The Fujifilm Instax Pal: Reviewed by an 8 Year Old Kid

Hey it's Li from the camera store and Today we're going to be talking about The insect pal from Fujifilm so my mom Just got me this this kit includes the Camera and the printer and I'm going to Show you what else is inside this box we Have the manual but we won't be needing That and then the insex Pal so this is the actual insect pal we Got it in a pistachio green color so the Cool thing about this camera is that it Has internal memories And it can hold up to 50 photos if you Need more space you can also use a Micro SD card when you take your photo you can Either use Link mode which sends the Photo straight to the printer when you Take them but a little disclaimer it Will take around 90 seconds to develop These photos or you can use fun mode Which you need to send to your Smartphone so you could add different Effects the other fun feature about this Camera is that you can add different Sound effects say cheese say [Laughter] Cheese say Chee hello and then when you Power it down it's this really cute Sound that it makes so the thing I like Most about this camera is that I can Take it anywhere I want to like parties Or on the part when you get home cuz I Don't have a SmartPhone I can review and Print off cool photos with my parents

And you can put it on like a photo wall Or anything that you want but don't go Too crazy because it can get pretty Expensive when you're buying a bunch of These boxes of film which only have 10 Sheets this is Liam from the camera Store don't forget to like And subscribe And we'll catch you very Soon

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