7artisans 85mm + 50mm T2 Spectrum Cine Lenses

Cine lenses are notoriously expensive Probably because the Hollywood elite Doesn't want us regular guys to butt it On their business I'm totally joking About that but in all seriousness four Hundred thousand dollars for a 12 lens Kit is crazy that is why I am happy when Companies such as seven Artisans come Out with products that are much more Affordable and still good these are two Cine lenses that I'm going to review in This video the 85 millimeter T2 and the 50 millimeter T2 and because they're so Similar I'm just going to do this in one Video so let's start by seeing how these Things come packaged the answer is in Black boxes with thumb screws manuals And packed in cushy padding the lenses Are solid metal and glass heavy very Well built with no electronic Connections built-in gear Rings the Stuff you would expect from a cine lens The rear has a metal Mount no weather Ceiling and overall there is minimal Branding and nonsense the aperture rings On these lenses are smooth but the one On the 85 millimeter is extremely stiff To turn Focus rings are also very smooth With about 270 degrees of rotation for Fine tuning your focus and again the 85 Millimeter is stiffer just slightly to Rotate than the 50 millimeter around the Front the lenses are a little different Both have 82 millimeter filter threads

But the 50 millimeter has a deeply Recessed small front lens element while The 85 has a built-in lens Hood with a Larger front lens element they look Great on the camera no matter which one You choose but what about performance I Decided to take these two lenses out on A little day trip down to San Antonio With my wife and I put the 85 millimeter On my fx30 and on a gimbal I put the 50 Millimeter on my Sony a7c and here's What I got Foreign Foreign Thank you Thank you Thank you Foreign These two lenses apart in terms of Performance I do have to say this you Would be hard-pressed to find cinema Lenses anywhere near the price point of These two lenses especially T2 lenses so There is something to be said about Budget options and obviously all lenses Have compromises even the best two Thousand dollar expensive lenses out There have some sort of shortcoming and In many cases multiple shortcomings so I'm going to talk about the performance Of these two lenses but bear in mind That these are budget price points so First things first sharpness on these Lenses is excellent at least in the

Center and the mid frame I can't say the Same about the corners and to prove that Here is the 85 millimeter next to my Sigma 85 millimeter art wide open at F 1.4 it's just as sharp in the center It's impressive but the corners yeah They're not great wide open the sigmas Are astonishingly good colors and Contrast were great on these lenses I Didn't color grade any of the video Samples so you can see the difference Between s cinetone on the fx30 and no Color profile on the a7c bouquet Performance was good as well it's not Too distracting it's pretty smooth Although it does cat eye into the Corners and the edges but that's not a Deal breaker at least for me and Vignetting performance was great a Non-issue on the aps-c camera just Slightly noticeable on the full frame But there are three Optical problems With these lenses number one is the Chromatic aberration is very noticeable Especially wide open you get a lot of it Even in the center of the frame with Contrasting edges you could stop The Lens down to help but who wants to do That I think the internal construction Of these lenses is very simple and seven Artisans probably didn't do much in Terms of anti-chromatic aberration Coatings number two the flare Performance is not top tier in fact it's

Pretty bad at times you saw this shot Where there is just ghosting and Flair And a rainbow in the entire frame it's Artsy if you want it but it's not ideal For filming into bright backgrounds and This is even with the recessed built-in Lens hoods the 50 millimeter was a Little bit better in terms of flare Performance but not by much and number Three the focus breathing one of the Biggest things that most companies that Make Cinema lenses focus on is focus Breathing in fact Sony recently has been Focusing on this with almost every new Lens release but I'm sad to report that With these lenses you get a lot of focus Breathing it's a shame the last little Negative that I'll mention doesn't Relate to Optics but I found that the Mounts on both lenses seem to be Slightly loose on whatever camera body I Put them on not a huge deal but it's Noticeable especially on the 85 Millimeter because the focus ring is so Stiff but if all of those things are not Enough to turn you off of these two Lenses well I have to say that they are Impressive in terms of what you can Produce with them especially if you pair Them with a capable camera such as this Fx30 I do wish that when I was out Shooting I had a follow Focus system on It and I also wish that I had maybe Someone to pull Focus for me because

That was a challenge especially when You're running around with a gimbal but You can't argue with the results it is a Different look and I have to say these Were very very fun lenses to shoot with Especially the 85 millimeter on this Fx30 because you get 1.5 x crop and it's A challenge to focus but man the results Are very very cool in terms of Background bouquet the other thing about Reviewing Cinema lenses is that oddly Flaws are viewed as positives at times Swirly bouquet huge blue flares with Anamorphic lenses these are negatives That video creators at times desire so Maybe the chromatic aberration the crazy Flare and focus breathing could be Viewed as charming and desirable in the Eyes of another you just never know what I do know is that for 350 or so for the 50 millimeter and 450 ish for the 85 Millimeter these are great Cinema Options excellent build minus the mount Smooth rings with gears and plenty of Rotation good colors there's a lot to Like for a budget price out of the two The 85 millimeter is by far my favorite Now these are not the only two lenses That seven Artisans makes in terms of Cine lenses in fact I have a separate Series this is the Spectrum line and There's a vision line I have four lenses In that that I have yet to review but I'll link these two lenses down in the

Description below let me know your Thoughts down in the comment section Below and thank you guys so much for Watching thanks for all of your likes All of your comments and your support Stay tuned for more have a nice day bye

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