TTArtisan AF 35mm F1.8 STM Review | At $125(ish) – the New Bargain Normal Lens?

[Music] Hi I'm Dustin Abbott and I'm here today To give you my video review of the new TTR Artis autofocusing 35mm F1.8 now this is their first kind of a Little bit larger aperture uh Autofocusing lens they've had at least One other f2.8 lens before but this is The first for Fuji X Mount along with Sony E Mount and Nikon Z mounts with This F1 pointed apture and there's Another lens following up on that that They've announced a 56 mm F1.8 the 35mm comes first however and I Am going to be reviewing it on the Fuji X Mount platform here so we have you Know very simply is a 50 mimish that's The angle of view here uh lens with a Maximum apture of f1.8 autofocusing Motor and a price point of roughly $125 so it's a really inexpensive lens And as we're going to see there are some Strengths to it some weaknesses as well As you'd expect for 125 bucks but all in All I will say that this is a fully Functional lens so is it a lens that you Should consider personally well we're Going to dive in together and take a Look at it today's episode is brought to You by into the am clothing brand from Southern California that wants to outfit Your passion whatever it might be They're everyday comfortable fabrics and Designs are great whether you are

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Actually really Appreciate now they first lens which is An f2.8 lens actually did have an Aperture ring but in this case they have Foregone having an aperture ring what I Understand before their first lens you Actually couldn't control aperture from Anywhere but the aperture ring in this Case however it is a fully electro Magnetic aperture Iris so it's Controlled from within the camera as you Know a lot of lenses do now on some Platforms having an aperture ring is Still fairly rare on Fuji it's kind of a Standard feature so certainly one that Fuji Shooters are going going to miss There are no other switches no ammf Switch or anything like that all of Those kind of functions are going to Have to be controlled from within the Camera basically the only thing on the Lens Barrel is the manual focus ring Fortunately at least they nailed that it Is all in metal it has a nice ribbed Feel to it and it really is pretty close To perfectly damped and actually found Manual focus to be a pretty decent Experience here there are nine aperture Blades inside so it retains a fairly Circular aperture shape as you can see Stop down here a little over three stops You still have a reasonably circular Shape to it now I will note that the Included lens cap here it is metal it's

Very nicely made but it is a very odd Shape and uh it when you put it on and It does bayonet on as per normal but as You can see it creates almost like an Anamorphic cutout a rectangular shape There you can't use filter threads or Anything when you have that on it Obviously can't be reversed for storage It's a little bit of an odd duck and I'm Not quite sure what the logic was behind This as opposed to a more conventional Uh front lens Hood but that is what we Have now one feature that I do like is That there are actually some electronic Pin in the rear lens cap and also a USBC Port on it and so you will actually be Able to do firmware updates via the rear Lens cap I think I like vr's approach Where the actual USBC Port is in the the Lens itself in the lens mount because You know there is the potential you Could lose this whereas you know if you Have your lens you're going to be able To connect it with the other approach But at the same time I do appreciate the Fact that we have the ability to do Firmware updates simply and directly to The lens now one area that comes up a Little bit short in my estimation is That our minimum Focus distance is a Fairly long 60 cm you can't get all that Close to any kind of subject which is Going to be limiting for video it also Means that you get a quite low

Magnification level of 0.10 times and so It does one of the things I love to do With a focal length like this is to get Close to the subject and really blur out A background it's going to be less of That here because we don't have a great Minimum Focus distance so what is here Is actually nicely executed outside of The somewhat odd decision with the lens Hood the overall feel of the lens the Size the build quality it all feels good There's no bells and whistles but again It's 125 bucks and so it feels like You're getting a lot of lens for the Money particularly when you consider That this is an autofocusing lens it has A stepping Focus motor and focus is Actually fairly quiet you'll hear a very Faint worring if you're in extremely Silent conditions or if you put the lens Up near your your ear when you're Testing Focus the autofocus speed is It's not bad but it's not fast either It's about what I would call average or The slow side of average there's a very Slight pause while inertia builds before It makes a Uh Focus change then that Focus change Happens pretty quick and as you can see It's a little bit faster Outdoors a Little bit slower indoors obviously as The lighting conditions drop you're Going to find your focus speed varies According to that I did find however

That even on Fuji which I like a lot of Things about Fuji but it's my least Favorite autofocusing platform but even On Fuji I found that autofocus auu is Actually really quite good and I was Able to get good Precision whether Focusing on inanimate objects uh Focusing on on people or when focusing For if on animals and so overall I had Good accuracy and I noted in my shots When I looked in at a pixel level that When it was a an animal or human subject That it was focused on the iris and not You know on the eyelash or something Similar so I appreciate that accuracy on The video side of things I found that my Video Focus pulls feels like the TT Artis um actually tuned the lens for Smoothness in the autofocus pools and so There are no visible steps I do Appreciate that there's a nice steady Pull back and forth the pulls are slow Enough that they have somewhat of a Cinematic quality but in some situations They're not particularly reactive and so If you're doing video work and you're Going from one subject to another for Example like with my hand test here You'll see that there's can be a delay Where I've removed my hand and it's you Know there's a little bit of a pause Before it actually starts to transition To the new Focus area and so it's maybe Not reactive enough for fast action it's

Going to work best when you're looking To do a focus pool that has a little bit More of a steady cinematic kind of feel To it but not if you're wanting to do Reactive type video but again autofocus Does work in both situations and works Reasonably well now when it comes to the Image quality side of things we have an Optical formula of 10 elements in eight Groups and if you take a look at the MTF Chart you can see that the centers are Not superbly sharp there is just a Little bit of an uptick right off axis From Center and then you'll see a Decline to where in the corners shows Not particularly sharp uh image quality There it's in many ways unfair in that Here we have a really inexpensive lens And it is being thrown onto the most Demanding platform that I review on and This 40 megapixel sensor is the Equivalent over of over 90 megapixels on A full-frame camera it's just a lot of Pixel density and my experience is is That even a lot of quite good lenses Look a little bit softer frankly when When I review them on the xh2 and we're As we're going to see that is true of This lens as well but let's dive in and Let's take a detailed look at how the Lens performs in a variety of different Areas so we'll start by taking a look at Vignette and Distortion so as you can See here there is a significant amount

Of vignette which we'll get to in just a Moment but Distortion is actually really Really mild and you really could leave That uncorrected without any kind of Issue so I dialed in a plus two so just The tiniest amount of barrel distortion Vignette heavier close to three stops a Plus 79 you can see to correct for it Now what's interesting is that I'll Click over to this image here and you'll See that there actually for whatever Reason there is a profile that is here Already and it seems to be reasonably Accurate in that there is no 35mm f1.8 Lens by Fuji and so I'm just kind of Curious seems to line up with what this Is designated at is which is just AF 35mm f1.8 so you can see that I would I Would correct the vignette just a little Bit more but Distortion seems to be fine So I mean nicely there does seem to be a Profile there already so we can see that This lens does suffer from some Longitudinal chromatic aberration you Can see a bit of the kind of magenta Fringing before the plane of focus and Definitely some of the green fringing After the plane of focus so for example In a shot like this if I zoom in on the Areas that you know should be neutral White you can definitely see some of That fren that is showing up on the Front of this lens a little bit of Magenta in this area here now as far as

Lateral chromatic aberration even with The box unchecked for any kind of Correction you can see that there is Very little to see here I mean there is The tiniest amount of fringing you can See right here in this this edge here But it is really insignificant so not a Problem so as mentioned earlier I'm Going to throw this lens deep into the Torture test here so we have 40 Megapixel sensor of the xh2 on fu U film And this is a 200% magnification we can See in the center of the frame there is A decent amount of resolution contrast Is not off the charts and also what I Tend to call Acuity or the ability to Resolve fine details you can see that it Is lacking a little bit here mid-frame Is actually fairly decent and as we saw From the MTF chart there is a little bit Of a bump when you get right off axis Here so it means in this area it's a Pretty good result if we go down into The corner you can see the corners are Definitely softer and a less contrast Ability to render those fine details now For some context here is the much more Expensive Fujifilm XF 33mm f1.4 so I'm Shooting it at f1.8 to give a comparison Point you know and just for comparison This lens is about 125 bucks this lens Is $800 so obviously not necessarily a Fair comparison and as you can see the Fuji definitely looks better it's

Stronger and has higher contrast in the Center of the frame no question about it Can resolve those fine details better It's better in the mid-frame and you Know it's not as significant as in the Center but it's definitely there and off In the corners definitely sharper there As well we'll look over at the other Sides and you can see it's better it's Not night and day better but definitely Better now obviously 40 megapixels is Demanding even at a one: one pixel level Rather than a 200% magnification that We've been looking at you can see here However that in this scene where Contrast this is kind of a natural scene For good contrast kind of dimmer Overcast lighting conditions you can see That it actually looks quite good here As far as the detail on the subject you Can definitely see some of that fringing In these uh the water droplets that are Out of focus there but you know not a Badl looking image likewise here again Kind of a little more optimal conditions You can see that again contrast isn't Off the charts but at the same time that Is very much a decent amount of detail And contrast f for such a high Resolution sensor now if we go from one F1.8 to F2 just that mild stop down some Lenses have a real breakthrough if you Just stop them down a tiny bit that's Not really the case here you can see a

Tiny bit more contrast uh mid-frame Looks maybe marginally better but mostly The same and if we go down into the Corner here Corners look just you just See just a little bit more brightness in The bright the areas that should be Bright but not any kind of real jump Forward from F2 to f2.8 we see a little Bit more Improvement just contrast is Improving looking back to the center It's starting to look better but you can See it just never really pops off the Page from f2.8 to F4 about a similar Level of progression and finally at F5.6 we are getting just a little bit Better and you can particularly tell That here in the corner where the Difference from F4 to f5.6 is pretty Significant and that now we've got some Reasonable contrast and detail here in The corner of the frame look over at the Left side of the image and you can see It definitely looks a lot better at F5.6 up in this Zone here again just Improved contrast and detail showing up And up into the left corner you can see It doesn't look fabulous but it looks Fairly decent now I didn't find that I Was ever really Blown Away by real world Results as far as the detail for say a Landscape image you can see here in the Center of the frame looking fairly good There's still some of these textures are Just a little bit muddy looking to me

And looking off into the corner you know It looks about the same it's it's not Bad as you can see but it's not like That R Cris detail that I see from the Best lenses now after f5.6 we will see Just in some areas it's a little bit of Give and take at f8 some improvements in Some areas either flat or slightly worse In others but what we're going to see After f8 particularly on such a high Resolution body is that we're starting To lose some due to defraction in this Case I don't find find the drop off is As significant as I see in some other Cases but you can see that contrast is Low on the right side F-16 versus f8 on The left side now one Quirk that I did See when shooting this test I typically Shoot these tests in AV mode and so I'm Not having to manually adjust for each Stop but in this case it was really Overexposed at F16 as you can see here On the left so actually worked through Things just starting at the correct uh Base ISO and and correct exposure and Then I worked up manually and when I Everything was fine through f11 when I Got to F-16 once again it was Overexposed so my conclusion I dialed in In this image here I took it down about A half stop and so I think that what's Actually happening is for whatever Reason either there's a minor Calibration issue at F-16 or the

Aperture actually doesn't close down as Much as F16 causing an overexposure There at the end uh at least in the copy That I was testing so just something to Be aware of I don't ever go in Real World Shooting I don't go as stop down To F-16 because of the softening of the Image anyway but if you do that you may Just have to watch out for that metering Quirk so a quick revisit back to our up Close performance so the magnification Level as we've already seen was not Particularly high but I will say I'm Actually fairly impressed by how good The image looks up close it almost Seemed to be better optimized in this Zone than what it is say for landscape Where I didn't feel like it resolved the Fine details as well this actually looks Quite good and that leads me to what I Consider a definite strength for the Lens and that is the rendering is quite Good for such an inexpensive lens we can See here that you know the subject Doesn't pop off the page but there's a Useful amount of resolution and contrast There but for such a busy background That's actually rendered quite nicely Here's an you know situation where we've Got bright specular highlights we can See no onion bokeh we can see that it's Handled this really quite well in this Image and so again it's quite an Artful Looking image another shot here I was

Having some fun with some of my old Camera models and you can see that it's Hold held up pretty well little bit of Outlining in the bokeh here but overall It looks pretty decent a shot like this Has a lot of potential for ugliness you Can see that there is a little bit more Outlining and jitteriness in the Transition zone the what I would love But in general it's actually handled That fairly well and here as you get a Little bit closer again there's more Transition zone here but it's handled All that fairly well this is a little Bit more optimal where the distance to The background is better and you can see That it's really blurred things out uh Nicely it's very creamy looking the shot Here I think the foreground bouquet is Handled really really nicely and so We've got a nice looking shot there of Ferrari and here with a monochrome of The lock that I often shoot you can see The transition away from you know a nice Line of focus here the foreground looks Good and the background is defocused Nicely as well one final one as we can See here that again we have a fairly Good ratio here so it looks good on the Subject but as we transition towards the Background the background is really Rendered in a it's pretty creamy and Nice there for so for such an Inexpensive optic if your priority is

More about the rendering rather than Absolute sharpness you may actually be Quite happy with this lens now if you're Going to enjoy the overall performance When it comes to flare resistance you Have to really love flare artifacts and Strange and psychedelic things and as we Can see uh either from these still shots Or even more so if I begin to move Around in video you can see that Basically every kind of flare artifact Imaginable is produced by this lens when A bright light like the sun is in the Frame and so it just produces a lot of Really really crazy looking artifacts And does It Wide Open it does it when it Stopped down there doesn't seem to be Any kind of Coatings that are stopping The Sun at all and so for some of you That really like artistic flare and I'll Show you this photo right here in this Case I actually think it looks pretty Cool um it's an artistic effect that is Useful but because it is so pronounced You're going to have to be really Careful in composition to make sure that Your shots are not run by that flare so Anyway just definitely something to bear In mind if you're going to purchase this Lens so as you can see particularly on The note that we ended on it's a fairly Psychedelic flare resistance if you're Going to call it that so maybe some Improvement in Coatings would be

Warranted in the future but at the same Time I will say this this is a fairly Complete lens for just $125 it certainly is more than what We've seen in the past going back you Paid more than that going back a long Time ago for a Plastic Fantastic 50mm F1.8 this has a much nicer build quality It has a nice FOC nicer Focus motor than What lenses like that did you know Overall this is a fairly strong lens for The money it obviously does have some Serious Optical flaws but it also has Some nice Optical strengths most notably Fairly nice rendering to the the images I would say that this is a good option For those who don't like the Overcorrected modern look that's a Little bit more clinical and just Aberration are a little too corrected For your taste this is a lens that Definitely has a bit of a retro Vibe and Some of that flare resistance and has a Little bit more chromatic aberration but Also has some nice rendering in the out Of focus areas to lens with some car Character and I would say that I Considered a more viable option on any Of the platforms save the 40 megapixel Range here on Fuji so if you're shooting On one of the 24 or 26 megapixel cameras From either Fuji or other brands it's Going to show up better on those it'll Probably look quite quite good on the

Lower resolution Nikon Z or Zed format Apsc bodies I think there's certainly Applications for it and so it's a good Value lens for those that are on a Tighter budget and are looking for that Normal angle of view uh and as a kind of A it's the first one of their Autofocusing lenses from ttrs that I've Personally reviewed and I will say that Overall I'm fairly impressed as I noted This is a fully functional lens and it Works pretty much as I would expect it Too and that's saying something for Someone that is so fresh to doing Autofocus I'm Dustin Abbott if you look In the description down below you can Find linkage there to my full text Review it's also linkage to an image Gallery if you want to look at more Photos there are some buying links there If you haven't already please like And Subscribe thanks for watching have a Great day and let the light [Music] In

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