Best Beginner Video Camera in 2023

When I was starting out I spent months Watching YouTube trying to find the Perfect video camera and today I have The pleasure of helping you find your Camera finding a good beginner camera For video is all about getting the best Value for your money and getting as Close as possible to Pro camera quality But paying significantly less so on this List I have four cameras that cover Everything a beginner needs and it's More than just buzzwords like 4K video Slow motion and 10 bit color I made sure These cameras include all the important Features that most beginners don't even Know to look for and I made sure to Include cameras at different price Levels and for different types of Shooters so let's find your new camera Also if you want to make sure you get The best pricing on any of the amazing Cameras we talk about today make sure You check out the links in the Description down below so if you're Trying to get the best value for your Money and you want to beginner camera That actually looks like a pro camera The best value camera right now is the Canon R7 and I love this camera for two Very specific reasons one it has a 32 Megapixel aps-c size sensor which is Actually one of the highest resolution Sensors that you can get in this type of Camera and thanks to that sensor you

Actually get Way Beyond 4K quality with This camera but I'll explain how that Works in a second the other reason I Love the R7 are the amazing Canon colors You get these amazing very true to life Colors with a hint of warmth that make Everything look beautiful especially When it comes to faces and skin tones And when it comes to having a good Camera you can have a low resolution Image but if the colors don't look good The image won't look good and as a Beginner the Canon colors are going to Be a huge help to you so how exactly Does the R7 get Beyond 4K quality when Shooting 4K at 24 and 30 frames per Second the R7 actually takes the entire 32 megapixel 7K image area and squeezes It down into 4K so the 4K video at 24 And 30 frames per second actually has The clarity of 7K and the R7 also does 4K at 60 frames per second for two times Slow motion without a crop or any sort Of compromise in quality which is Actually a pretty rare feature in a Beginner camera and it also does full HD At 120 frames per second for five times Slow motion and I know we're mainly Talking about video here but it also Shoots photos at 15 frames per second in Mechanical shutter mode and 30 frames Per second electronic shutter mode which Is incredible for even a pro camera and You get all this in a beginner camera

And the R7 also has in-body Stabilization for smooth handheld and Camera movement but it's actually not That great if you're using wide lenses And you actually get a little bit of Corner warping I recommend instead of Using the in body stabilization get a Stabilized Canon lens which has really Good stabilization and that's going to Do a much better job for you the R7 also Has 10 bit color when shooting in HDR Mode or c-log 3. this is going to give You a much more cinematic image and it's Also going to make it easier to color Grade your video if you want to create Something beautiful the Canon R7 also Has phenomenal autofocus and actually Has one of the best subject tracking Algorithms I've ever seen in an auto Focusing system it's actually the same Autofocusing algorithm from the Canon RS3 which is like a six thousand seven Thousand dollar camera so you're getting A really good Auto focusing system here The body of the R7 is really small and Nimble but with a really beefy grip Making it perfect for handheld work the Bun layout itself is really well placed It's ergonomically friendly and the Menus themselves are super simple to Figure out Canon without a doubt has the Easiest cameras that you can just pick Up and get great results with now there Is no fan on this camera so it will

Eventually overheat but that's only Going to happen if you're recording Really long clips that are 40 minutes Plus and most people don't really record Clips that are that long so as long as You're shooting five to ten minute Clips Here and there you should be just fine Even recording at the highest quality at 4K down down sampled from 7K or 4K 60 And it also has dual SD card slots which You definitely need if you plan on doing Any kind of professional work the Downside of the Canon R7 is that you can Only use Canon branded lenses and they Actually don't allow third-party lens Companies to make lenses for their Camera but that's okay because they Actually make some pretty affordable Primes I personally really like the Canon STM lineup I really like the 50ml And the 35 mil the R7 also has these Such articulating screen now having a Side articulating screen not that big of A deal but it's actually entirely touch Sensitive so you can control the entire Camera just using the back screen kind Of like a smartphone it's a really Useful feature to have as a beginner That's still learning their camera Overall the Canon R7 has a high Resolution sensor great frame rate Options in Ultra reliable autofocusing System and 10 by color and I really Wouldn't worry too much about the

Overheating as a beginner it's one of The best values for your money that you Can get but I also realized that a lot Of beginners are on a very tight budget And you probably don't want to spend on A camera then a bunch of accessories a Microphone you probably want a complete Package in just one camera in that case The camera that I recommend is a Sony Zve E10 it's a compact mirrorless camera With everything you need built right Into the camera it has a 24 megapixel EPS C size sensor which is incredible in Low light as a beginner you're not Always going to have the best lighting Available so to have a camera that's Good and tricky lighting is definitely Useful and on top of that the autofocus Is phenomenal and it actually has a Dedicated autofocus unit inside of this Camera however because it's a slightly Older camera it doesn't have anything Fancy like subject detect but the Overall autofocus is really solid the Body of the zv10 is designed to be both A travel and vlogging camera but also a Cinematic camera for more serious Shooters one thing that I love about the Zv10 is that it actually has a three Capsule microphone built right into the Camera so you don't have to put an External microphone on top of this Camera if you don't want to it keeps Your camera small and also your cost

Down it also has only one button to flip Between photo video and slow motion mode Making this a really simple camera to Use and it's going to be ideal for Beginners it also has a side Articulating screen however it's not Touch sensitive but it's nice to have Inside your articulating screen in video Mode it shoots at 4K at 24 and 30 frames Per second that is also down sampled From 6K so you get 4k that really has The detail and Clarity of 6K and it also Shoots slow motion in full HD at 60 and 120 frames per second the zv10 does not Have in-body stabilization however it Does have digital stabilization for Smooth handheld footage now again we're Talking about video but it also shoots Photos at 10 frames per second in 14-bit Raw I don't expect most people to try And create cinematic masterpieces with This camera but this camera can do that It has s-log 3 and Cinema profiles built Right into this camera so if you ever Decide to really color grade your videos And start creating music videos or Commercials you can absolutely do that Because this camera does have that Flexibility in terms of colors however It's only 8-bit color where more newer Cameras have 10 bit color but if you are Someone that absolutely needs 10-bit Color because you're serious about your Video color grading I actually recommend

The Canon R50 which does have 10 big Color but also HDR mode for added Dynamic range it is more of a hybrid Photo camera so it's not ideal for video But it is a really solid video camera And I recommend it if you need 10 bit Color either way you cannot go wrong With either the Sony zv10 or the Canon R50 they're both well-made solid cameras And they're on a budget now if you're Like me and you like to shoot cinematic Videos or you simply want to make your Videos look special compared to the Thousands of videos on the internet you Want a camera that has a unique look to It and the camera that I always Recommend to everyone for beginners Especially is the Fuji xs20 it has a 24 Megapixel aps-c size sensor which looks Way better than any 24 megapixel sensor From Canon or Sony and this is mainly Because of the unique design in the Fuji X-trans sensor which actually gives you The quality of a full frame sensor but In an aps-c body and the Fuji xs20 Actually has the same sensor from a pro Line of cameras known as the Fuji xh2s Which is a lot more in video mode the Xs20 shoots 4K at 24 30 and 60 frames Per second with no crop or compromise in Quality but it also shoots 6K in 3×4 Mode which is kind of a square format up To 30 frames per second but best of all It also shoots 2K up to 120 and 240

Frames per second for slow motion and it Shoots all of these video modes in 10 Bit color 422 now the reason I recommend The Fuji xs20 for something more Cinematic isn't just because of Resolution and frame rates but rather The colors it has Fuji film emulations Built right into this camera that Actually give you a really pristine Cinematic film-like look right in camera In each of these cinematic looks can Actually be tweaked to your liking so You can create whatever kind of look you Want but if you really want to go Bare Bones and do your own color grading you Also have F log and Fuji Turner profiles That you can use to really dial in your Unique look now when it comes to Autofocus it's really really good but if You've ever used a Canon or Sony camera Everything just kind of pales in Comparison so compared to Canon Sony I'd Give it a 7.5 maybe an eight the Autofocus has eye tracking face tracking And it's really good for tracking Subjects just it's not canon or selling I swear to God I love Fuji cameras Please don't be mad at me when it comes To design the Fuji xs20 is pretty Vanilla it looks like pretty much every Other video camera on the market but it Is a solidly made camera and it is Weather sealed one thing that I do like Is that they move all the major buttons

For ISO Iris menus to the top of the Camera so when you're on set you simply Have to look down down at your camera Instead of trying to get low get behind It trust me it's a whole thing when You're on set you'll appreciate that the Buttons are on top now as much as I love This camera it will overheat on you they Actually make a cooling fan for it which Is not ideal but I'm telling you the Truth this camera is very worth it and That cooling fan is a small price to pay For that beautiful image quality overall If you want a solid camera specifically Made to give your content and videos a Cinematic look to them the Fuji xs10 is My personal favorite choice and I also Think it's the most beginner friendly Camera for a cinematic look now what if You want a beginner camera that's an Absolute Powerhouse and comes very very Close to professional camera quality Without spending professional camera Money the camera that I think does this The best is the Sony fx30 and it's Actually the little brother to the very Popular Cinema Camera the Sony fx3 plus The fx30 has one unique feature that no Other camera on this list has and that Feature actually can make this a big boy Big project camera when you need the Extra horsepower the fx30 has a 24 Megapixel EPS C size sensor and when it Comes to 4K video it shoots in 4k 24 30

And 60 frames per second without any Loss of quality and the 4K 30 and 24 is Also downsampled from a 26 megapixel Aps-c size sensor but best of all it Also has 4K at 120 frames per second Although it does have a pretty Significant 1.6 times crop however no Other camera on this list can shoot 4K 120 and on top of that the fx30 also has A dual native ISO of 800 and 2500 which Actually makes this a really good Low-light camera and it also has slow Motion at full HD at 120 and 240 frames Per second and it does all of these Video modes in 10 bit color at 422 and The fx30 also has s-log 3 and S cinetone For more cinematic color grading and the Great thing about s-log 3 3 is now Sony Actually has s-log 3 conversion Luts on Their website but they also give you Free creative Luts from very popular Creators that also use the Sony system So you can get a cinematic look kind of Like the Fuji cameras all right in Camera you can use their Luts download Them onto your camera and there you go Now there is one feature the fx30 has That no other camera on this list has And that's the ability to Output prores Raw to an external recorder using an Added ninja you can actually record 4.7 K raw up to 60 frames per second the Extra little bit of resolution from 4K To 4.7 K is not going to make a

Difference by using prores raw you're Going to get more flexibility over your Colors and light values and really get The ability to dial in the perfect image For those big projects that really need That extra bit of elbow grease now You've probably heard this before but The fx30 has really good autofocus 10 Out of 10. the only thing that it's Missing is that it doesn't have subject To Tech mode like the newer Sony cameras But other than that super Reliable Auto Focus now the biggest selling point of The fx30 for me is the pro style Cinema Body because it's made like a real Professional camera for one it has a fan So it's never going to overheat on you And secondly it has Ibis built into the Camera for 5x stabilization and has no Corner wobble third you can also buy an XLR top handle for this camera this Gives you XLR audio right into your fx30 For professional recording environments But best of all all of the dedicated Buttons for white balance ISO Iris all Of your major settings are actually on Top of the camera and it's a small Quality of life Improvement that you Will definitely notice and it's also on The Fuji xs20 and of course it also has Dual SD card slots but also a full-sized HDMI port and because the fx30 has the Sony e-mount it can accept lenses from Not only Sony but also third-party

Lenses and you essentially have infinite Lens choices so if you're someone that's Serious about their cinematic shooting You're definitely going to want to go With the fx30 because you're going to Have more lens choices but either way You cannot go wrong with any of the Cameras on this list today so make sure To check out the links in the Description down below for the best Pricing on all the cameras we talked About today and I will see you guys in The next video peace

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