Viltrox 75mm F1.2 AF: The Best APSC Portrait Lens Since Sigma’s 56mm

Viltrox is going premium and it's gotten To the point where now I pay attention To their lens releases as much as I pay Attention to Sony Sigma and Tamron Releases because they are getting very Very good now this is a new lens for Sony aps-c it is designed specifically For a PSC it is a 75 millimeter F 1.2 This has been out for Fuji x-mount for a While and it's now available for Sony And I'm going to say it here I think This is the best portrait lens that We've seen for Sony aps-c since the Sigma 56 millimeter F 1.4 it comes in What I would say is the best buildtrox Packaging up until this point inside There is some silica gel user manual Warranty card and a leather trim Microfiber pouch The Lens comes with a Plastic front and rear lens cap and a Nice feeling plastic lens Hood the build Is all metal and glass and it is nicely Weighted coming in at 672 grams the Finishes and tolerances are excellent And it feels like like a premium tool Starting at the rear there is a metal Mount with electronic connections this Lens has an STM or stepper autofocus Motor there is a USBC Port here for Firmware updates and also a weather Sealing gasket around the mount in Orange which is nice the aperture ring Is done well it's very smooth but if you Want clicks it can be very clicky as

Well there is a slightly harder click Going from F 16 to a or Autoville trox Logo here lens specs and a nice little Pro logo here perhaps imitating the G Logo that we see on some Sony lenses Autofocus manual focus switch and a Focus hold button the focus ring is Smooth electronic so it rotates freely In both directions It is Well damped Though so if you do decide to use it you Should be happy with it around the front Huge front lens element and a bit of Writing 77 millimeter filter thread Minimum focus is 0.88 meters which is Basically one meter lens specs and image Size is 28.4 millimeter which is a first For me haven't seen that before mounted On my a6100 this is a nice little setup Sure it's heavy and with the lens Hood It does look a little big especially Compared to something like the sigma 56 Millimeter but this is a 75 millimeter And it is f 1.2 after all and just to See how well this lens performs I took It out on my a6100 with my wife and I Shot a bunch of portraits so let's take A look at these all of these are Unedited straight out of the camera Ready Set Go Thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] And that is that this lens is an

Exceptional performer I was looking at Some of my samples while I was shooting Them through the viewfinder and Yeah they looked very very good I Thought and mind you all of my samples Were done wide open at F 1.2 the center Of the frame at F 1.2 is sharp razor Sharp without any stopping down Necessary the corners also look quite Sharp even wide open optically this lens Has almost no flaws there is a little Bit of in getting wide open and the Flares do have a little bit of ghosting To them but beyond that there's really Nothing to complain about sharpness is Stellar the colors in contrast are Punchy and vibrant there's no pin Cushion or Barrel Distortion to report Even chromatic aberration is incredibly Well controlled to the point that it's a Non-issue and the bokeh is so smooth and Nicely done at effectively 112 Millimeters on a full-frame camera you Get a ton of background compression Subject separation just blurry goodness But of course there are some negatives And I'll give you guys three of them Just because they may make or break this Lens for you the first is the autofocus Performance it is almost silent it's Pretty accurate but it is a touch slower And uncertain compared to high-end Sony And sigma lenses this isn't very Noticeable for photography but when you

Start recording video you will see it a Bit more it sometimes racks a little Past focus and then back similar to what We used to have to deal with on every Single lens back when dslrs were at Their Prime second minimum Focus Distance is Pretty big you have to be a good meter Or about three feet away from your Subject for this lens to focus on it so You won't be shooting macro with this Lens especially not with its 0.10 Magnification and third if you are using This lens for video Work Focus breathing Is quite apparent so it's not the best For shooting cinematic movies but beyond That what an incredible new lens from Viltrox they are stepping it up and Putting themselves right up there with The big three of Sony Sigma and Tamron Now you might be asking how does this New lens compare to the sigma 56 Millimeter F 1.4 and I think that I'll Do a more in-depth comparison between These two lenses because there's a bit More to talk about than just a few small Words but if size is a concern or if you Want a small package you can see here That the sigma is significantly smaller Than this viltrox lens it's also a Little less expensive but this new lens Is probably one of the few that I think Can put up an actual fight against the Sigma 56 all right about pricing it's

Not bad coming in at 550 us which is About 120 dollars more than the sigma Currently but it is an F 1.2 which Always carries a premium the build is Metal so I think that the price is in The right ballpark if you are interested In reading more or picking up one of Your own check out the link in the Description so that is going to be it For this review let me know what your Thoughts are down in the comment section Below what do you think of viltrox's Recent releases between the 13 Millimeter this one they have a lot of Cool new lenses I think Um anyway that's it for me thank you Guys so much for watching thanks for all Of your comments all of your likes and Your support stay tuned for more and Have a nice day bye

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