Best Beginner Video Camera in 2024

If you're serious about getting started In video you need the right camera but Depending on what style of videos you Make you want to make sure you have the Right specs and features in your camera For that style of video and the camera For one style of videos is completely Different than another otherwise you Might get a camera that looks gorgeous But is missing key features you need so In this video let's talk about the best Beginner cameras for different shooting Styles and budget levels and as always I'll leave links down below with the Best pricing on all the cameras so when It comes to video film making or content Creation there are a few features you Need to make sure your video camera has As a bare minimum requirement so all the Cameras on this list will have the Following features and I quickly want to Talk about these features so you know Why these features are important and What they actually do first up is 4K at 24 and 30 frames per second this will be Your main shooting mode and this will Make sure that by shooting in 4k you're Able to get high quality and crisp video And with 4K you're also going to get the Most amount of resolution that you can Get in a beginner camera and by using 4K You can also corop your content for Vertical format for Tik Tok or Instagram And at the same time you're also going

To be able to use digital zoom in Without losing a ton of detail like I'm Doing right now but depending on your Style of videos you might also want slow Motion at 60 frames per second for two Times slow motion or 120 frames per Second for five times slow motion and All the cameras on this list do shoot 60 And 120 frames per second but at Different resolutions depending on the Camera now when your video comes Straight from the camera it usually Doesn't look cinematic or have that Professional pop but there's two Features you absolutely need to have in Your camera if you really want your Videos to shine so the cameras on this List do have Cinema profiles or log Profiles to give you the most amount of Flexibility and dynamic range with your Cameras both in terms of colors and Light values and for the most part you Also want to get 10 bit color this is Going to give you the most amount of Color flexibility even without a cinema Profile however if you don't have 10 bit Color you can still get away with 8bit Color if you have a cinema profile now Whether you're a beginner or a Professional you want to look for a Camera that does most of the work for You therefore you want to look for Cameras with good autofocus you don't Have to fuss around with your lens and

On top of that you also want good Stabilization for handheld video but Most importantly you want to have a Camera with good body and design so it's Easy to use and easy to change the Settings around and switch up when You're in a fast-paced shooting Environment but these last few features Are really specific to the camera model You're using so we'll talk about these Features when we talk about individual Cameras but now you know what features You need and why they're important so Let's talk about the first camera on This list and that is the Sony zv E10 This is the best camera for someone That's a beginner and also on a tight Budget and it's the cheapest way to get Almost all the features you need for Video starting with the fact that the Zv1 is a very small camera it literally Fits in the palm of your hands making it An ideal camera for handheld shooting And you can use this camera with a very Affordable gimbal or stabilizer because It's so light and the zv1 also has Digital stabilization to help further Smooth out all of your handheld movement And yes you can Vlog with it on top of That it has a really simple button Layout making this camera Ultra easy to Use it has one button to go between Photo video and slow motion mode and two Separate record buttons for taking

Photos and video recording and it also Has a three capsule microphone built Right into the camera which is perfect For Content creators and vloggers and The audio from this microphone is Shockingly solid but for the best audio You can also plug in an external Microphone and Sony also makes really Compact shotgun mics for their Sony Cameras that plug straight into the Flash Mount without needing any kind of Wires and like any good video camera the Zv1 also has a side articulating screen Which is ideal for someone that wants to See themselves while filming but also High angle and low angle shots and with The screen on the back you also have Touch autofocus and the Z V10 also has Really good autofocus with face and eye Detect and the autofocus over over all Is fast and reliable without any sort of Quirks or hunting and it does a really Good job with detecting faces and eyes And overall it's a really reliable Autofocusing system you're really not Going to have problems with it even if You're new to cameras and a great thing About shooting on the zv1 or really any Sony camera is the Sony E mount for Lenses this is going to give you access To all of Sony lenses all of third party Lenses and even the really cheap and Affordable Cinema lenses available on Amazon you're going to have unlimited

Options with this camera because of that Own e- mounts however one downside of The zv1 is that for a video camera the Battery life is pretty short so I Recommend having a few spares on a Single charge you'll get about 40 Minutes of continuous video shooting but If you're someone that's doing a sit Down talking head video in a studio like This you can also power this camera via The USBC port and it will also charge Your batteries now one of the most Important things when it comes to Choosing the right video camera for you Is that it has to look pretty so let's Talk about my favorite thing about Cameras and also one of the most Important the sensor the zv1 has a 24 Megapixel APS C- size sensor but it's Not just a typical sensor the sensor is Also very very good in low lights if You're a beginner chances are you're Probably just shooting with available Light which is usually very dim and if You do have lights they're probably very Small by having a camera that's good at High ISO you can get a lot more power Out of those small lights and make your Dim available light go a lot further the Zv1 looks pretty good up to 3200 ISO but You can easily push this up to 6,400 ISO And clean up the noise in post Production and the zv1 also has the Updated Sony color signs which has

Better color saturation and also looks Better for skin tones and when we're Talking about colors it also has the Most important feature you need in your Camera to make it look cinematic or Professional and that is s log 3 and Hybrid log gamma which are the ideal Color profiles to shoot on for maximum Dynamic range color flexibility and Clean results at High isos basically It's going to give you the best results By using these color profiles however The zv1 only has 8bit color instead of 10bit color but because we have Cinema Profiles in this camera we should be Just fine if we color grade our videos Properly and naturally the zv1 also Meets the minimum requirements for a Good beginner video camera by having 4K At 24 and 30 frames per second but There's actually something special about The 4K in the zv1 it's also down sampled From 6K because it uses all the pixels On the sensor and essentially takes the 6K image from the 24 megapix sensor and Squeezes it down into a more manageable And easier to edit 4K file this Essentially means you'll have a 4K file With 6K quality and detail and the Z V10 Also has full HD at 60 frames per second For two times slow motion and 120 frames Per second for five times slow motion Slow motion is a really good tool to Have to get more interesting and more

Dynamic shots this is really useful for Music videos content creators or Basically anyone that wants to shoot Something epic as a beginner video Camera for vloggers Content creators Filmmakers or anything else the zv1 Pretty much has it all the body alone Comes at a really phenomenal price and It's the best option for someone on a Budget now if you're someone that's Really serious about video and maybe Your budget isn't quite as tight and you Really want to push the limits with your Creativity chances are you're going to Find yourself pretty limited with a Budget camera like the Sony zv E10 and In order to really get the kind of Results you want you're probably going To need better specs but if you want Prole specs without having to pay prole Prices and wreck your bank account There's actually still One camera that's Relatively affordable and gives you all The specs you need and that is the Sony A6700 it has a 26 megapixel epsc size Sensor that's actually the same sensor From the prevel Sony fx30 so you're Actually going to get the exact same Quality as a legit Cinema Camera without Having to pay Cinema Camera prices plus It also has a dual native ISO of 640 and 2500 at 2500 this camera is completely Clean and you can still push it beyond That so while the zv1 does a pretty good

Job in low light and high eyes so the A6700 is going to absolutely blow you Away and it also has the latest version Of the Sony AI based autofocus which can Intelligently recognize subject matter Like people animals cars Birds insects And the list goes on it's super fast Super reliable there's zero quirks or Hunting with this autofocus and in my Experience it's actually better than you Managing autofocus yourself because you Have a dedicated chip on this camera Managing autofocus for you and this is The same autofocusing system from the Sony A7 R5 which is like a $6,000 Camera Plus it also has seven stops of five AIS Stabilization with active stabilization And comparing active stabilization Compared to no stabilization the results Are dramatic it's basically like having A gimbal inside of your camera and it Also has the latest Sony color science With slog 3 and Cinema profiles and it Also has something known as as cotone Which is meant to be a beginner friendly Version of a cinema profile that's Really easy to grade you do lose one Stop of dynamic range with this profile But it's a easy trade-off to make for This filmic look and it also has 10bit Color in every single frame rate giving You the gold standard for a beginner Video camera now in terms of frame rates It of course has 4K at 24 and 30 frames

Per second but it also has 4K at 60 Frames per second for two times slow Motion and on top of that it's also down Sampled from 6K in every single frame Rate basically giving you 6K detail and Clarity across the entire Board of frame Rates and of course it still does full HD at 60 frames per second and 120 Frames per second but one feature when It comes to slow motion that I'm really Excited about is that the a6700 can also Shoot 4K at 120 frames per second for Five times slow motion but there is one Downside in the slow motion mode you Also have have a 1.6 times crop which is Pretty heavy and it zooms your image way In already cropping your already small Apsc size sensor and 4K at 120 frames Per second is also a little bit noisier So it's not a mode that you probably Want to use as your main shooting mode But it's a really useful tool to have For getting some epic Lamour shots or Tighter detail shots now in terms of Body and Design This is where the a6700 Really stands up for me it's built like A traditional mirrorless camera and has A lot more complicated modes buttons and Dials on it that might make your head Spin a little bit if you're new to Cameras but it does have some pretty Nice advantages if you're working with This camera you're probably making legit Projects you're probably not just making

Talking head videos like this you're Probably making music videos commercials Short films or something really cool and For that you need to be able to work Fast and efficient the a6700 actually Has two custom buttons on it that you Can pretty much program anything to you Can use it to bring up your picture Profiles autofocus modes or anything That fits your shooting style and this Is going to help you work a lot faster On top of that it has a mode do that Also has three custom presets you can Set this up for 4K 24 4K 60 4K 120 or 4K At low light and with this you can Quickly switch to the mode that you need For that specific shot and it also has a Dedicated selector to go between regular Video and a dedicated slow motion mode Where you slow the video down for you in Camera this is going to be really useful If you want to get some quick real time Shots and then get a slow motion shot at The end of it and the side articulating Screen on the a6700 is also 100% touch Sensitive so not only do you get touch Autofocus but you get complete control Over your camera you can use it to Change over your menus and also change Your major settings like shutter ISO and Aperture now I have to address the Elephant in the room the rumors of this Camera overheating are greatly Exaggerated when this camera first

Launched it did have some overheating Issues after the firmware release those Overheating issues are pretty much all Gone if you use this camera with your Temperature setting set to high you can Easily get over an hour of 4K at 24 and Maybe about 45 minutes at 4K at 60 Frames per second but chances are you're Not really going to be shooting for that Long in one take and if you do have any Sort of overheating issues you can Easily pick up a pretty affordable $40 To $60 external fan that will solve all Of your overheating issues so I have to Say overheating is not an issue with This camera and even if it did overheat When you consider the raw horsepower of The a6700 with 4K down sampled in every Frame rate up to 60 frames per second 4K At 120 even though it has a crop plus S Log3 and S cotone for color grading and The worldclass autofocus and Stabilization plus the amazing bodying Design that's going to help you work Faster and more efficiently the a6700 is An absolute steal for the price and it's Probably the best camera to get for a Beginner video maker filmmaker content Creator or someone that just does video But whether you're getting the Sony Z V10 or the a6700 you want to make sure You get the best price possible so you Want to check out the links in Description down below and I will see

You guys in the next video peace