Is the Viltrox Pro AF 27mm F1.2 a Good Portrait Option? | Portrait Session on X-H2

[Music] Hi I'm Dustin Abbott when I did my Review of the new vro proa 27mm f1.2 for Fuji X Mount because of time constraints I didn't have an opportunity to shoot Portraits with it so that really wasn't A part of my review and it's something That I've wanted to rectify ever since And so today I'm here to give you both Uh a look at how this lens performs for Portraits as well as a little bit of a Look behind the scenes of an actual Portrait session Craig and I planned a CO Cooperative project where he would Shoot behind the scenes footage of the Portrait session while I shot the actual Session with a couple of lovely models You can check out his video for a Behindth scenes look at the photo shoot Along with an on the-fly interview with Me about portrait work we shot in the Late evening on an unseasonably warm September day and I shot exclusively With the vro 27 mm f1.2 on a 40 Megapixel Fuji xh2 body I don't Currently have any strobe triggers for Fujifilm so I shot using available light Augmented by the use of reflectors we Chose a setting with a lovely old barn With Rich warm textures I brought along A vintage Pentax me film camera to use As a prop for the models to use we had a Lot of laughs we got a lot of beautiful Photos so how did the pill TRS perform

It proved to be a very effective short Portrait lens delivering the ability to Defocus the background but while still Leaving it visible this combined with Excellent sharpness at f1.2 allowed me To shoot wide open for many shots and to Only have to stop down the aperture when I wanted more depth of field I like the Ability to create a shallow depth of Field in the foreground to allow the Subject to stand out either in shots Where I had the model tied against the Wall of the barn or in some shots where I use the perspective of one model Taking a picture of the other you can See that there is plenty of sharpness And contrast on the face of the subject And if you look at the photo globally There was a nice three-dimensional pop On the subject I had mixed results when I introduced back Lighting in some cases If I allowed the sun to just Peak over The barn I got a nice effect with a Sunburst but if I got up higher into the Most intense and most direct sun the Image could become overwhelmingly washed Out with light as you can see here color Was generally good and easy to edit with Accurate skin tones on both of my models Despite their very different skin colors I liked both my color shots along with Some monochrome options utilizing a Number of Fuji excellent film Simulations now Focus accuracy was

Mostly very good I had about a 90% Success rate with well Focus results and Eye tracking was engaged in most images Autofocus accuracy still isn't as high As what I see on Sony or Canon bodies But this is about as good as what I see On Fuji I had a few images where the Textures of the barn board cot Focus Instead of the eye of the models though To be fair some of those knots do look Like eyes I personally prefer the vtrs To either the Fuji or Sigma 23mm f1.4 Lenses as I prefer the bokeh quality and The rendering of the vrs you can see From these flower shots I took at the Site that the bokeh is really lovely the 27 mm is a very nice complement to the 75 mm for a wider perspective as the 75 Mm can really crush a background as you Can see from these photos here in short The vrox makes for a really great option For covering kind of the slightly wider Normal angle of view I found it a great Focal link to work with and it should Prove good in a tighter space where a Longer focal length just isn't going to Work let's take a moment to enjoy some Of the photos from the session and to Give you an idea of what this baby can [Music] Produce [Music] [Music] [Music]

[Music] Me [Music] [Music] So in conclusion I do think that vilr is A great option for portrait work if You're looking for something in and Around this particular focal length it's One I personally enjoy though of course A lot of people are either going to Prefer the classic 35mm represented by 23mm on fui or the 50 mm represented by 33mm look that comes with some of the Other more traditional options if you Order the 27 mm f1.2 from vro you can Use the code Dustin Abbott and get 8% Off which brings the price down to about 500 bucks that makes this lens one of The better values on the Fuji platform When you consider the quality of the Optics I wouldn't be surprised if this Lens becomes the one that I reach for The most when I'm in the mood to shoot Fuji you can find the links to my Reviews of the 27mm f1.2 in the Description down below along with some Buying links please like And subscribe Thanks for watching have a great day and Let the light [Music] In C

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