Leica APO-Summicron SL 28mm f/2 lens review

Greetings again everyone and welcome to My first ever review of a modern Leica Camera lens and today I'm checking out Their 28 mm F2 autofocus option for all L-mount mirrorless full-frame cameras Its full name is the APO summicron 28 F2 Aspherical and it came out back in 2021 Like loaned this lens to me for a couple Of weeks as I was testing their new sl3 Camera which I greatly appreciate this Lens is eye wateringly expensive it Costs on average £4,000 here in the UK or just over $5,000 so no matter how awesome it is it Will not really represent good value for Money but that's just not what Leica Cameras and lenses are about they're About offering a unique and luxurious Experience for those with a lot of cash Lying around Leica cameras are popular And very good for Street photogra Ry Which is a common use for a 28 mm lens On a full-frame camera 28 mm is about as Wide as you can get while still Producing a natural looking image I Prefer the more dramatic perspective of 24 mm with its wider and slightly Stretched Corners pushing away your Subject but 28 mm has broader uses and It's quicker and easier to compose your Images with also an aperture as bright As F2 is very useful for for shooting in Darker situations or getting more out of Focus backgrounds for for a bit of a

Better focus on your subject this Particular lens is Big metallic rather Heavy at 700 g and weather sealed which Is a nice fit for the very well weather Sealed sl3 camera it's also an Absolutely dead simple lens to handle The only control on its body being a Rubberized manual focus ring which works Very responsively with the Focus motor Some good new news is that the lens Doesn't display much breathing when Focusing in and out as you can see here The lens's autofocus motor is reasonably Quick very accurate but it does make a Slight weing sound as it does its thing It worked okay with the SL 3's tracking Autofocus system but only when you turn To the camera's autofocus speed and Sensitivity settings right to the Maximum the lens has a front filter size Of 67 mm a lens hood is available too Although one wasn't provided for me this Time also it does not feature its own Optical image stabilization overall Though the build quality is dead simple Here but generally excellent you get the Feeling that this tough lens could Survive almost any drop or adverse Weather condition you could throw at it Some people may decry the lack of an Aperture ring but that's just not the Design philosophy of leica's newest Lenses anyway image quality and today I'm going to be be testing this thing on

A very demanding 60 mapel fullframe Sensor of the Leica sl3 which uses in Camera Corrections straight from F2 Image quality in the middle of the Picture is perfect right away perfect Sharpness and contrast and no purple Fringing and the corners virtually is Good which is quite amazing to see Although the very edges see just a Slight softness to them at f2.8 those Corners get a little brighter but even At F4 the resolution stays about the Same the lens stays this sharp down to F8 where a little softness emerges due To defraction here's f11 and F16 def Faction is clearly taking its toll on a 60 megapixel sensor still what a Performance razor sharpness and very High contrast across the whole aperture Range even on the most challenging Full-frame sensor available today it Just doesn't get any better than that Well let's bypass lyers Corrections by Looking for Distortion and vignetting in Some raw images without those automatic Corrections we see moderate Barrel Distortion here and strong vignetting at F2 at f2.8 F4 and f5.6 that vignetting Gradually reduces but never quite goes Away without Corrections this lens can Focus down to 24 cm which is very handy For getting closeup pictures of smaller Subjects the wonderful news here is that Even at f2 that that close-up image

Quality is as sharp as ever making the Lens even more versatile let's see how The lens performs against bright lights Then more good news here the lens is Flaring is under control mostly and Contrast remains very high even without A lens Hood nice while we're working in The dark let's take a look at coma Levels and coma is basically Non-existent even straight from F2 let's Move the camera a bit and look for Sunstars then and at f5.6 there just Beginning to emerge here at f8 f11 and F16 they gradually become quite strong And well defined next Baka and that's Something I particularly liked about This lens its outof focus backgrounds Are lovely and soft and UND distracting But they still have just a little Character to them just a slight Edge and Finally related to B comes longitudinal Chromatic aberration Leica labeled this Lens as being apoc chromatic an unusual And highly coveted characteristic and Indeed it is even at f2 there's no real Color fringing on bka Highlights to be Seen here which is just as rare as it is Beautiful to see overall this is a lens That's come here to kickass and chew Bubble gum and it's all out of gum it's The best 28 mm lens I've ever tested and There are some good ones out there Nowadays although it would be nice to Have at least a slightly brighter

Aperture here but that's just liers Philosophy they have always preferred to Release slightly darker lenses but ones Which are perfect across their whole Aperture range like his cameras and Lenses are dreadfully expensive for sure So it's not here to offer good value for Money but what it can offer is Addictively excellent quality to those Who are willing to pay for the absolute Best and so despite its high price it Still definitely has to come recommended [Music] Did you enjoy that video well you Weren't really supposed to it's more of An Avant guard piece really but if That's your kind of thing anyway then Check out my channel for about 800 more Camland reviews all neatly ordered into Handy playlists and if you really Appreciate these videos then check out My patreon page down in the description For more ways to support this Channel And get a hold load of exclusive bonus Content too Bish P everybody

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