or Continuous autofocus The lenses filter thread size is a small 40.5 millimeters and it does not come With a hood overall the only real issue With the lenses build quality is its Horrible Zoom ring apart from that it Actually works perfectly well with a Very good Focus system all right let's Look at its image quality now I'll be

Testing it today on a Sony a7r III Camera with its 42 megapixel full frame Sensor and in-camera Corrections are Turned on at 28 millimeter and F4 Straight away we see perfect sharpness And resolution in the middle of the Image image Corners however look a lot Softer stop down to F 5.6 and they get a Touch sharper put it to f8 those Corners Look okay now f11 looks about the same And F16 is softer due to diffraction Zoom into 40 millimeter and it's a Similar story at the maximum aperture The lenses razor sharp in the middle but The corners actually they look a little Softer than before f8 is a bit better Her but this time you have to stop down To f11 to see good Corner image quality And finally let's Zoom all the way into 60 millimeter once again even at the Widest aperture the lenses razor sharp In the middle and Corner image quality Is noticeably softer although not as bad As at 40 millimeter f8 only sees a small Improvement this time but stopped down To f11 for a decent enough image in Those Corners so it's a simple verdict Here the lens is always ridiculously Sharp in the middle of your images but The corners need to be stopped down to F11 also for decent sharpness to be seen There let's turn off those in camera Corrections now and see about the lenses Distortion and vignetting in order to

Get past Distortion correction you'll Need to shoot in raw at 28 millimeter We're seeing rather stronger Barrel Distortion than expected for a lens with Such a narrow Zoom range and at F4 those Corners are pretty dark they get just a Little brighter at our 5.6 and f8 but That's as bright as the corners get even Zoomed into 35 millimeter that Barrel Distortion sticks around but at 60 Millimeter it's gone and there's also Very little vignetting now and at f8 There's no longer any real Corner Shading still quite a few issues at The Wider angle end there so you'll Definitely want to keep your images Corrected the lens is minimum Focus Distance of 30 centimeters can get you Reasonably close to smaller subjects at F 5.6 we see plenty of sharpness but Very very low contrast leading to a Pretty ghostly image just stop down to F8 though and contrast looks fabulous Again let's see how well the lens works Against bright light we are catching Some notable but never serious flaring At wider angles which gets a little Worse as you zoom in and finally bokeh As I mentioned before it's not easy to Get out of focus backgrounds with this Lens even on a full frame camera unless You're getting pretty close to your Subject but the good me says that Whether zoomed in or zoomed out the

Lenses bokeh is lovely and soft overall Well the lens performed a little better Than I expected for a kit lens although It still has its limitations its Autofocus works great it's always Amazingly sharp in the middle of your Images it has good contrast and bokeh And it can get you fairly close to your Subject the downsides are fairly soft Image quality in the corners and as you Stop down to f11 and a very limiting Zoom range and aperture I think the lens Is a bit expensive for what you're Getting here but if you work within its Limitations it could actually get you Some great looking images Okay thanks for watching and two things Firstly if you haven't already check out The new playlists on my channel which List my reviews Now by camera mount and In other cool ways to help you browse The lens reviews for your camera and Secondly thanks to my patreon supporters Of course patreon supporters get all Kinds of exclusive bonus content and Early access to videos as well as a warm Fuzzy feeling inside them for playing Such a big part and keeping this YouTube Channel going ciao for now everyone

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