Viltrox AF 75mm f/1.2 XF lens review

Viltrox AF 75mm f/1.2 XF lens review

[Music] Hi it's me and let's get stuck right Into a lens that's super exciting well To me anyway the brand new viltrox AF 75 Millimeter F 1.2 XF it's an auto Vegas Portrait lens which is currently just For…

Viltrox AF 27mm f/1.2 (Sony E-mount version)

Viltrox AF 27mm f/1.2 (Sony E-mount version)

[Music] Greetings again everyone and today I'm Putting together just a brief video to Check out how the Sony ount version of This highly regarded vcho lens performs Their autofocus 27 mm f1.2 it's an apsc Camera lens and so…

Nikon Z 85mm f/1.2 S lens review

Nikon Z 85mm f/1.2 S lens review

Howdy once again everyone and let's get Straight into testing The Living Daylights out of one of neon's best and Most expensive new portrait lenses for Their mless Zed Mount cameras the Z 85 Mm f1.2 s its price of…

The softest bokeh on any lens...ever?

The softest bokeh on any lens…ever?