Sony ZV-E1 – Can this camera replace our videographer?

All right next candidate uh who do we Have here Um Sony is that ve1 it says right here That you can shoot 4K 60 with no cross And what is all this conversation about AI you're talking about and apparently You think you can replace our camera Operator [Music] Hey it's David Evelyn from the camera Store today we're talking about the Sony Zve E1 this is Sony's latest full-frame Mirrorless digital camera that is Dedicated for Content creation and Vlogging it has a number of AI features That look very promising will this Camera replace our videographer Drew Let's find out Now before we get into all the features That this camera has let's get into the Build quality and sort of the fit and Finish and the handling of this camera Now it's based on this very similar Feeling of the zve E10 and similar to The a7c for that matter without the Viewfinder Everything feels a little More premium the dials have certainly a Little better touch to them and a better Feel which I quite like we do have a Articulating screen which I'm a big fan Of I think this is great for vlogging Especially being able to look at Yourself in front of the camera is a big Plus to see what's going on the one

Thing I don't care for is that we don't Have an evf we don't have an electronic Viewfinder to look through if things get Very bright outside we're relying Strictly on the rear screen now it's not A bad rear screen it's just over a Million dots of resolution it is a touch Screen and I can navigate the menu System thoroughly through this rear Screen now if we go to the side of the Camera here we do have a single SD card Slot now it is uhs2 compatible it's Great I'm a little surprised I didn't do A dual SD card for this camera because It is certainly more of a premium camera For vlogging if you want some redundancy With our content that we're creating be Nice to have that second card now if you You do want redundancy with it you can Kick out an external signal through the HDMI to an atomos recorder for instance And have some redundancy that way but From the camera itself you only have a Single card slot also on the side of the Camera we do have more inputs we do have A headphone jack a microphone Jack a USBC connectivity now I like the fact That this new trend where we can plug Our cameras in and use them as a webcam That's super handy the other thing too Is I can power the camera through the USBC Port we also do have Sony's Multi-function hot shoe here this is Great if I'm running one of Sony's

Proprietary microphones it plugs Directly into the hot shoe there's no Wires or any cabling coming on the Outside of the camera keeps the whole Package really nice and clean we have a Rocker switch around the shutter button Here so if you're running power zoom Lenses you can power them that way and Control the zoom that way instead of Hanging onto the lens and we do have the Background defocus button here this is Very cool if you don't quite understand How aperture works and you want that Some really shallow depth of field for Your subject matter simply push the Button the camera does all that it can With the power it has and the light that It has to give you that nice shallow Depth of field very easy to turn on or Off can is very simple now on to one of My favorite parts of this camera and I'm So glad they did this we have these ad Series Battery found a majority of their High-end cameras and it's giving us a Little over 700 shots per charge this is Very important and when it comes to Video chance to chew through battery a Lot more than Stills do so having that Extra battery capacity really helps out In content creation Now all this comes In under very small package of 483 grams I think as far as the design for what This camera is intended for Sony's done A very good job all right one thing I'm

Very excited about this camera is it's Designed for vlogging and it has an auto Framing feature this means I can set the Camera up on a tripod not have anybody Touch it at all and I can explore the Frame and it's going to follow me around The frame now ev's going to join me in a Second here We have two people presenting on camera We have nobody Banning the camera the Camera is all on its own making its own Decisions of how it wants to frame this Shot yeah this is cool now Chris we're Going to talk a lot about this AI in the Camera is it really AI well it's using a Lot of machine learning and advanced Technology in order to do a lot of these Features now is it like a robot and it's Learning on its own no but it's using The most advanced technology to be able To do this so we're going to refer to This as AI That's What Sony calls it and It's very cool because it does allow you To move around do cool stuff like this Definitely I'm impatient I want to walk Around a little bit and explore the Space now to test the Cinematic features Of this camera we wanted to do something Kind of cool so we brought it to the Camera store we did a little short of What it's like when you order a camera At the camera store we want to make it As cinematic as possible so here's some Sample footage and then we'll talk about

What we like about this camera and some Of these cool features Oh Foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] So could the Sony zve E1 replace the Need for a camera operator or a Videographer Drew is shaking his head he Doesn't want that to happen but there is Some real possibility of how you could Use this camera if you're a one-person Show you don't have someone that can Operate the camera like we're so lucky To have with Drew we love Drew but some Of these AI features are very Interesting and we had a lot of fun Testing this out so the first one that I Really like is the ability to have some Camera movement so this does crop into Your footage I know what you're thinking Cropping in on a 12 megapixel sensor Well this is the same 12 megapixel Sensor that's found in the professional Quality a7s3 as well as the fx3 Sony Camera and the final output is actually 4K it's up sampled 4K but I think it Looks pretty good I mean you do lose a Little bit of that sharpness but you do

Have the option to also output a full 4K Of the full width of your frame and so You can actually cut between both so Again this just gives you some other Options and will make your look that Much more high-end one of the things That I think is very clever and is Perfect for where this camera sits as Being like a content creator for new Vloggers and people that are getting Into video is the intelligent Auto Features so this has things like being Able to adjust your color as well as the Style of how your video is going to look And instead of things like white balance Or exposure it's going to be brightness Or color so you can update those Settings again without having a lot of The know-how or knowledge about how Those settings are going to affect the Look of your image it also has a very Cool AI feature where it actually has Multiple face recognition and what it's Going to do is going to work with your Depth of field and so if a second person Comes into the frame it's going to be Able to recognize them and actually Change the depth of field so that more Of the scene is in focus and then when That person leaves the scene it goes Back to having the shallower depth of Field so the focus and everything is on The subject that you want it to be so This is really cool again it gives you

That ability of having almost that look Of doing Focus pulls but you don't have A videographer or a camera operator Behind the camera very cool another very Cool mode if you're shooting music Videos or you want a more cinematic look You can put it into cine v-log this is Going to put it into a more cinematic Profile it's going to give you the look That's 235 aspect ratio that wide Cinematic look to it it's also going to Shoot at 24 frames per second which is What a lot of films a lot of older media Would be shot at and other option is That you can also change and customize It with different looks and moods so That'll change things like your contrast Your color tones so you have a lot of Control and flexibility of what your Grade is going to look like right out of Camera So the question I'm trying to answer is With this camera with this AI feature is Be able to replace our camera operator Drew I mean no you can't really replace Drew that way with a camera but in a Pinch if Dave and I are on a trip we're Filming ourselves and we want to just be Able to put it on a tripod have it track US be able to do some Focus pulls and Again having the control of doing things Like changing the look of the video Footage and so I think we can maybe give Him a holiday here and there I think

That's what it comes down to this is the Holiday camera for camera operators Everywhere or if you're new getting into Cinematography you want to do some cool Stuff I think this is really a solid Option all right even with all the AI in This camera we're still going to have to Keep a drew around for a little while I Guess so but again that's solidification I think he's dreaming of Hawaii already So we'll make it happen now this is a Very impressive camera now I'm not a Huge vlogger you know but I'm quite Impressed with what this camera has the Ability to do and it's inspiring me Actually to do maybe a little bit more On the fact that it will track you and Reframe things you even that extra Dynamic when you're filming something on Your own it's always been a bit of a Problem yeah I mean this camera just Feels like a baby a7s3 or even a baby Fx3 it has a lot of Cinema qualities to It it has some great features and it's Obviously all designed for video and if You notice this is actually one of our Camera views where we haven't really Talked about still photography at all Yeah I mean it is a 12 megapixel sensor And that's not enough for a lot of Photographers out there but it's quite Adequate and when it comes to the Autofocus on this camera this thing is Stellar I mean if you look at our wall

Test we've done here I don't think we've Had a better wall test than what this Camera is capable of producing Incredibly sharp acquires the focus so Quickly it's brilliant in that aspect Yeah so overall I mean we think that This is a solid content creator option I Think that people are so lucky I mean Kids today you could pick up this camera It's relatively affordable and you can Get onto making like awesome music Videos you know Vlog content YouTube Whatever you want and you could do it by Yourself because of these AI features I Mean the whole camera sort of around you Know if you know what you're doing you Can get a lot out of this camera but if You're really unsure not really sure how These certain techniques work this Camera makes it easy to you know sort of Dip your foot into that and get the Effects that you want even if you don't Quite understand how you're getting that Effect but of course we want to know What do you guys think do you think AI Is terrifying or is it awesome let us Know in the comments below and do you Think they should have put a full-size HDMI port into this camera here follow Us both on Instagram and if you're new To our Channel Please Subscribe hit the Notification Bell and we'll catch again Very soon Foreign

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