Sigma Does it Again! The New 10-18mm F2.8

Well this is certainly a surprise and a Pleasant one at that I would say that Three to four years ago we had Effectively no good ultrawide angle Lenses available for Sony apsc and now We are really spoiled for choice and This new lens from Sigma the new 10 to8 Dcdn is going to make that choice that Much harder let's check it out this is The new 10 to 18 mm dcdn and it is a Charming little addition to the Established and ex excellent 18 to 50 mm F2.8 of which I am a big fan and Although this little new lens is a Surprise now I am beginning to think That this is part of sigma's grand plan To put together another Trio of apsc Lenses this time zooms and I imagine the Next one has to be something like a 50 To 150 f2.8 which would be incredible Back to the 10 to 18 it comes in a white Box similar packaging that we see with All Sigma lenses there's a manual Plastic front and rear lens lens caps And a lens Hood this lens Hood however Is different normally you have a lens Hood that rotates and locks into place This has been the same for decades but This new 10 to8 has a 67 mm filter Diameter and since the 18-50 has a 55 mm Diameter putting a regular lens hood on This new lens would make it considerably Wider so instead this lens Hood Just Clips on with a spring and lever

Mechanism to remove it you twist Slightly the result of this is the lens Hood is significantly slimmer making the Overall package that much smaller and I'll be honest in the beginning I hated This lens Hood because I couldn't figure Out how to put it on this lens it took Me all of 10 minutes and then I finally Broke down and took out the user manual And figured it out but now that I've Played with it a couple of Times it's not that bad the only thing That I worry about is accidentally Bumping it off which we'll see how it Does starting at the rear this lens has An all metal mount with electronic Connections there is a rubber gasket Here for weather sealing although I Don't think that the rest of the lens is Sealed 023 here indicates it is a 2023 Model minimum Focus distance of16 M or 381 ft which is very close and this lens Is made in Japan there's a manual focus Ring here it's electronic so it rotates Infinitely in either direction but it is Smooth with a little bit of resistance Lens specs are here Sigma logo Contemporary C logo and then we get to The zoom ring this ring is well done it Feels very similar to the one on the 18-50 in terms of resistance and Smoothness so I have no complaints the Barrel of this 10 to 18 does extend a Little bit as you zoom all the way out

To 10 mm but still it's a very compact Ultrawide zoom lens around the front There is a medium-sized front lens Element and some faint lens specs again 67 mm filter thread and made in Japan as Far as weight this new Ultra wide is 270 G which is even lighter than the already Very light 310 G of the 18 to 50 inside There are 13 elements in 10 groups a Seven rounded blade diaphragm and a Stepper motor that is compatible with High-speed autofocus and sigma says a Design that minimizes flaring and Ghosting mounted on my Sony a6700 what a Combination it's super compact it's Balanced the colors and the design of This new lens pairs nicely with any apsc Camera body and this is specifically for Apsc cameras as with a fullframe camera This is what you get at 10 mm and here's What you get at 18 mm but let's see what This lens is capable of on my a6700 I Took these out and I took a couple of Random shots and well what can I say Image quality looks excellent the Majority of these shots are done wide Open at f2.8 to try to expose flaws and There are very few of those colors and Contrast is excellent wide open in terms Of sharpness I compared this new Sigma To the very sharp excellent Sony 11 mm F1.8 at f2.8 and honestly there is no Real difference between the two in terms Of sharpness this new Sigma might even

Be a little bit sharper in the corners The Sony 11 does have slightly brighter Corners however what about comparing it To the 18 to 50 mm Sigma at 18 mm well Similar story there as both perform About the same but there is a noticeable Improvement in chromatic aberration with This new lens which is a big plus so From a sharpness perspective I would Describe its performance as excellent And I would put it up there with the Best of the best in terms of ultra wide Angle apsc lenses and if you look at Distortions this lens does very well Chromatic aberration is well controlled Very well controlled for an ultra wide Angle lens it's clear that Sigma is Paying attention to this and the Coatings and the elements that they are Using make a difference flaring Performance is also excellent with very Little ghosting no crazy colors that Distract from the scene now normally in An ultra wide angle lens struggles with This but this one doesn't there is a Slight loss of contrast as you get close To the source of light so the sun in This case but it does gradually resolve Itself and the majority of the image is Not affected the same thing goes for Vignetting and Barrel Distortion which I Would say are not issues with this lens In fact using this lens out for interior Shots was simply excellent it makes

Spaces seem massive and it encompasses So much of your environment it makes for A fun shooting experience if you shoot Architecture you'll love a lens like This if you do real estate same thing This is a great little option to capture Those types of photos and there are more Things to consider still because if you Shoot at night this lens is Significantly better than something like Sony's 10 to 20 pz now that one I owned For a little bit of time but I ended up Selling it because I found that it was Simply too dark for what I'm used to I'm Used to shooting f1.4 and f1.8 all the Time so an f2.8 zoom on an apsc camera I'm fine with but as you get to F4 at Least on apsc it gets a little bit Dark Full frame it's a different story but Anyway let's get back to this 10 to 18 The fact that it is an f2.8 makes it Versatile in lighting conditions that Aren't perfect but there's still a lot More to consider with this lens first is The autofocus performance it is Excellent there wasn't a moment during The last 5 days that I've had it that I Thought something was up it never failed Me or let me down tracking performance Is as good as any other native Sony that I have that means the eye tracking Subject recognition all of it works Flawlessly then in terms of focus Breathing there's almost none of it it's

A great wideangle lens for video capture Because of this and as great as this Lens is for architecture and real estate I think that it's also going to be Equally great for vlogging or what we Call content creation nowadays and That's because this lens is plenty wide Enough to hold in front of you and Capture yourself and your environment And specifically with newer C camera Bodies that have active stabilization With a slight crop having an ultrawide Lens like this is a huge plus just look At the difference in the field of you That you get with active stabilization Off and with it on at 10 mm so nowadays The way I see it you have about five Great options when it comes to ultra Wide angle lenses for apsc number one is The Sony 10 to 20pz that I mentioned Already it's an F4 but otherwise it's an Excellent lens number two we have the Sony 11 mm probably my favorite Sony Lens release in the last 5 years but It's a prime you can't zoom in and it Does distort people if you get too close Number three is the Tamron 11 to20 f2.8 It's also a great lens but it's bigger And the build feels just a little bit Cheaper number four is the laa 9mm F2.8d an excellent lens but it's all Manual and number five we have this new 10 to 18 that is according to Sigma the Smallest ultrawide f2.8 zoom lens of

Available for a PSC but beyond the size The performance is excellent it gives You a slightly wider field of view than The Tamron or something like the tokina 11 to 18 mm the autofocus performance is Excellent there's really a lot to like For me personally it's between this new Sigma 10 to 18 mm and the Sony 11 mm F1.8 two very similar lenses in terms of Size and weight but they are a little Bit different there's something special About the Sony 11 mm that super bright F1.8 aperture I just don't think I could Ever let that lens go however the Sigma Lens is by far way more usable and more Versatile because sometimes the 11 mm is Simply too wide to film yourself for a Variety of shots and then we have to Talk about price because I think that Was the biggest problem with the Sony 10 To20 when it came out the price was $850 Or $829 I forget and since then Sony has Dropped it to I think it's 750 nowadays This Sigma tend to 18 which is an f2.8 Instead of an F4 autofocus about as Compact comes in at $599 us and that's the thing that keeps Bringing me back to Sigma lenses the Value that you get the performance per Dollar spent is unmatched by anyone else So I like this lens you'll likely be Seeing more of it on this channel in the Future and as far as negatives the only One that I really had was the lens Hood

But I spent the last few days shooting With this lens and the lens Hood stayed Put it never fell off on accident I Never bumped it on accident really Unless you're trying to pull this lens Off of your camera by the lens Hood even Then it stays on sometimes but that's The only situation in which I think that It would be a little annoying but I Would say it's not a big deal and as Much as I hated it in the beginning once I've gotten used to how it mounts and How to remove it I don't have any Complaints about it but let me know what You guys think about this new release From Sigma down in the comment section Below what is your favorite Ultra wide Angle lens for a PSC camera always Curious to read your guys' comments stay Tuned for more have a great day bye-bye

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