Fujifilm X-T5 Quick Review | 40MP of APS-C Goodness

[Music] Foreign Every couple of years we get a new entry In the Fuji XT series and I'm here today To look at the newest one the Fujifilm Xt5 the headline feature here is a new 40.2 megapixel x-trans sensor shared With the xh2 that delivers detailed 7728 by 5052 pixel images along with Some other new features and Improvement The xt5 Remains one of the more Expensive aps-c cameras at roughly Seventeen hundred dollars so that raises The question of whether or not this Newest Fuji XT body is worth the buy or The upgrade I'm Dustin Abbott and I'll Attempt to answer that question in Today's quick review but first a word From our sponsor Today's episode is brought to you by Phantom wallet the minimalist modern Wallet that is now even better with the New Phantom X that is crafted from Aluminum right here in Canada it is 22 Percent smaller and 35 percent lighter While still making it easy to access Your cards and money when you need them Thanks to their unique Fanning mechanism You could even customize your wallet due To its modular design with accessories Like a money clip cash holder ID display And even chipolo and air tag tracking Integration visit Store.fantimwallet.com to check out

Their unique sizes Styles and finishes That span from aluminum to Wood to Carbon fiber and use code Dustin 15 for 15 off when you're ready to check out The Fujifilm xd5 feels immediately Familiar it is as it is nearly a carbon Copy of the xt4 in terms of the controls Dials and handling of the camera the Only real change is that Fuji has Actually reduced the size and weight a Bit from the xt4 the xt5 is 130 by 91 by 64 millimeters that's 5.1 by 3.6 by 2.5 Inches and it weighs 557 grams or 16.8 Ounces the XT Series has always had a Bit of a retro vibe in both the look of The camera and in the control scheme Which relies more on dials and levers Than other modern cameras we have three Top mounted dials that cover ISO shutter Speed and exposure compensation with two Of those dials having a second layer Where you can choose Drive functions on One and switch between two separate Configurations for still and video on The other A small front mounted lever allows you To switch between single shot continuous Autofocus and manual focus there are Also two control Wheels front and back That can be clicked like a button for Yet more functionality a miniature Joystick joins directional pad and a Variety of programmable buttons on the Back top and front of the camera to

Complete the control scheme there are Two notable changes from the xt4 however And not everyone will be pleased by them The articulating screen of the xt4 has Reverted back to a tilting screen on the Xt5 the resolution has been slightly Increased to 1.84 million dots while the Xd5 manages to squeeze even more battery Life out of the npw235 battery now up to 740 rated shots there is no battery grip Offered with the xd5 due to low sales of The grip for the xt4 if you want a Vertical grip you'll need to go for the Xh2 instead Fuji's excellent in body image Stabilization has further improved on The xt5 and is now rated for up to seven Stops of assistance I noticed excellent Stability when shooting Stills and was Even more impressed by the performance When grabbing Run and Gun video I continue to find Fuji's touch Functionality somewhat frustrating is Limited to the queue or quick menu in Terms of navigation and Fuji's quick Q Menu navigation remains very puzzling Compared to other brands the primary Menu looks very familiar but cannot be Navigated by touch at all as before we Have two UHS 2 rated SD card slots Available but no newer or faster Technologies which continues to be a Limiting factor for buffers during Action sequences if you want to shoot

Sports you'll want to spend the extra Money for the xh2 which will give you Deep buffers allowing for hundreds and Even a thousand or more images the xt5 At its worst will fill the buffer with Only 19 uncompressed raw images and 39 Compressed raw images the mechanical Shutter will give you up to 15 frames Per second and you can get as many as 20 Frames per second with the electronic Shutter though with a slight crop but You have a very brief period to capture The action before the buffer fills the Auto focus system is largely carried Over with a hybrid phase detect Autofocus system with 425 selectable Autofocus points supported by a contrast AF system the main improvements here Come via improved algorithms a faster Processor and new deep machine learning AI that can predictively track movement In addition to human subjects this now Includes animals Birds cars motorcycles Bicycles airplanes and trains I can see A greater confidence in iaf tracking and General performance though I will note That I continue to prefer both Sony and Canon in this metric action tracking is Excellent on the xt5 if you use Fuji's Better lenses I definitely see improvements in video Focus pools with the xt5 and Fuji's Newer lenses that have linear Motors as Focus pools are smooth and confident and

Without visible steps unlike what I used To see on these cameras I saw good Results also with the transition from my Hand to my eye no pulsing or settling Everything is smooth The Highlight here is the upgraded 40 Megapixel sensor which offers greater Resolution and the ability to crop Significantly and still have equal Resolution to previous XT cameras this Will give flexibility to photographers Of all types and Fuji has managed to Achieve this with minimal additional Noise penalties and the lossless Compressed raw file option keeps file Size to roughly 40 Mega megabytes each I Was impressed by the detail available on This new sensor along with a very solid ISO and dynamic range performance the Base ISO is now 125 rather than ISO 160 And that increased sensitivity pays Dividends in a number of ways images up To ISO 3200 are perfectly usable and in Many situations images at ISO 6400 like This and even 12 800 like this will also Be usable I found that I was able to Recover four stops of crushed Shadows Without issue and even five was possible Though with a little extra bit of noise I could recover two stops of highlights Cleanly though some hot spots emerged at Three stops of recovery if you want more Dynamic range consider using Fuji's Dr200 available now at ISO 250 or dr-400

Available at ISO 500 which takes the Shadow information from the current ISO Setting but samples the highlights from The base ISO which is either one or two Stops less this allowed me to get a Perfectly clean three-stop highlight Recovery with four stops possible as Well on the video front we now have Access to f-log 2 recording profile Which gives over 13 stops of dynamic Range for editing Fuji's color science remains excellent And there are a total of 19 different Film simulations available in camera Along with the ability to tweak each one In camera to deliver your perfect jpeg Or heif image raw images can of course Be tweaked to taste in post-processing One of my favorite profiles is classic Chrome and here's what a JPEG in Chrome Looks like on the video front we now Have recording capabilities of up to 6.2 K at 30 frames per second or at 4K with 60 frames per second options high speed Recording up to 200 frames per second is Available at full HD and you can output Prores or Blackmagic raw over HDMI I Found video footage to be highly Detailed and stable due to the excellent In-body image stabilization I'm more upbeat about the Fuji platform Due to them finally opening up to Third-party development and 2022 saw a Flurry of lenses from Tamron Sigma

Samyang and viltrox among others in Fuji X-mount this along with new updated Mark II versions of some of their aging Lenses makes for a very intriguing aps-c Space that is well worth your Consideration the greatest Challenger to The xt5 may be Fuji's own xh2 which Offers even more upscale features at Just 300 US dollars more decisions Decisions if you want more information Stay tuned for my definitive video Review or you can read my detailed text Review that is linked in the description Below there are also buying links there Along with a link to my image gallery Thanks for watching have a great day and Let the light in Foreign [Music]

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