Sony vs Sigma | Battle of the Premium 50mm F1.4 Titans

Sony vs Sigma | Battle of the Premium 50mm F1.4 Titans

Foreign [Music] T and I'm here today to give you a Comparison of two recently released 50 Millimeter F 1.4 options for the Sony Fe Platform one of those which was released First was the Sigma 50 millimeter F 1.4…

Comparing the new Sigma vs Sony 50mm f/1.4 lenses

Comparing the new Sigma vs Sony 50mm f/1.4 lenses

Howdy everyone this February has been an Interesting month for Sony Shooters as Both Sony and sigma have released two Very similar and very high quality 50 Millimeter F 1.4 lenses within mere Weeks of each other my testing for…

Sony FE 50mm f/1.4 GM lens review

Sony FE 50mm f/1.4 GM lens review

[Music] Greetings again everyone and 2023 is Shaping up to be a beautiful year Already for Sony Shooters who like 50 Millimeter lenses here is the new Sony Fe 50 millimeter F 1.4 G Master lens It's essentially intended to…

Sigma 50mm F1.4 DN vs Samyang AF 50mm F1.4 II | Do We Have a Winner?

Sigma 50mm F1.4 DN vs Samyang AF 50mm F1.4 II | Do We Have a Winner?

Foreign Abbott and I'm here today for another One of my versus episodes in this case I'm going to compare the brand new Sigma 50 millimeter F 1.4 DN lens with the Samyang AF 50 millimeter F 1.4 Series 2…

Sigma 50mm F1.4 DG DN | ART Quick Review: The One We've Been Waiting For

Sigma 50mm F1.4 DG DN | ART Quick Review: The One We’ve Been Waiting For

[Music] Foreign It's the one we've been waiting for I'm Dustin Abbott and today's Sigma has Finally released their 50 millimeter F 1.4 DG DN art lens for Sony e-mount and Leica L this is a high performing 50 Millimeter…

Sigma 50mm F1.4 DG DN ART Quick Review | The One We've Been Waiting For

Sigma 50mm F1.4 DG DN ART Quick Review | The One We’ve Been Waiting For

[Music] Foreign It's the one we've been waiting for I'm Dustin Abbott and today's Sigma has Finally released their 50 millimeter F 1.4 DG DN art lens for Sony e-mount and Leica L this is a high performing 50 Millimeter…

New: Sigma 50mm f/1.4 DG DN 'Art' lens review

New: Sigma 50mm f/1.4 DG DN ‘Art’ lens review

[Music] Howdy again everyone now a year or two Ago I was getting endless questions from People in comments sections asking me What I knew about a new 50 millimeter Dgdn art lens from Sigma it was like Some kind…

When is f/1.05 better than f/0.95?

When is f/1.05 better than f/0.95?

When is f 1.05 better than f0.95 to get A beautiful shallow depth of field in Your images You Really Want A nice Bright aperture the lower that f-stop Number the better and a bright aperture Lets in loads of…