Doogee R10 Rugged Android 13 Tablet Review | Drop It, Immerse It, Freeze It

[Music] Foreign Hi I'm Dustin Abbott and I'm here today To give you a review of the newest Tablet from doogee and that is called The r10 now I reviewed my first uh Tablet from Android Tablet from Doogie a Few months ago the T30 Pro I was quite Impressed by it as an iPad alternative At a much lower price point But as soon As I begin to unpack this I knew I had No idea what it was when it arrived as Soon as I unpacked it I was like okay That makes a lot of sense because this Combines their new tablet kind of Leaning into something that they're very Familiar with and that is creating Rugged phones and so the doogee r10 is a Combination of those two things it's a Tablet but it's designed around being a Whole lot tougher than anything else You're going to buy on the market right Now which makes it a really interesting Kind of combination of the rugged phone And then the tablet technology it is Rated for being drop proof it is Waterproof and dust proof designed to Work in harsh environments from minus 20 To about 55 Celsius that's a hundred and About around 10 below Fahrenheit up to About 130 or so so it is designed for Use in much more rugged out environments Than just your living room for example And so of course that means that it's

Going to be marketed towards definitely The Outdoorsman camper type you know it Can be wet it can be get dropped hold up For that but in my mind as I've used it Over the last month or so there's Another application that makes makes a Ton of sense to me and that is as Someone who has worked on a lot of you Know job sites and worked in Construction some this is could be a Great tool for construction worker Architects Builders inspectors anybody That goes onto a job site where it can Be Dusty it can be wet where there are Things where things you know sometimes Do get dropped all of those things the Ability to expand Blueprints and even if You're in a situation where there is no Wi-fi the fact that this comes with dual 4G LTE ports I mean you can run multiple SIM cards means that it makes a lot of Sense for going into a place where there Is no Wi-Fi and still being able to pull Up Blueprints and uh or you know or Various architectural drawings and Blowing those way up I know how it is With paper drawings I've been out there And they've gotten wet as it starts to Rain they just get filthy and dirty you Know and then I see people guys with Their phones trying to magnify some Image of it because they can't see as Well as they used to all of those things And so I thought you know what this is

Something that makes a whole lot of Sense for that so let's kind of break Down what we do have here as far as you Know some of those actual specs for the Build and handling it is rated at Ip69k so what that means IP stands for Ingress protection that's keeping things From getting into the device and so the Highest rating of those comes in the First number which is six and so that Means that it is rated to where dust is Not going to get into this thing and Then the 9k refers to the water Resistance means it can not only go Underwater and be completely immersed For an extended period of time it can Even handle higher pressures and even Temperatures in that setting and so that Means it's designed to really really be Tough and so any kind of normal Applications I mean I've known people That have killed their iPad because they Are reading something in the bath or Watching a movie and it fell into the Bathtub and fried it well obviously That's never going to be an issue and Even if you drop it into you know some Depth of water as long as you can get Down you can retrieve it you know Hopefully before the next day you Probably should be okay it also Sports Corning Gorilla Glass 5 for the screen Which I have repeatedly dropped this you Know not from Great Heights but in order

To just kind of test it and typically According to Corning Gorilla Glass 5 Survives up to a 1.2 meter waist-high Drop onto hard and even rough surfaces Without any kind of issue without Scratching without breaking and and so So far it's held up just fine I don't Actually see any marks on this thing and I have dropped it a number of times just Kind of testing this and so so far so Good at that point Now your trade-off for that is that this Is a thicker and heavier tablet than What most modern tablets are it is 13.5 Millimeters in its depth so that makes It six millimeters thicker than what the T30 Pro was that I recently reviewed From them for example makes it about Double what the most recent iPads are And it weighs in at 826 grams that's About 200 grams heavier than the T30 and You know more like 400 grams heavier Than my iPad uh I I have the pro 11 most Recent one and that's my typical tablet And it's definitely a whole lot thicker Than that it essentially feels kind of Like the rugged phones it feels like the Case is built into it and so it is going To be it's you know it's going to be Heavier and it's going to be thicker to Hold at the same time it does have more Texture to hold so it actually feels in Some ways more comfortable to actually Hold which is good because the way that

This is actually designed there's not Going to be a lot of cases available for It for propping it up and so that could Be a factor for a lot of people it's Really kind of made to be held in the Hand although as we're going to see at The end you can get a bundle that comes With a keyboard case for it you can get A pretty cool little display that but it Is a separate accessory that you know Sits on something and tilts the screen And angles it and so you can see it and So that's that's nice but the fact That's a little bit heavier and you may Primarily use it handheld means that it Can get a little bit of a bit fatiguing Over time to hold it This obviously has another application For those of you that have young kids This could be a great option for Actually handing off to your kids it's Far less likely to get broken by them Because of the fact that it is designed To take a lot of abuse so maybe a Secondary or tertiary application for This now the screen itself is a 10.4 Inch 2K display resolution is 2000 by 1200 pixels it has an 84 percent screen To body ratio so you know it's not the Tiny tiny thin little bezel because Again it's designed to take some beating And so if you're looking for as much Screen space as possible on a smaller Device possible you're probably going to

Want to look elsewhere for this the Brightness it can get up to 340 nits Which is you know quite bright and it's 231 pixels per inch both of those specs Are a little bit lower just slightly Lower than the T30 Pro which of course Is just slightly lower than what for Example the iPad Pro is as well 16.7 Million colors and the screen looks Great when you're using it straight on But I find that if you're looking at Angles the the viewing angle really Plays a big part on how bright the Screen is and so if it's set down on a Table for example and you're looking at This angle I don't see nearly see it Nearly as well as what I would my iPad And that seems to be kind of a Doogie Issue in general when it comes to these Tablets I also noted that the Adaptive Backlighting doesn't work all that great I end up mostly manually adjusting the Actual backlighting it's not nearly as Effective as what iPad iPad has kind of Nailed that and I find that it isn't as Good on this now this does have the TUV Sud or tube sued blue light Certification and so it's easier on your Eyes which is very important these days Also the device itself is has wide Vine L1 support which means that it's going To be a very good screen for watching Movies and other media because when you Have the wide Vine L1 support it means

That all the various streaming services Will display at their maximum resolution And only on the devices that have that Kind of certification It also comes with quad high-res Speakers and you know it's good it's More immersive when you have quad Speakers the overall sound quality is Not as good as the iPad that I'm Accustomed to I did feel like this was Maybe slightly better than the T30 Pro However maybe the little bit thicker Housing allows a little more room for The speakers and so they do sound a Little bit better now one of the things That they hype about this is that the Screen again designed to be used Outdoors it can be touched when it's wet Or when you're wearing gloves and I find That that's true however I will note That you know for example I dropped it In the tub brought it out to see if I Could do that and what I found is that Yes I could still navigate but when There's water droplets on the screen it Causes inadvertent touching and so it's Not really usable until you wipe down The screen mostly for the simple reason That it's getting inadvertent touch from Water droplets that are sitting on it so You know I don't know how practical it Is to say you can touch it when it's wet So let's talk about connectivity for a Moment this is the first of the Doogie

Prop products that I have reviewed that Is Wi-Fi 6 compatible and what I do find Is that means when I'm using speed test I am getting finally getting speeds that Are equivalent to what I get on my Apple Devices and so that's great very good Performance when it comes to the Wi-Fi Also we've been upgraded from the four Different GPS services that we had on The T30 Pro to five different GPS Systems here which of course is really Important for something that's designed To be used Outdoors maybe out in the Wilderness to wear better GPS Positioning is going to be better as far As being able to use this as noted Previously it does have dual SIM slots In this device however they do limit out At 4G LT this is not a 5G compatible Device and so you're going to get a Little bit slower speeds and that could Be a deal breaker for some people Obviously all the latest bluetooth specs It does have a 3.5 millimeter headphone Jack all those things always appreciated Now as far as as far as the actual other Specs when it comes to the performance Of the tablet it has The Helio g99 Octa-core processor so the way that that Plays out for doogee is that there are Dual 2.2 gigahertz cortex a76 processors Along with six two gigahertz a55 Processors and so that allows it to run Both efficiently but also to have a lot

Of a grunt when it comes to running Applications or games and again I didn't Really notice much of a difference Between using this and my high-end iPad Pro there's lots of processing speed That's there it's all built on six Nanometer design and so it's you know Good efficient technology which it Brings to another part which is a Serious strength for this and that it Has a 10 800 mAh battery pack and so it Has amazing battery life just to give You perspective that is 3000 Mah more Than what my iPad Pro has and so this Has got you know a good 30 percent more Battery life which is pretty impressive And so it lasts for quite a long time Time it does also have good Ram Performance there is eight Ram uh eight Or eight gig of RAM native but then They're also you can expand to another Additional seven gigabyte of ram if you Uh just use kind of the virtual Ram Settings you can get up to the Equivalent of 15 gig of RAM which I Always do that these things come with Lots of storage and it's easy to expand Storage this has 128 gig of storage but It's expandable via micro SD all the way Up to two terabytes and so uh storage is Not an issue so losing seven gig of it To more RAM to allow things to run Better I say absolutely and it's one of The first settings that I changed on

This charging comes via an uh it's USBC Of course based it's 18 watt fast Charging One thing that's interesting again for Kind of a camping or out in the field Type application it does also have the OTG reverse charging spec what that Means is you can hook up a USBC cord Onto this end and then you could have it On the other end if you went to Lightning you could charge you know an IPhone or you could charge another Android device and so you could actually Use it as a power bank as well which is Interesting now the camera specs are Typical Doogie so so we've got a 20 Megapixel Sony main camera which is fine But you know only so so and then there Is a 16 megapixel Samsung front facing And the best thing about this is that Unlike iPad it is centered in the middle Of the frame so if you're doing video Conferencing or you know some kind of Video chat you actually have the the Camera in the better position to where You're actually looking at people and Looking at them In conclusion the biggest thing that Makes this thing attractive outside of The things I've already told you is the Price you can get this for about 300 US Dollars 295 US Dollars even cheaper with Some discounts often for another 70 Dollars if you want an accessory package

You can add on a stylus and that Keyboard case that I mentioned and for a Total of a hundred dollars they add in That custom stand to allow you to you Know tilt it at various viewing angles Along with an extra screen protector and So that's a hundred bucks for getting a Stylus a keyboard getting a custom stand For it along with the screen protector That's a lot of bang for the buck and so Obviously this is a really strong value Which is another tempting reason why you Might put this as opposed to your iPad In the hands of your kids and really I Think the best application is for those Of you that need something tough that You're interested in a tablet size Device but you want something that is Tough and durable and I I'm not aware I'm sure that there probably are similar Products out there this is the first of This type that I have actually seen and I find it really intriguing and I've Actually enjoyed using it so far and and I've used it kind of in place of my iPad For the last month and frankly it Reminds me a whole lot like using the T30 it does most things pretty well and The things that are irritants to me I've Already mentioned at this point so if This sounds intriguing to you and you're Looking for a tablet that don't mind Tossing around well the Doogie r10 is a Very interesting option if you look in

The description down below you can find Some buying links there along with the Typical linkage to do all of the stuff Please like And subscribe thanks for Watching have a great day and let the Light in [Music] Foreign

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