A6700: The One We’ve Been Waiting For.

Well it's finally here the camera that We've all been waiting for at least some Of us who have not lost hope in the APC Lineup this has been very long awaited For us this is the brand new Sony a6700 And it's been four years since the Release of the a6600 which is the Predecessor to this camera I am beyond Excited to share this camera with you Guys today they've packed this thing With so many cool features I don't even Know where to begin this is the a6700 And the best way that I can describe it Is picture a camera in which Sony took The best bits out of their newest four Thousand dollar a7r5 added in some of The best bits of the new zve E1 then Took the body of the a6600 adopted it to Mimic the a7c camera body but extended The grip added dials and then took the Sensor out of the fx30 and jammed it in Here and added a viewfinder it's Complicated but the result is Staggeringly good this is a camera That's so feature you're packed it's Astonishing that it's coming from Sony Now I expected some upgrades over the A6600 but this is so far beyond that This is a full-fledged hybrid camera Meaning it's just as good at taking Photos as it is at taking video it has a Viewfinder it has a mechanical shutter Yes I am very excited about it let's Start with the headlines the new a6700

Has the excellent sensor that comes in The Sony fx30 it's a 26 megapixel back Illuminated xmor R CMOS sensor with the Bions XR image processor it also has a Dedicated AI Processing Unit similar to What we've seen on the a7r5 the result Of these two changes is that it has According to Sony eight times the Performance of the a6600 the back Illuminated sensor gathers 30 percent More light it is highly sensitive with Low noise Auto exposure is 20 more Accurate I autofocus tracking has Improved by a massive 60 percent animal And bird tracking has improved by forty Percent and it can now track insects Trains cars and planes the a6600 had 425 Phase detection autofocus points this New a6700 has 759 and they cover 93 of The image area and when you couple that With the AI Processing Unit which has Deep learning you can lock onto and Track subjects far away even when they Are wearing a helmet it will track a Subject that isn't facing the camera it Can differentiate between subjects Because of posture so let's say you are Shooting a wedding and want a bride to Be in Focus this camera can and will Track just the bride and while this Facial recognition feature isn't new to Sony it has been improved now to where Even if your subject's face is tilted or In a shadow or in backlight it will

Still be tracked and practically Speaking it is now effectively Impossible to shoot an out of focus Photo or an out of focus video If you Have a lens with autofocus on this Camera body it's impressive how easily It tracks the back of someone's head but In reality it is calculating movement And eye proximity and location all in Real time and now these improvements in Auto focus accuracy also apply to the Knight because with this new sensor and The processing behind it you can retain Highly precise autofocus down to -3 EV and to top it off you can use These autofocus functions while zooming Even with clear image zoom and digital Zoom another benefit of having that AI Processing unit is that this camera can Do auto framing just like the new zve1 Can so you can set it up leave your Camera on a tripod and it will follow You around track you and frame you to Make it seem like you have a Videographer behind the camera now let's Go back to that sensor for a little bit Because it is a piece of work you can go Up to ISO 32 000 for movies and ISO 102 400 for photos this new camera offers 14 Stops of dynamic range for video Recording with an extremely fast sensor Read speed it has built-in image Stabilization which provides up to five Stops of compensation for photos you can

Shoot up to 11 frames per second with This new camera all with autofocus and Auto exposure take a listen And if that shutter sounds a little bit Different than what you're used to a 6100 It is very different I'll explain here Shortly this new camera has a mechanical Shutter that is all new and low Vibration and it has been tested to over 200 000 actuations the buffer on this New camera is over 1 000 jpegs and over 55 compressed raw files in terms of Video performance the a6700 has 6K over Sampling 4K up to 120p just like the Fx30 and this is the big one 10 bit 422 Color sampling and recording formats up To 600 megabytes per second you get all Of the color profiles you want s-log 3 S Gamut 3 cinetone hlg and assignable user Luts Focus breathing compensation Focus Mapping anti-flicker shooting and Flicker free shooting with a variable Shutter the design is familiar but it's All new the body is placed onto a Magnesium alloy chassis it is a dust and Moisture resistant design nicely Textured and it comes in one color black The grip is X Sony describes this as a Full-frame grip on an aps-c camera body And I would agree with that it is the Most comfortable grip I've ever seen on An aps-c camera apart from the grip on The fx30 but that is a full frame body

Anyway this grip is larger than the one On the a6600 and I wish I had it on Every other aps-c camera that I own and You can see here compared to my a6100 This is a noticeably larger camera body At the top there is an on off switch Located around a larger shutter button In front of that there is a dial which Is a first for an aps-c camera which is Great because now you have three Rotating dials to control aperture Shutter speed and ISO independently the C2 custom button is here next to a Record button and it looks like a Microphone to the left the mode dial is Refined now with a sub mode dial that Moves between photo video and S and Q And this is the best way to do it I like It a whole lot more than how you have to Shuffle through modes on the fx30 by Press button was repeatedly and waiting For a change there's another dial here On the right a digital audio Multi-interface hot shoe and that all New a6700 branding on the back finally a Viewfinder this one is a 107 Magnification 2.36 million dot XGA OLED Electronic viewfinder that is in Sony's Words quote almost as bright as the one On the a7r5 end quote I can tell you That it is much brighter than the one on The a6100 and it looks better in every Way the flippy screen is fully Articulating no fancy a7r5 style screen

Here but it will do standard buttons on The back here no real changes except I Will mention all of the buttons have a Bit more travel so they feel a little More tactile than previous aps-c bodies On the very edge you'll see the old Location for the record button is now Where the C1 custom button lives on the Left side you get a port layout that is Similar to the A7 7c nice sturdy flaps Mic Jack USBC charging port One SD card Slot mini HDMI and a headphone jack this Body uses the familiar Z battery and is Rated for 550 still images with the evf And 570 with the LCD overall the body Feels good it feels refined it feels Well done it feels simple familiar but Improved in various ways that are Significant because they make using the Camera just that much easier and when You get to the menu system which is the New one that we see on the fx30 it's Refined it's easy to use you can swipe From the bottom and change any setting You can possibly need to change gone are The days of having to scroll and scroll And scroll just to make one small change And then scroll and scroll and scroll to Another section to make another it's a Grown-up camera that has been developed Very well and realistically it's not a Step down from even full-frame cameras I See it as more of a step up from the Major majority of other Sony cameras out

There even when you take this and you Compare it to something like the fx30 There are certain benefits and features That this new camera has that the fx30 Doesn't have fx30 doesn't have a Mechanical shutter has no evf has no AI Processing unit So there are certain reasons to go with This a6700 even though it's less money Than the fx30 and then you get other Crazy things like USB streaming Capability with one cable at 4K up to 30 Frames per second which is insane when I Was on the call with Sony and they were Presenting this new camera to me my jaw Was simply on the floor the entire Hour-long meeting just as I thought it Couldn't get any better it did and then It did again and then it did again now Is it perfect in my mind yes I think That this camera is going to be future Proof for the next five to ten years but There will be people out there who will Complain about it well it only has one SD card slot so it's not pro enough look I can count on exactly zero fingers how Many times I've ever simultaneously Recorded on two SD cards with my fx30 Even though you have the feature doesn't Mean you're going to use it all the time SD card failures are pretty rare Nowadays oh but it has a crop at 4K 120 Man who cares honestly if you're Shooting at 4K 120 with a slight crop

Does it really matter that much are you Going to be shooting for extended Periods of time where a slight crop with A massive 26 megapixel sensor is going To make a difference oh but it doesn't Have the eight-stop stabilization of the A7r5 again it doesn't really matter the Five-stop Ibis on this camera combined With the electronic stabilization is an Amazing combo you can use this camera Easily without a Gimbal and the result Is very stable in active mode it doesn't Have the new microwave that the zbe1 has With its automatic pickup patterns this One again I can count on one finger how Many times I've used onboard audio to Record my YouTube videos it almost never Happens and with this new digital Interface hot shoe you can add any Number of Sony's excellent microphones One of which is coming out today that I Haven't even tried out but it's very Good from what I hear So for two to three hundred dollars you Solve your audio problem and you get way Way better audio than you would with a Built-in mic anyway but it doesn't have Active cooling so you can only record 4K 60 uh for like less than an hour I've Used this new camera to record the Majority of my talking head videos over The last two to three weeks I've used it To record a lot if not all of my b-roll Shots and I'm out in the Texas heat it's

Like over a hundred for the past couple Weeks it seems like every single day It's really a non-issue unless you're Recording two to three hours straight in Direct sunlight in which case you are Better off getting the fx30 with that Active cooling is it enough camera for You to make videos on YouTube with to Take family photos with to go on Vacation with to make commercial movies With yes yes yes and yes it's more Camera than I would say probably 95 Percent of people out there even need It's genius it's Innovative it's Revolutionary you watch this camera at Work as it tracks people and it simply Blows your mind no other camera Manufacturer out there will give you This level of autofocus of subject Tracking no matter how much money you Give them and then you get to the price Which I don't have at the moment but I'm About 70 sure that this thing is going To be fourteen hundred dollars US or 13.99 And I'm going to say this very clearly And concisely it is absolutely worth Fourteen hundred dollars U.S this is a Camera that is 400 less expensive than The fx30 but in my opinion is better in A multitude of ways it's 800 cheaper Than the new zve1 and again in my Opinion it's better than that camera it Is an impressive piece of gear and an

Impressive tool for the money in my mind It is a mini a7r5 with an aps-c sensor For a third of the price so you're Probably asking yourself is Arthur going To buy one well the answer is yes duh of Course I can't wait to get my own and I Can't wait to use it more it has Breathed new life into this aps-c lineup The 10-bit colors the S cine tone these Are really big significant features that Have been missing from this lineup for The past decade and this video is Completely independent all Sony did was They sent me a cam camera and they told Me about it they didn't tell me I should Make a video about it they're not Reviewing this for even accuracy they Don't care what I say about it and Honestly if it sucked I would tell you Guys I have no problem calling garbage When it is on this channel but this new Camera isn't garbage not even close it Makes me excited it makes me wonder will There be a slightly watered down version Of the a6700 let's call it the a6200 Released in the future something to come In at around 800 brand new it would be An interesting move because I know that The aps-c lineup has always been the Place to be if you are looking for Performance on a budget and I recognize That even fourteen hundred dollars which Is cheap compared to three or four Thousand dollars is still a lot of money

It's all perspective and it depends on Where you are in life and it depends on The economy but this isn't an Entry-level camera anymore if you are Just starting out I would still Recommend getting an a6100 for about Let's say 500 used and starting here and Then move up and learn your craft and Get better and then eventually upgrade This camera is really for those who have Had an a6100 a6500 a6600 who have Perfected their craft or grown in their Craft and are now ready to take Advantage of the new features of the new Colors the 10-bit colors 422 the higher Frame rates etc etc perhaps this is also A camera for those who went full frame But now the Allure of something more Compact but certainly capable is Enticing and I see a lot of people who Have maybe an A7 3 or an a74 look at This and say wow it has more features Than my full-frame camera maybe I should Pick this up sell my other gear and save A little bit of money in the process I Don't know but what I do know is that This camera is going to shake things up And I am elated really about it I'm very Excited for it let me know what your Thoughts are down in the comment section Below are you excited about this camera Are you getting one are you holding on To your a6100 uh are you going from full Frame to this camera is it enough is it

Expensive let me know down in the Comments if you are interested in Picking this up or reading more about Specs I didn't include everything in This video because this video is already Way too long I will leave a link in the Description box so definitely check that Out you can probably pre-order it or buy It through that link special thank you For watching this video all the way Through thank you guys so much for all Of your comments all of your likes and Your support stay tuned for more And I'll see you guys bye bye

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